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RT 140 Ch.5

Radiation Protection

Radiobiology Concerned with effects of ionizing radiation on living systems
Adverse effects of ionizing radiation effect? *Cell structure *Cell composition *Cell function
What are the attributes of ionizing radiations? *Charge *Mass *Energy
What is used to Determine the extent different radiation modalities transfer energy into biologic tissues? *Linear Energy Transfer (LET) *Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) *Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)
Linear Energy Transfer (LET) The average energy deposited per unit path length of “track” as it traverses a material medium.
What is an important factor in assessing potential tissue and organ damage from ionizing radiation? Linear Energy Transfer (LET)
x & gamma radiation, no charge, Sparsely ionizing and interacts randomly along it’s trak, & cause damage through Indirect Action is know as what type of LET? Low LET
Ionizing radiation with mass and charge, Densely Ionizing along track, Alpha Particles, Heavy Nuclei Ions, Charged Particles, Neutrons are know as what type of LET? High LET
What is the formula for Linear Energy Transfer (LET)? LET is inversely proportional to the square of the velocity and is directly proportional to the square of the charge
What is the size of DNA? 10nm
Electron vs. Alpha *e- represents Compton or Photoelectric effect in Diagnostic Beam *Alpha represents particles ejected from radioactive decay (Radon)
Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) A term relating the ability of radiations with different LET's to produce a specific biologic response
what is the formula for RBE? RBE = Dose in Gy from 250 kV x-rays/ Dose in Gy from another radiation that produces the same biologic effect
Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER) Many chemicals can change the response of cells to radiation. the one that has a very big effect and is important in Radiobiology is oxygen.
What is a radiosensitizer and its effects have been observed in all classes of organisms? oxygen
When is oxygen most effective? Oxygen is most effective when administered simultaneously with the radiation.
What is the formula for Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)? OER= Hypoxic/ Oxygenated
Effects of Ionizing Radiation where observed in what 3 levels? *Molecular *Cellular *Organic
Any induced injuries on living systems by radiation is a consequence of damage at what level? The molecular level
Direct Action Biologic Damage as a result of ionization of atoms on master molecule
Indirect Action Effects produced by reactive free radicals
How are free radicals produced? Free radicals produced by interaction of radiation with water. * Interaction with water molecules in the cell to produce free radicals (hydroxyl radical) that damage critical targets on DNA *H2O→ H2O+ + e- *H2O+ + H2O → H3O+ + OH-
What are extremely reactive and can undergo a number of reactions? Free Radicals
Single Strand Breaks *Point Mutation *Radiation can rupture chemical bonds *Can sever Sugar Phosphate (Strand) chain
What break is common with Low LET radiation & damage can be reversible by repair enzymes? Single Strand Breaks
Double Strand Break *Further exposure to radiation results in additional breaks on *Sugar Phosphate chain DSB on same chain are not easily repaired
What break is common with High LET radiation & damage to Nitrogenous bases? Double Strand Break
Chromosomal Damage is associated with what type of LET? High LET
Damage is only seen at what phase of Mitosis? Metaphase and Anaphase
What is the irreplaceable master molecule in cell? DNA
Instant Death 1000Gy received secs to mins will disrupt the cell and cause death.
Reproductive Death 1- 10Gy Cells does not die , but loses reproductive abilities
Apoptosis *Cell dies without attempting to divide during Interphase *Programmed cell death
Mitotic Death Retards the mitotic process and adversely affects cellular division
Mitotic Delay 0.01 Gy at beginning of division can cause mitotic delay No known cause.
Chromosome Breakage Cell irradiation during mitosis can lead to chromosomal breakage.
Survival Curves Relates sensitivity of a particular type of cell to ionizing radiation.
Bergonie and Tribondeau Radiation has a more damaging effect on cells that are: -Rapidly dividing -Have Long Mitotic Cycle -Immature stage in development Undifferentiated cells
Most Sensitive M phase of cell cycle. *G2 phase
Least sensitive S phase of cell cycle. *GI phase
Law of Bergonie and Tribondue-1906 Established that Radiosensitivity is a function of the metabolic state of cell while irradiating Germ cell studies
Radiosensitivity *Directly proportional to reproductive activity *Inversely proportional to degree of differentiation
Hematologic Depression 0.25 Gy delivered lead to depressed blood count
Immature Blood Cells Irradiated Bone Marrow(BM) lead to depressed stem or precursor cells.
Repopulation BM cells can repopulate if low dose received
Radiation affects mainly what cells of Hematopoietic System? stems cells
What is the Lethal Dose of radiation in animals? LD 50/30 *30 Gy for Newts
What is the Lethal Dose of radiation for humans? LD 50/60 *3-4 Gy
Granulocytes *“Scavenger” WBC *Increase in number in response to irradiation *Then decrease rapidly, then decrease slowly
Thrombocytes (Platelets) *Blood clotting and prevent Hemorrhaging *Lifespan of 30 days *50 rads (0.5Gy)
Cell Survival Curves *With Low LET radiation, a shoulder to the curve at lower doses indicates the cells ability to repair some damage at low doses. *High-LET radiation typically has no shoulder, indicating that little or no repair takes place.
The greatest concern when internal contamination is possible when a radionuclide has been? *Implanted *Ingested *Injected *Inhaled
What are the two types of Chromosomal Anomalies observed at metaphase? 1. Chromosomal aberrations 2. Chromatid aberrations
Created by: kayg
Popular Radiology sets




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