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phleb ddimer-lot
Question | Answer |
D-dimer | Product of fibrinolysis |
Debilitated | Weak |
Desiccant | Substance that absorbs moisture |
Diaphoretic | Perspiring |
Diaphragm | Muscle that sepatates the thoracic and abdominal cavities |
Diarthrosis | Freely movable joint |
Diastole | Relaxation phase of the heartbeat |
Diencephalon | Second portion of the brain (contains the thalamus and hypothalamus |
Disinfectant | Substance that destroys microorganisms (usually used on surfaces rather than on skin) |
Distal convoluted tubule | Part of the renal tubule between the loop of Henle and the collecting duct |
Dorsal | Pertaining to the back of the body |
Duodenum | First part of the small intestine |
Dura mater | Outermost layer of the meninges |
Edema | Accumulation of fluid in the tissues |
Emesis | Vomit |
Endocardium | Inner lining of the heart |
Endoscopy | Examination of a body canal,such as the intestions or esophagus |
Enema | Introduction of a substance into the rectum. |
Enteric | pertaining to the intestinal tract |
Ebtrainment | The act of drawing along |
Epicardium | Outer layer of the heart |
Epididymides | Colied oragns of the testes where the sperm mature |
Epiglottis | Leaf-shaped catilage that covers the larynx during swallowing |
Epinephrine (adrenaline) | hormone produced by the adrenal medualla to increase heart rate and blood pressure |
Erythroprotein | hormone produced by the kidney to increase red blood cell production |
Estrogen | Female hormone produced by the adrenal cortex and the ovaries to maintain secondary sex characteristics |
Exophthalmus | Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball |
Expiratory reserve volume | maximum amount of gas exhaled following a normal breath |
Fallopian tubes | tubes connecting the ovaries and the uterus |
Febrile | Pertaining to fever |
Femur | Long bone of the upper leg |
Fertilization | Union of the sperm and ovum |
Fibrin | Protein substance produced in the coagulation process to form the foundation of a clot |
Fibrinogen | Circulating protein converted to fibrin in the coagulation process (present in plasma but not in serum) |
Fibrinolysis | breakdown of a fibrin clot |
Fibula | Long bone of the lower leg |
Fixed performance system | Oxygen delivery system that provides a constant and consistant FiO2 regardless of the patient's respiratory pattern |
Flowmeter | device used to measure and deliver a certain amount of gas over a period of time. |
Fluoroscopy | Examination of body structures by projecting x-ray shadows on a fluoroscopic screen. |
Foley catheter | Retention catheter held in place by inflation of a balloon |
Follicle-stimualting hormone | hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate estrogen secretion and egg production by the ovaries and sperm production by the testes |
Folwer's position | The head of the bed is elavated to 90 degrees |
functional residual capacity | Amount of gas left in the lungs after normal exhalation |
Gastrin | Hormone secreted by the gastric mucosa to stimulate gastric acid secretion |
Gauge | unit of measure assigned to the diameter of the needle bore |
Genitalia | reproductive organs |
Geriatric | pertaining to old age |
Glomerulus | Collection of capillaries enclosed by the Bowman's capsule where filtration occurs |
Glucagon | Hormone produced by the pancreas to stimulate conversion of glycogen to glucose |
Glucosuria | glucose in the urine |
Grid | Thin, wafer-like barrier placed between the patient and the radiographic cassette to absorb scattered radiation |
Growth hormone | Hormone produced by by the anterior pituitary gland to stimulate growth of the bones and tissues |
Hemodialysis | Technique used to remove waste products from the blood when the kidneys are not functioning |
Hemoglobinometer | Instrument that measures the concentration of hemoglobin in a solution |
Hemolysis | Destruction of red blood cells |
Hemolytic disease of the newborn | Blood group or type incompatibility between mother and the fetus that can cause hemolysis of the fetus's red blood cells |
Heparin | anitcoagulant monitored by the activated partial thromboplastin time |
Human chorionic gonadotropin | hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy to stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen and progesterone |
Humerus | long bone of the upper arm |
Hypoglycemia | decreased blood glucose |
Hypothalamus | Part of the brain that regulates body temperature and the secretions of the pituitary gland |
Hypothyroidism | reduced thyroid function |
Hypoventilation | Below normal level of ventilation that increases the partial pressure of carbon dioxide |
Hypoexemia | less than normal partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood |
Heum | last part of the small intestines |
Immune | resistant to certain diseases |
Infection | Multiplication of microorganisms in the body tissue |
Inferior | Pertaining to a position below another structure |
Inspiratory reserve volume | the amount of gas that can be inhaled above that of a normal inhalation |
Insulin | Hormone produced by the pancreas to promote the utilization of glucose by the body |
Intesifying screens | internal sides of a radiographic film cassette |
Intercostal | Between the ribs |
Interneuron | nerve cell entirely within the central nervous system |
Internodal pathways | Area of the heart that conducts impulses from the SA node to the AV node |
Interstitial fluid | Fluid located in the spaces betweenn the cells |
Ischemia | Deficientcy of blood to a body area |
Jaundice | Yellow appearance |
Jejunum | Second part of the small intestines |
Kilovoltage | Electric potential of one thousad volts |
Labia | Outer folds of the vagina |
Larynx | Organ between the pharynx and the trachea containing the vocal cords |
Left anterior descending artery | Branch of the left coronary artery that supplies the anterior of the heart |
Left bundle branch | Division of the bundle of His transmitting impulses to the Purkinje system |
Licensure | authorization by an agency to practice a profession |
Lipase | Pancreatic enzyme to digest fats |
Loop of Henle | Part of the renal tubule between the proximal convoluted tubule and the distal convoluted tubule |
Lot | group of products manufactured at the same time under the same conditions |