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Ch.16 Vocabulary JK
Question | Answer |
First battle of Civil War-Confederates attacked Ft. Sumter in S. Carolina before resupply. | Fort Sumter |
Talented general of the South-joined Confederacy because of Virgina(home). | Robert E. Lee |
Delaware,Maryland,Kentucky,Missouri-slave states of Union that were border-resources and location were important to either side. | border state |
Southern cotton-extremely important in international market-tried to coerce Europe to aid Confederacy-failed because of surplus. | King Cotton |
General Winfield Scott's offensive plan-squeeze Southern economy-naval blockade and Mississippi River. | Anaconda Plan |
Exploitation of armed forces to prevent the transportation of chattel or people to and from the premises. | blockade |
July 21, 1861-Confederate victory in Manassas, Virginia-Union McDowell lost against Conf. Pierre Beauregard-Lincoln called for real army after this loss. | First Battle of Bull Run |
Conditions and practices that promote health-poor hygiene resulted in widespread disease and death. | hygiene |
A gun with a grooved barrel that allows a projectile to be ejected with torsion-increased speed and accuracy. | rifle |
A bullet with a hollow base that expands to fit the grooves in a rifle. | minie ball |
A iron-covered ship that is armed with cannons in a turret and a steam engine. | ironclad |
A Union general who fought in Tennessee in Feb. 1862-victorious-fought quickly and strongly. | Ulysses S. Grant |
Union Grant and Conf. Johnston fought in Tennessee-Union victory-extreme casualties-13k Union, 11k Conf. | Battle of Shiloh |
Soldiers on horseback. | cavalry |
Conf. Lee attacked Union McClellan from June 25, 1862 to July 1-Conf. victory-heavy losses for Conf. | Seven Day's Battles |
September 17. 1862-Union victory-Union McClellan fought Conf. Lee-Sharpsburg, Maryland- bloodiest day of Civil War-McClellan failed to finish Lee and was fired. | Battle of Antietam |