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Where did the Nez Perce tribe live? Idaho/Oregon area
Where did the Pawnee tribe live? Nevbraska area-Platte River
Where did the Cherokee tribe live? Lived in Southeast, North and South Carolinas, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee-trails of tears
Where did the Mayans tribe live? Built Monuments and great cities-originated in the Yucatan.
Where did the Olmecs settle? Settled on the Gulf Coast
Where did the Aztecs tribe live? They dominated northern Mexico originated in Aztlan somewhere in North or northwest Mexico.
What was the Requerimeinto? It was a document read to natives declaring that Jesus was the Christ, and that the pope had power to rule over all the earth.
What does Conquistadores mean? Spanish soldiers committed terrible acts
What was the Black Legend? Used to describe Spaniards oppression of Native Americans
What was the Great Migration? Puritans persecuted-migrated in 1630's to the new World.
What was the Toleration Act? Freedom of religion in Baltimore to anyone professing to believe in Jesus Christ.
Columbus left Spain in.... 1492
What names of the ships did Columbus use? Pinta, Nina and the Santa Maria
Who gave Columbus the ships? Queen Isabella
Who is Vasco Numiz de Balboa? Discovered pacific ocean, crossed isthmus of Panama
Who is Hernan Cortes? Lived in Mexico-over ran Aztecs.
Who set out on 3-year voyage around the world? Ferdinand Megellan
Who subdued Incas in Peru? Francisco Pizarro
Who landed in Mainland North America (Florida)? Juan Ponce de Leon
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? 1494-divides land up between Spain (New World) and Portugal (Africa)
When did Cabot (England) explored East Coast of North America? 1497
Who was the first European to sight New York? Verrzonno
The leader who tried to get Jamestown started? Captan John Smith
Who is John Rofe? Married Pacahontas and introduced tobacco.
Five reasons JamesTown failed. Lack of food, indian attacks, malaria/disease, concentrated on looking for gold and leader did not respond to challenges of the wilderness.
Why did the Puritans leave England? (name three leaders) The were upset with the church and King James-Jon Robinson, William Brewster, and William Bradford
Who founded Rhode Island? Roger Williams in 1636
Who founded Pennsylvania? William Penn (Quarker)
What helped shape the European settlement of Virginia and Maryland in 1600's? Climate/land
What is the Headright system? tried to solve labor problems, Virginian colonist given two headrights of 50 acres each. immigrant colonists were given one headright and individuals would receive one headright each time they paid for the passage of another individual.
What did the headright system create? Increased division between wealthy land owners and working poor.
What did the Tea Act cause? 1773 allowed the British East India Company to sell tea to the British Colonies without paying colonial tax. They undercut prices of the colonial merchants and smugglers and the colonists got mad. One of the causes of the American Revolutionary War.
What was the Sugar Act? 1764 Tax by Great Britain on sugar, molasses and wine, cloth and other goods.
What caused the Revolutionary War? Tea, Sugar, Stamp Act
What was the Stamp Act? Stiff taxes on printed materials newspapers-legal documents-licenses
Who said "Pot is set to boil" John Adams
What were the reason American colonies declared independence? (four) Conflicts between colonies and England, violated compact between colonists and Britain, wanted to separate from England, right to liberty and pursuit of Happiness
Bicameral legislature consist of ... Two houses
Which house has equal representation? Senate
Which house is based on population in state. House of Representatives
What are the three branches of government? Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branch
The Executive Branch consist of .... President, vice president, departments, and independent agencies
What can the Executive Branch do? (eight) Approves or vetoes bills, makes treaties, grants pardons and reprieves, enforces laws, commissions officers to armed forces, Commander in Chief of armed forces, head of state, appoints or removes cabinet members and National CEO
What does the Legislative Branch consist of. The Senate and House
The Legislative Branch collectively can...(four) coin money, maintain a military, declare war on other countries, regulate interstate and foreign commerce
House can .......(4 items) serve a two year term, start laws that make people pay taxes, decide if government officials should be put to trial before the senate, has power to impeach
The Senate can.....(5 items) Serve 6 year terms, confirm or disapprove treaties, confirm or disapprove presidential appointments, hold trail for a government official who commits a crime against the country, power to remove official from office
What is the highest court in the country and has th judicial powers of the government? Supreme Court
What court is lower then Supreme-not created in the Constitution but congress deemed them necessary? Federal Court
Group of electors selected by voters in each state and D.C..... Electoral College
Reasons we have Electoral College? Framers wanted to incorporate systems within the government that would protect people and keep it from becoming monarchy.
Federalist position on Electoral College. Federalist wanted direct elections for President and Vice President. One person=1 vote-majority=winner.
Anti-Federalists position on Electoral College... Opposed direct elections-feared general population lacked ability to choose best candidate.
How many members of the Electoral College? 538
Each state must have at least how many electoral college votes? 3
What is the Manifest Destiny? Means the belief that the United States had a divinely inspired mission to expand spreading democracy and freedom.
What was the Trail of Tears? The government forced 15,000 Cherokees to leave Georgia for Oklahoma. At least 4000 died on the way. 1838
What was the Missouri Compromise? Compromise of 1820-said Missouri could be a slave state but rest of Louisiana Purchase was to be free.
What was the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854? This idea gave each territory the power to decide for itself-it it was a free state or slave state-
Explain the Dred Scott Decision of 1857. Even though a black slave lived with his master in a free state, he/she was still a slave.
Hoover and the depression what did he do? He refused to do much to help indidviuals because he thought government should not interfer with business and people's lives-lead to super-state=loss of freedom.
What did Franklin D. Roosevelt do about the depression? Created New Deal programs-served four terms
Woodrow Wilson and WWI He wanted to remain neutral but warned the Germans they would be held accountable for any loss of American lives.
The Lusitanias and WWI. The Germans sank the Lusitanias-a British
What finally made Woodrow Wilson enter WWI? The Germans decided to go back on the pledge to stop sinking merchant ships without warning.
What was the Treaty of Versailes? A peace settlement that ended WWI.
What was 'Bleeding Kansas'? Anti-slavery extrmist-John Brown and his followers took 5 proslavery men from cabins in Kansas and murdered them.
What events fueled the pre-civil war conflict over slavery? (four) Territorial expansion (compromise 1850), fugitive slave act, Kansas Nebraska act, Bleeding Kansas
What is the benefit of the American two party system? Allows for greater representation of the people.
What is a relief map? Uses false color and 3-D shading to show changes in altitude.
What is a climate map? Climate of a region using color or patterns
What is a topographical map Detailed and accurate graphic representation of cultural and natural features on ground. Includes manmade features like roads, bridges, and mines. shows relative position land elevation of mountains, landforms and bodies of water
What is a political map? Includes country names, boarders, physical ocean features and island names, boundaries, divisions and capitals.
Describe the Mercado map/globe. Preserves shape of globe, land masses are distorted in size but shape is preserved, lines of longitude are parallel to one another equator is tangent to globe, parallels of latitude grow further apart as they leave the equator, only useful for shapes.
Describe the Goode map. Map split into sections in center of land masses-made distance hard to measure.
Describe the Robinson map. 1963 the best. used by US geographic service, National Geography society and most educational institutions.
What word is used to explain long-term weather for at least 30 years? Climate
What two factors determine an area climate? Air temperature and precipation
What are Biomes controlled by? Climate
What are the three components needed to create biome? Climate, plants, animals
What is deforestation? Increased soil erosion, leads to imparied water cycle in specific ecosystem and ultimately the earth.
What is global warming? Increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere=greenhouse effect
What is energy development? Increased competition for scarce resources (coal) and increased local pollution levels like acid rain.
What is population growth? Increased demand for food.
How does regional natural resources impact international relations? Competing transportation costs for ore, coal, and finished steel will determine the location of steel mills.
How does regional natural resources impact international relations? Possession of rare minerals ( South Africa) and large deposits of energy resources (Saudi Arabia) strenghten a states position in global affairs. Fewer resources can be overcome (Japan).
How does consumption of resources impact world economy? Mineral depletion and over use=shortages=economic decline in certain areas.
How does physical geography impact drawing of political lines? Mountain ranges, major rivers, desert areas (natural boundaries).
Natural growth rate = Birth and death rates.
Resource= anything humans use
Natural resource= directly from the Earth, water, minerals, and wood
Direct natural resource= DO NOT require any secondary treatment=lumber, fish and water.
Which president created the New Deal to alliviate suffering during the Great Depression? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Which president initiated diplomatic opening to China? rICHARD nIXON
Which president served during the Civil War; ended slavery? Abraham Lincoln
Which president set important precedents for the President's role in government? George Washington
Which president commissioned Lewis and Clark's exploration of the Louisiana Purchase? Thomas Jefferson
Which president hastened the end of the Cold War and reduced federal economic control? Ronald Reagan
Which president challenged scientists to send a man to the moon by the end of the decade? John F. Kennedy
What did President Johnson's Great Society programs do? Supplied federal funds to school districts, set up a program for disadvantaged preschoolers, provided for federal intervention to protect African American registration and voting in six states, set up an insurance program for people over 65 years old.
Created by: starham
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