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Late Adulthood

Journey Across the Life Span: Human Development and Health Promotion

Three periods in old age *young old- 65-74 *the old- 75-90 *very old- 90 and older
Fasting growing group of people in the US Elderly
Life Span Maximum number of years that a species is capable of surviving
When does aging process begin? At conception
Aging A normal, inevitable, progressive process that produces irreversible changes over an extended time.
Senescence The symptoms of normal aging
Common Myths About Aging (old people) -Are senile -Live alone, isolated -Ill -Victims of crime -Live in insitutional settings -Set in ways, will not change -Unhappy -No interest in sex -Poverty
Gerontology Study of aging
Biological Theories *Attempt to explain the physical changes that accompany aging -Clockwork Theory -Free-Radical Theory -Wear-and-Tear Theory -Immune-System-Failure Theory -Autoimmune Theory
Clockwork Theory Connective-tissue cells have an internal clock that is genetically programmed to stop cell reproduction after so many reproductions. This "clock" determines the length of ones life.
Free-Radical Theory A theory of aging that state that highly unstable molecules contribute to the aging process.
Antioxidants Precent the formation of free radicals and are considered important dietary substances...Vitamins C, E
Wear-and-Tear Theory After repeated injury cells wear out and cease to fxn...metabloic wastes products accumulate over time and deprive cells of their nutrition and cause them to malfunction.
Immune-System-Failure Theory The decline in the immune functions cause the body to slow its responses to foreign invaders, making elderly more susceptible to both major and minor infections.
Autoimmune Theory Aging is related to the bodys weakening immune system, which fails to recognize its own tissues and may destroy itself..
Psychosocial Theories Attempt to explain how aging affects socializaiton and life satisfaction
Disengagement Theory Society and the individual gradually withdraw or disengage from each other.
Activity Theory Individuals achieve satisfaction from life by maintaining a high level of social activity and involvement.
Continuity-Developmental Theory Views each person as a unique individual with a distinct personality. Belief that a persons personality and pattern of belief ramain unchanged with aging.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) used to improve circulation and blood flow to brain
Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) used to prevent or treat prostate enlargement by helping to shrink the prostate gland.
St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is recommended for reliefe of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Evening primose (Oneothera biennis) is recommended to treat signs and symptons of menopause and dry skin.
Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is used to reduce signs and symptons of menopause
Chondroitin sulfate and Glucosamine used to help maintain caritlage
Celery seed (Apium graveolens) is used to treat gout and arthritis.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is recommended to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and to prevent blood clots
Vitamin E recommended to help prevent heart attacks and may prevent dementia
Vitamin C has long been touted for its usefulness in reducing the severity of colds.
Atrophy Shrinking of body fat
Trunk length _______ as spinal curvature ________, and the intervertebral disks compact decreases, increases
After age 30, adults lose 1 centimeter per decade
Older adults have ___% fewer cells than younger adults 30
Postmenopausal lose this at a faster rate than men do (putting woman at a greater risk for osteoporosis) Bone Mass
Kyphosis exaggerated curvature of the spinem or the typical dowagers hump
Less elastic in elder people tendons and ligaments
Lipofuscin a pigmented metabolic waste product
Loss of elasticity in blood vessels, accumulation of collagen and lipfuscin, results in narrowing of the vessel ______ lumen (diamter) - which causes an increase in blood pressure
Diet, weight, stress levels are more of a cause of this rather than age Increased BP
Decrease in cardiac output 1 percent per year occurs between ages 20 and 80
Risks for Osteoporosis Female, Low body weight, Smoking...
Best type of exercise to maximise cardiac function Walking
Increased pressure on a weak vessel leads to Varicosities
Calcification of the rib cage and costal cartilage... Makes chest wall more rigid and less compliant
Between ages 20 and 60 1 liter of vital capacity is lost..lungs exhale less efficiently, causing an increase in the residual volume
Residual Volume amount of air remaining in the lungs after forceful exhalation
Xerostomia dry mouth, amount of salivia decreases
Dysphagia difficulty swallowing
Places an older person at a risk for aspiration diminished gag reflex
Peristalsis muscle movement that propels food through the GI system
Integumentary system consists of the skin, hair, nails, oil, sweat glands
Homeostasis internal balance
Senile lentigo Irregular pigmentation
Pruritus Itching
Keratosis thickening (pressure ulcers, skin cancer)
Presbyopia loss of the eyes ability to focus
opacity clouding of the lens
presbycusis hearing loss
cerumen ear wax
tinnitus ringing
Sexual relationships Older people enjoy this - affection and pleasure seeking behaviors are need more stimulation to reach erection, women need creams and lubes because of dryness
Ego integrity a life puzzle which all the pieces fit together- usually feel satisfied with their life
reminiscence (life review) reassures older people about their accomplishments and worth- allows an elderly person to weave his or her life meaning
Created by: ballenx
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