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Integumentary I
Integumentary Disorders
Question | Answer |
What is psoriasis | Chronic relasping proliferative skin disorder that occurs at any age and afeects 1% to 2% of the population |
What are the layers of the skin | Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis |
What is the main function of the skin? | Protection, Thermal regulation, Vitamin D production |
What are the appendages of the skin | Nails - Hair - Sebaceous glands - Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands |
What is cellulites | adipose tissue, fat fatty tissue, lumpy deposists of body fat especially on women's thighs etc. |
What types of Herpes virsuses are there and what do they cause | Herpes Simplex - Type 1 Cold Sores Herpesvirus hominus Type 2 Genital Herpes |
What types of Herpes virsuses are there and what do they cause | Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Herpes Varicellae, Chickenbox |
Inflammation of the spinal ganglia is known as what and is caused by what | Known as Shingles, caused by Herpes Zoster |
What is Pityriasis Rosea | Pink skin rash, scally, affects people between 6 and 30 years, no treatment required |
What causes warts? | Benign lesions of the skin cuased by the human papillomavirus (HPV) |
What is Atopic or Allergic Dermatitis | Associated with a family history of allergies, hay fever, elevated IgE levels,and increased histamine sisnsitvity. Pruitus and scrating predispose the skin to infection, scaling and thickening. |
Describe stasis dermatitis | Occurs on the legs and results from venous stasis and edema |
Seborrheic dermatitis | involves scaly, yellowish, inflammatory plaues of the scalp, eyebrows, eylids, ear canals, chest axillae, and back |
What is Psoriasis? | a chronic skin disease with thickening of both the epidermis and dermis, characterized by scaly, erhthematous, pruritic plaques. |
Acne vlugaris is | an inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicle |
What is cellulites? | adipose tissue, fat, fatty tissue |
What causes melanoma? | Malignant tumor of the skin originating from melanocytes |
What makes melanin? | Melanin is a brown-black pigment derived from the amino acid tyrosine. It is synthesized by epidermal cells called melanocytes and is stored in membrane-bound cytoplasmic vesicles called melanosomes. |
Nails have 4 structural units | –Proximal nail fold –The matrix from which the nail grows –The hyponychium (the nail bed) –The nail plate |
Eccrine Glands | Produce seat. thermo regulation |
Apocrine glands | fewer in number locaed in the axillae, scalp, face, aboden, and genital area. |
What are Keloids | Sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scars caused by excessive amounts of collagen in the corneum during connective tissue repair. •Prevalent in blacks and orientals |
What is eczema? | The most common inflammatory disorder of the skin is ECZEMA. –An inflammatory response of the skin caused by endogenous and exogenous agents. –Synonymous with dermatitis. |
What is seborrheic dematitis | A common chronic inflammation of the skin involving the scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, ear canals, nasolabial folds, axillae, chest and back. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin disorder that can be easily treated. This condition is a red, scaly, itchy ras |
What causes pityriasis rosea | The cause is thought to be a virus. |
What is acne vulgaris? | •The most common skin disease and affects 85% of the population between 12 and 25 years. •Develops at distinctive pilosebaceous units known as SEBACEOUS FOLLICLES. |