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OB final Exam chap4

Menstruation, menopause,

What is the average age for the beginning of menarche 12-17 - if not by 17 then healthcare investigation to check hormones
Why are vaginal sprays and douching not recommended? sprays can cause irritation and douching increases vaginal infections
What is Menorrhagia? Bleeding that is excessive in amount and duration and occurs at regular intervals
What is Metrorrhagia? Bleeding usually of a normal amount occuring at irregular intervals. It is often referred to as spotting.
____ is a painful menstration occures one day before or at start of mencese and usually have relief by second day Dysmenorrhea-there is an increase in prostaglandins so take NSAID
Differentiate between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea (painful menstration) Primary is not related to an underlying condition or pathology where secondary is.
What is Dyspareunia? Paninful intercourse.
What is primary dysmenorrhea Cramps without underlying disease
What causes Primary dysmenorrhea? high concentrations of prostaglandins which are usually produced during menses.
TWhat is a treat for primary dysmenorrhea? Oral Contraceptives, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), exercise (walking),rest, heat, nutrition and biofeedback
What is secondary dysmenorrhea? is associated with pathology of the reproductive tract and usually appears after menstruation has been established.
What condtitions usually cause dysmenorrhea? endometriosis, PID, anatomical anomalies such as cervical stenosis, imperforate hymen, uterine displacement, ovarian cyst, IUD.
What is Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)? Is a diagnosis that may be applied to a subgroup of women with PMS whose symptoms are primarily related and severe enough to interfere with occupational and social functioning.
What medications can help alleviate symptoms of PMDD? Prozac (serotonin agent), and Zoloft (serotonin agent).
Management of PMS diet, vit B6, antidepressents.
____ is a symptom complex associated with menstral cycle, starts about a week prior to menstration with leuteal phase Premenstrual syndrom (PMS)
___ is a normal process, not a disorder where ovaries stop producting estrogen Menopause-Dx after one year without menstration
_________refers to the psychologic and physiologic changes that occur around the time of menopause. Climacteric or change of life
____________refers to the period of time prior to menopause during which the woman moves from normal ovulatory cycles to cessation of menses. Perimenopause
3 characteristic of perimenopause decrease ovarian function, unstable endocrine physiology, unpredictible hormone profiles
Define Primary Amenorrhea menses never established by 16yrs of age
Define secondary amenorrhea menses that is established for at least 3 mo. and then stops.
what are the 4 possible causes of amenorrhea? hypothalmic, pituitary dysfunction, ovarian failure, anatomic abnormality
How is dysmenorrhea tested for? Transvaginal ultrasound, Hystersalpingography, and hysteroscopy.
What is the treatment for dysmenorrhea? Surgery (hysterectomy), medication, Vitamine B (Relieve bloating) and E, Heat, exercise, massage
_______ cause hot flashes (flushing and nightsweats) of menopause vasomotor changes
When is the best time to do a breast self examination After period b/c hormones ar lowest
How long should a women leave a diaphragm in place after sex? 6hrs.
Name 4 bacterially transmitted STD's Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Chancroid
Name 4 virally Transmitted STD's Genital Herpes, Genital warts(HPV), HIV, Hepatitis B
Name 2 disease transmitted by skin to skin contact (cutaneous). Pediculosis Pubis (Crabs), Scabies
What two STI cause the majority of pelvic inflammator disease (PID Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
What bacteria causes gonorrhea? Neisseria gonorrheaa
T or F most women do not exhibit symptoms True. Women are usually asymptomatic.
An infant that is exposed to a gonococcal infected birth canal is at risk of developing what? Opthalmia neonatorum. Eye prophylaxis is provided.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea? greenish-yellow discharge, dysuria, urinary frequency, some women develop inflammation and swelling of vulva, mild sore throat, stomach cramps, fever
What is the treatment of gonorrhea? antibiotics: Ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, azithromycin, doxycycline
What are the signs that the infection of gonorrhea is worsening? Sharp abdominal pain, fever, chills
What is the causitive bacteria of chlamydia? Chlamydia trachomatis
What is the most common bacterial STI in the United states? Chlamydia
Chlamydia infection can result in what? PID, infertility, ectopic pregnancy
What are the symptoms of chlamydia? Burning or frequent urination, lower abdominal pain, bleeding from the cervix, thin discharge
Chlamydia is a major cause of what in men? NGU-nongonococcal urethritis
What is the gold standard test of chlamydia? culture of cervical cells.
T or F chlamydia is usually asymptomatic is women? True
What is the treatment of chlamydia? azithromycin, doxycycline for non pregnant and erthromycin, amoxicilin.
what can occur if chlamydia is not treated? Sterility, PID, premature infant birth, eye infections
What is the cause of syphilis? spirochete Treponema pallidum
Symptoms if syphilis? Early stage: a chancre (painless ulcer), slight fever, loss of weight, malaise, swollen glands. Late stage: skin warts, rash, acute arthritis, enlargement of liver and spleen, enlarged lymph nodes, chronic sore throat with hoarsness.
What is the treatment of syphilis? Benzathine penicilin, doxycycline
What is a another name for HPV? Condylomata acuminata
What is the cause of HPV HPV is caused by a virus
What are the symptoms of HPV Soft grayish cauliflower like lesions on genitals, asymptomatic, may cause itching, pain,and bleed easily Warm, moist environment of genitalia is conducive of their growth
What is the treatment of HPV? no cure but treatment is available • Chemically treated with Trichloroacetic acid • Cover treated area with sodium bicarbonate bakingsoda) • Wash acid off in 4 hours • Freezing or laser therapy
What is Aids? A viral disease caused by HIV that is fatal
What is the test for AIDS? ELISA or western blot
What causes trichomoniasis Caused by trichomonas vaginalis
Is trichomoniasis asymptomatic yes often in women
what are the symptoms of trichomoniasis green-yellow frothy ordorous discharge, vaginal itching, dysuria, dysparunia, occasional strawberry red spots on the cervix.
What are the risk to pregnant women? Premature rupture of membranes, preterm birth , low birth weight
What is the treatment of trichomoniasis? Metrodiazole- client should avoid alcohol while taking.
Etiology of pevic inflammatory disease multiple sex partners, early sexual activity, IUD, recent gynecologic procedure.
What are the symptoms of PID cramping in lower quadrants, fever greater than 101, chills, mucopurulent discharge, irregular bleeding, nausea, vomiting,
The goal of antibiotic therapy for PID is to prevent ____ of fallopian tubes scarring
dysmenorrhea (pain), dyspareunia (painful intercourse), pelvic pain, constipation (pain on defecation) and infertility are all symptoms of endometriosis
Created by: dajavoo24
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