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BIO 273

Stack #6264

BIO 273 microbiologyBIO 273 Microbiology Ch. 16-17
antigen a molecule that reacts specifically with an antibody or immune lymphocyte
Immunoglobins glycoproteins, recognize and bind to foreign substances increase phagocytosis, nueutralizes toxins
IgM has five constant regions
epitope part fo the antigen that is bound by the antibody
IgE involved with allerigic reaction
T helper cells kill virus infected cells
MHC class I proteins present viral antigens when a cell is infected
MHC class II proteins are present on only immune system cells
MHC class II proteins present antigen to T helper cells
MHC class II proteins are found on the professional antigen presenting cell
T cell dependant antigens interact with plasma cells
clonal expansion happens only with B cells that produce IgE
the cell-mediated immune response involves MHC class I molecules, cytotoxic T cells, CD8 molecules, colonal expansion
cytoxic T cells recognize virus infected cells, activated by tumor necrosis factor, kills target cells by inducing apoptosis, Contain CD8
Opsonization helps increas phagocytosis
CD4 + cells are T helper cells
A plasma cell a B cell that produces antibodies
Passive immunity occurs naturally from mother to fetus
Passive artificial immunity transfer of preformed antibodies
Active natural immunity occurs in response to infections or other exposures
Active artificial immunity occurs in response to vaccine administration
vaccine a preparation of living or inactivated microorganisms or viruses or their components to induce active immunity
Attenuated immunixing agents antigenic and can repicate, but are modified to be incapable fo causing disease under normal circumstances
Inactivated vaccines contain inactivated whole agents or subunits of the agent
Recombinant vaccine genetically engineered
adjuvants increase the intensity of the immune response to the antigen in a vaccine
adaptive immunity acquired throughout life
Humoral immunity mediated by B-lymphocytes
activated in response to extracellular antigens B-lymphocytes
B-lympocytes proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells that produce antibodies
Cellular immunity mediated by T-lymphocytes
T-cytoxic cells destroy host cells that harbor intracellular agents such as viruses by inducing apoptosis
T-helper cells potential cellular and humoral response
cell mediated immune response involves T cells and their interactions with B cells
Humoral Immune response involve B cells and their products, the immunoglobulins or antibodies
antigens substances recognized as foreign by the components fo the immune response
somatic Ags "O"; of the body or endotoxin layer
Capsular Ags found in species with capsules
Flagellar Ags "H"; in motile species
Exotoxins toxins secreted by microorganisms into their external enviroment
E. Coli O157:H7 Somatic Ags
Steptococcus pneumoniae Capsular Ags
E. Coli O157:H7 flagellar Ags
tetanus toxin Exotoxin
hapten a molecule too small to cause an immune response
hapten carrier complex a hapten attached to a carrier molecule that makes it large enough to be recognized
IgG monomer
IgM pentamer
IgA found in bloodstream monomer
IgA found in mucos membranes(secretory IgA) Dimer
IgE membrane receptor molecule, active immunity to helminth disease, immediate hypersenstivity disease.responds to allergies and parasites
causes the body to expel pathogens, through coughing sneezing, mucous production IgE
protects baby until immune system develops, passes from mother to fetus IgG
B cells mature in bone marrow
T cells mature in thymus
cell mediated immunity cells T cells
antibody-synthesizing cells B cells
Plasma cells arise form B cells, to produce large amounts of antibodies
found on all human cells except RBC Class I MHC
found principally on cacrophages and dendritic cells and are used by these cells to present antigen to the T cells Class II MHC
T-helper cells carry the CD4 receptor and control immunoresponse
T-cytotoxic cells Carry the CD8 receptore and kill infected and cancerous cells
T-Suppressor cells carry the CD8 receptor and suppress the immune system, to avoid autoimmune reactions
T-Delayed -type Hypersensitivity carry the CD4 receptor and are involved in DTH
allow the body to recognize self versus non self cells MHC molecules
Firtst antibody seen in a primary response to a particular antigen IgM
Created by: netangel29
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