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health assessment 2e


variation in S1 1. position of AV valve at start of S 2. structure of valve leaflets 3. how quickly p rises in the ventricle
loud (accentuated) S1 1. wide open + no time to drift 2gether 2. calcification of balve, need increase ventricular p to close valve against increased atrial p
faint (diminished) S1 1. delayed conduction from atria to ventricles. Mitral valve drifts shut b4 ventricular contraction closes it 2. extreme calcification, limit mobility 3. more forceful atrial contraction in2 noncompliant ventricle; delays or diminishes vent contraction
varying intensit of S1 1. position of AV varies b4 closes from beat to beat 2. atria + ventricles beat independently
split S1 mitral + tricuspid components r heard separately
accentuated S2 1. higher closing pressure 2. exercise + excitemet i pressure in aorta 3. pulmary hypetension 4. semilunar valves calcified but still mobile
diminished S2 1. fall in systemic BP causes a d in valve strength 2. semilunar valve thickend + calcified, w/decreased mobility
1st heart sound (S1) caused by closure of AV valves, signals beginning of systole -heard over entire percordium -loudest at apex S1=LUB S2= dup
2nd heart sound (S2) closure of semilunar valve -heard over entire percordium -loudest at base (lub -DUP)
spliting of S2 occurs at end of inspiration -instead of DUP you hear T-DUP
fixed split of S2 unaffected by respiration; split is always there
pardoxical split of S2 -conditions that delay AV closure cause inspiration: P2 is normally delayed, sound fuse expiration: hear split in order of P2A2
wide split of S2 wen R ventricle has delayed electrical activation, split is very wide on inspiration + still there on expiration
ejection click early systole at start of ejection bc open SL valve -SL open slighty (stenosis) makes sound (short + high pitched w/diaphargm) -aortic ejection: 2 r interspace + apex (loud) -pulmonic ejection: 2 L intespace+ softer w/inspiration -"ball in cage"
aortic prostheic valve sound opening of aortic ball-in-cage produce early systole sound -less intense w/tilting disk; absent w/tissue disk
midsystolic (mitral) click mitral valve prolapse: MV leaflets close with contraction but ballon back up into L atrium. During balloning, tensing of leaflets + chordea tend create click -2nd to mid/late systole + is short + high pitch -heard w/diapharm @ apex click followed sys m
opening snap presence of stenosis, I hihger atrial p to open valve sharp + high pitched, w/snap sound after S2 + diapharm @ 3+4 L inerspace @ sternal border sign of mitral stenosi
mitral prosthetic valve sound early diastyole opening click just after S2, loud over whole precordium + is loudest @ apex + L lower sternal border
Thrid Heart Sound ventricular filling, early diastole during rapid filling -heard best @ apex/L lower sternal border -does nto vary w/respiration -lower pitched
physiologic S3 -normal -heard frequently in children + yound adults -occassionally after 40 yrs(women), -disapperas wen sits up
pathologic S3/ ventricular gallop wen sitting up -decreased compliance of ventricles, earliest sign of HF -from left or right
Fourth Heart Sound ventricuar filling sound -occurs wen atria contract late in diastole -heard b4 S1, very soft sound + low pitch -bell, best at apex in L lateral position
physiologic S4 >40/50 yrs with no evidence of cardio disease, especially after eercise
pathologic S4/atrail gallop occurs w/decreased compliance of ventricle + systolic overload + hypertension - best heard @ apex in L lateral position
summation sound wen physiologic + pathologic S4 present -during rapid rates, diastolic filling time shortens + S3 + S4 move closer
pericardial friction rub inflammation of percordium -sound High pitched + scratchy, heard w/diaphargm w/sitting up + leaning forward + breath head in expiration -best @ apex
abn pulstion @ base thrill: 2nd + 3rd R interspace w/severe aortic steonsis + systemic hypertension thrill: 2nd + #rd L interspace w/pulmonic stenois + pulmonic hypertension
abn pulsation @ L sternal border lift(heave): w/ventricular hypertrophy -felt during systole -retraction @ apex bc L ventricle is rotated posteriorly by the enlarged R ventricle
abn pulsation @ apex (volume overload) cardiac enlargemetn displaces apical impulse laterally + over wider area wen L ventricular hypertrophy + dilation present
abn pulsation @ apex (pressure overload) apical impulse is increased in force + duration but not displaced
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) pulmonary artery + aorta join s: no symptoms in early childhood, common in fetus O: BP wide pulse pressure + bounding peripheral pulses; thrill palpable at L Upper SB; continous murmur heard in systole + diastole (machinary murmur)
atrial septal defect (ASD) abn opening in artrial septum resulting in L-R shunt cause I in pulmonary blood flow S: mild fatigue + DOE O: sternal lift often present; fixed S2 w/P2 louder than A2' murmur systolic, ejection, medium pitch, heard beast in 2 L inerspace
ventricular septal defect (VSD) abn opening in septum bw ventricles s: infants-DOE, slow weight, resp infections, HF o: loud, harsh holosystolic murmur heard @ L lower SB accompained by thrill
tetralogy of fallot R ventricular outflow stenosis, VSD, R ventricular hypertrophy, overriding aorta; alot of blood directly in aorta, never O2 s: cyanosis, DOE, o: thrill palpable @ LLSB; S1 normal, S2 loud A2 +P2 diminsed; murmur systolic,loud, crescendo-decrescendo
coarctation of the aorta severe narrowing of descending aorta, s: HF in infants o: U extremity hypertension over 20mmHG higher than lower extremity; absent or greatly diminished femoral pulses; systolic murmur heard @ LSB
aortic stenosis s: fatigue, DOE, palpitation, dizzinness, fainting, anginal pain o: pallor, slow diminished radial pulse, L BP; apical impulse sustained + displaced to L; thrill in systole m: loud, ha
pulmonic stenosis o:thrill in systole, ejection click after S1, diminished S2 m: systolic, medium pitch, coarse, crescendo-decrescendo
mitral regurgitation s: fatigue, palpitation,PND o: thrill in s @ apex; lift @ apex; m: pansystolic, loud, blowing, best @ apex
tricuspid regurgitation o: engorged pulsating neck veins, liver enlarged, thrill @ LLSB m: soft, blowing, pansystolic, increases with inspiration
diastolic rumbles of AV valves filling murmus @ low pressures, best heard w/bell lightly touching skin -mitral stenosis, tricuspid stenosis
mitral stenosis impedes forward flow blood in2 LV during diastole s: fatigue, palpitations,DOE, orthopnea, PND o:diminished; lift @ apex, diastolic thrill common @ apex; S1 accentuated m: low-pitched diastolic rumble, heard @ apex w/L later
tricuspid stenosi impedes forward flow into RV during diastole o: diminished arterail p, JVP m: diastolic rumble, best heard @ LLSB, louder in inspiration
aortic regurgition s: minor, then DOE, PND, angina, dizziness o: bounding "wter hammer" pulse (cartoid, brachial, femoral arty) apical pulse feels brief m: sim. w/S2; soft high pitched, blowing diastolic
pulmnic regurgitation m: same as aortic regurgitation
Created by: xnyzlatinangelx
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