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study guide breast

why is SBE useful? helps familiarize the normal feel and look of breast
4 screening guidelines for breast CA mammogram Q year after 40, clinical breast exam Q 3 years between 20-39, then Q yr, monthly breast exam starting @ 20, additional info and testing discussed w?HCP if @ risk
when teaching a pt about a BSE, it is important... to allow time for a return demo
A dx tool that is accurate & advantageous in time & expense of malignant breast disorder is what? stereotactic core BIOPSY
the nurse notes multiple bilateral lumps in a pts breast, best ? to ask is... do size and tenderness change w/menstrual cycle
what do fibrocystic changes do? make it more difficult to examine breasts
prepubescent gynomastia almost always self-limiting & disappears, caused ny increased estrogen from 13-17 years old
Mastitis occurs during lactation, caused by staph areus
fibroadenoma caused between 21-25, well-delineated, very mobile
Ductal ectasia multicolored sticky nipple discharge, involves ducts in subareolar area
fat necrosis associated w/breast trauma
senescent gynomastia d/t increased conversion of androgen to estrogen, usually resolves in 6-12 months
the risk for breast CA is highest for women over 60
the nurse would be concerned if examination of pt breast revealed... immobile, hard, nontender lesion in upper outer quadrant
best prognosis w/dxstudies when... negative axillary lymph nodes
recurrence or metastasis of breast CA occurs in pts who have small tumors w/negative axillary lymph nodes
A pt undergoing lumpectomy, masectomy would also expect what? axillary node dissection
lymphatic mappinng w/sentinal lymph node dissection is planned for a pt undergoing a radical masectomy. The nurse understands that... if malignant cells are found in any sentinal nodes, 12--20 lymph nodes will be dissected
systemic chemotherapy is done in tx of pts w/breat CA... in premenopausal women even if no nodal involvement is present
Tamoxifen is the tx of choice- when? post surgery if the tumor has receptors for estrogen or progesterone
exercise post masectomy is done by... asking the pt to flex and extend fingers/wrist for the operated side
following a masectomy, a pt experiences lymphedema of the affected arm. The nurse teaches... to protect the arm from trauma
A pt is experiencing disturbed body image d/t masectomy. A good nursing intervention would be... arrange for a Reach for Recovery visitor or similar resource for the pt
A pt is to undergo mammectomy 1 yr after a masectomy. The nurse should... make sure pt is realistic about procedure
With tissue expansion, the nurse knows the pt will undergo what? weekly injections of water or saline into the expander
radiation used to tx possible local residual CA post masectomy & to reduce the size of a tumor before other therapy Adjunct to surgery
radiation used for pain relief palliative
radiation which follows a local excision of a tumor primary
Alternative to traditional radiation in early stage breast CA which may be completed in 5 days high-dose brachytherapy
how long does it take a palpable lump in a person's breast to become 1 cm 10 years
what is the biggest risk factor for breast CA? Age- 609
At what age should a woman begin yearly mammograms? 40
when is the best time to perform self breast exams? what about women post menopause? 1 week post menstual cycle- same time each month
once a woman has a lumpectomy, what should she be cautious of? extreme temperatures- REACHING OVER A HOT STOVE
what can a woman do to prevent lymphedema? keep arm elevated day & night and also exercise the affected arm
how is breast CA diagnosed? BIOPSY (stereotactic biopsy- w/x-ray)
what is mastalgia? benign breast pain (cyclic)
what's a good pt teaching for benign breast disorders? decrease caffeine & fat (RED MEAT)- makes breast FIBROUS, wear a supportive bra
what is mastitis? inflammation caused in lactating women (staphyloccoci)- tender fever, erythmia (start early ABX)
what is a cyst filled with? fluid
what are fibrocystic changes? benign, NO INC RISK FOR CA, fibrous changes (may have yellow/green discharge), pain d/t nerve irritation
what causes gynomastia in men? it's transient and caused by disturbance in androgen/estrogen ratio
a lady comes in but doesn't want mammogram, what do you do? teach her about the risks
which is more invasive- ductar or lobar? ductar
Created by: arsho453
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