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Dental Terminology 2
Question | Answer |
Decay | To rot. |
Deciduous (teeth) | The temporary teeth which are to be replaced later by the permanent dentition. |
Dental | Relating to the teeth. |
Dentifrice | A preparation, in the form of powder, paste, or liquid, used as an aid in cleaning the teeth. |
Dentin | A structure, ressembling bone, of which the greatest bulk of a tooth os formed. (Bulk of the tooth structure whichi is under the enamel). |
Dentistry | The profession and science dealing with the treatment of diseases and injuries to the teeth and oral tissue. |
Dentition | The kind, size, and arrangement of teeth. |
Denture | A set of natural or artificial teeth either complete or partial. |
Denture, Full | A complete set of teeth either upper or lower; usually referring to articifial teeth. |
Denture, Partial | A restoration with fewer teeth than a full denture. |
Deposit | In Dentistry, a sediment, either hard or soft, adhering to the surfaces of a tooth. |
Diagnose | To recognize a disease and distinguish one disease from another. |
Distal | More distant from the median line; combining form is disto- (as disto-buccal)--opposite to mesial. |
Enamel | Dense, tissue, which covers and protects the crown of a tooth. |
Eruption (of teeth) | The act of a tooth pushing its way through the alveolus and gums. |
Ethics - Moral Science | The fundamental principles of proper action and human duty. |
Explorer | A fine-pointed instrument used in examining teeth. |
Exposure | In X-Ray, amount of time for X-Ray to penetrate the film. |
Extra-oral | Outside the mouth (opposite of intra-oral). |
Extrude | To force or push out. Extruded tooth- one which has forced itself a distance out of its socket. |
Eye-tooth | A common misnomer for either of the upper cuspid teeth. |
Face | The anterior part of the head, consisting of that area situated between the forehead and chin vertically and from ear to ear laterally. |
Fever Sore (Cold Sore) | An eruption on the lip. Herpes labialis. |
Film (X-Ray) | A sensitized piece of celluloid used in taking X-Rays. |
Film Mount | A device for holding X-Ray films for viewing. |
Film Rack | A metal frame with clips to hold x-ray films during processing. |
Fissure | A groove in the enamel of a tooth. |
Floss (Dental) | Waxed thread or tape used for cleaning the proximal surfaces of the teeth. |
Flux | A substance that promotes the welding of metals. |
Foramen | An opening in a bone for the passage of nerves, blood vessels, etc. |
Frenum (Fraenum) | A small band of tissue which limits or checks movement. |
Frontal | Pertaining to the forehead. |
Full Denture | A dental appliance restoring all the teeth in a jaw; often incorrectly called a dental plate (opposite-partial denture) |