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Infection Control-bb

Living Cells so small they can only be seen with a microscope. They are all around us in the air, water, food, plants, and our bodies microorganisms
micro-organisms capable of causing disease pathogens
conditions caused by the growth of pathogens in the body infections
a process which destroys most pathogens dis-infection
touching the source of infection direct contact
touching contaminated objects indirect contact
inhaling small pathogens floating in the air airborne route
contacting drops of secretions placed in the air through sneezing, coughing, or talking droplet spread
Avoid cross contamination through the seperation of clean and dirty
the single, most important measure in prevention and control of infection handwashing
PPE personal protective equipment
various apparel worn to protect the health care worker PPE (personal protective equipment)
any waste product that has come into contact with blood, body fluids (except sweat) or known pathogens biohazardous waste
contaminated food hepatitis A
contaminated blood hepatitis B
an infection caused by the tb pathogen and spread by the airborne route tuberculosis (TB)
People infected with TB are kept in a negative pressure room
germs that cannot be killed with the usual antibiotics and are difficult to treat drug resistant organisms
drug resistant organisms are spread by direct contact
head lice pediculosis
small parasites that infest the body head lice
head lice are spread by close personal contact and sharing personal items
tiny white oval eggs firmly attached to the hair nits
small brown parasites that move quickly lice
treatment of had lice (pediculosis) medicated shampoo applied to hair and scalp and left on for 24 hours
effective treatment of drug resistant organisms contact precautions
effective treatment of head lice contact precautions, until no lice or nits are alive in the resident or belongings
casued by a parasite called an "itch mite" scabies
scabies is spread by direct skin contact
when giving skin care observe for: severe itching skin, multiple scab-like lesions on finger-webs, wrists, elbows, underarms, waists, knees, buttocks, nipples, and genitals.
treatmend of scabies applying a anti-infective lotion to entire body (except eyelids and lips)and left on for 24 hours
effective treatment for scabies contact precautions
summary of putting on PPE wash hands, put on mask, put on gown, put on gloves
summary of taking off PPE if gown is worn, untie waist strings of gown first, take of gloves, wash hands, take of mask, take of gown, wash hands
place resident in a private isolation room with special ventilation to keep the pathogen from spreading. Keep resident in room with door closed airborbe precautions
wash hands and put on gloves before entering the isolation room. Wear a gown if your skin or clothing will have substanial contact with the resident or the enviroment contact precautions
The droplets do NOT travel more than ____ and do not remain suspended in the air 3 feet
wear an isolation mask if working within 3 feet of the resident droplet precautions
wash hands before entering and leaving the room droplet precautions
wear a special mask inside the isolation room because small pathogen will pass through a regular mask airborne precautions
remove and discard gloves and gown and wash hands (usually with antimicrobal soap) before leaving the isolation room contact precautions
Created by: coffeecake49
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