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SRGT Ch2 Terminology

Body Structure & Directional Ch2 Terminology

hist/o tissues
stromal tissue supportive tissue
parenchymal tissue does the work
epithelial tissue internal and external covering for organs
connective tissue bone, blood, fat
muscular tissue heart, skeletal and visceral muscles
nervous tissue provides transmission of information to regulate a variety of functions
organ/o, viscer/o organ
Apex apic/o pointed extremity of a conical structure
Body corpor/o, som/o, somat/o the largest or most important part of an organ
Fundus fund/o base or deepest part of a hollow organ that is the farthest from the mouth of the organ
Fornix fornic/o any vaultlike or arched structure
Hilum hil/o area where nerves and vessels enter or exit an organ
Lumen lumin/o the space within an artery, vein, intestine or tube
Sinus or Antrum sinus/o or antra a cavity or channel in bone
Vestibule vestibul/o a small space or cavity at the beginning of a canal
Antrum antra any nearly closed cavity or chamber (stomach)
Bi- two
Contra- opposite; against
Epi- above; on top of
Ipsi- same
Meta- change; beyond
Uni- one
-ium, -um structure
-ad in the direction of; toward
Mid- middle
Dis- apart; bad; abnormal
Dys- bad; difficult; painful; abnormal
mal- bad; ill
cyt/o cell
Anatomy study of the structure of the body
Physiology study of the function of the body
biopsy process of viewing living tissue that has been removed for the purpose of diagnosis and/or treatment
necropsy process of viewing dead tissue
autopsy process of viewing self; term used commonly for examination of a dead body to determine cause of death
Anterior Ventral anter/o in front of
Posterior Dorsal poster/o behind; after
Anteroposterior (AP) front to back
Posteroanterior (PA) back to front
Superior Cephalad cephal/o head
Inferior Caudad caud/o tail
Medial medi/o middle
Lateral later/o side
Ipsilateral same side
Contralateral opposite side
Unilateral one side
Bilateral two sides
Superficial on the surface of the body
Deep away from (below) the surface
Proximal proxim/o near
Distal dist/o far
Dextrad dextr/o to the right
Sinistrad sinistr/o, levo to the left
Afferent toward an organ
Efferent away from an organ
Supine supination face up
Prone pronation face down
Palmar pertaining to palm of hand
Plantar pertaining to sole of foot
Dorsal cavities cranial and spinal
Ventral cavities thoracic (heart & lungs) abdominal (stomach, liver, intestines) pelvic (bladder, reproductive organs)
Mediastinum mediastin/o space between the lungs
Pleural cavity space within the double-folded membrane that surrounds the lungs
Abdominal cavity also referred to as peritoneal cavity
Diaphragm diaphragm/o, phren/o, diaphragmat/o separates thoracic and abdominal cavities
Peritoneum peritone/o highly vascular membrane that lines the abdominal cavity
Pelvic cavity bladder and reproductive organs
Abdominopelvic regions Left & Right hypochodriac Epigastric Left & Right lumbar Umbilical Left & Right iliac Hypogastric
Abdominopelvic quadrants RUQ - liver LUQ - stomach & spleen RLQ - appendix & McBurnery's point LLQ - Munro's point
Sagittal plane separates sides from each other
Midsagittal plane divides body into equal right & left halves
Frontal or coronal plane divides body into front and back portions
Transverse plane (cross sectional) divides the body horizontally into an upper part and lower part
Oblique plane divides the body as a slanted angle
antrum antr/o
apex apic/o
blood hem/o, hemat/o
body som/o, somat/o
bone oste/o, osse/o
cell cyt/o
dissolve lys/o
epithelium epitheli/o
fat adip/o
fornix fornic/o
fundus fund/o
heart muscle myocardi/o
lumen lumin/o
muscle my/o
nerve neur/o
nipple thel/o
nucleus kary/o, nucle/o
organ, viscera organ/o, viscer/o
ribose rib/o
sameness home/o
sinus, cavity sin/o, sinus/o
skeletal muscle rhabdomy/o
smooth muscle leiomy/o
system system/o
to cast bol/o
vestibule vestibul/o
Ana- up; apart
Cata- down
-ia, -ism condition
-plasm formation
-us noun ending
bladder cyst/o, vesic/o
bone marrow, spinal cord myel/o
hair pil/o, trich/o
ileum ile/o
kidney nephr/o, ren/o
nail onych/o, ungu/o
ovary oophor/o, ovari/o
skin cutane/o, derm/o, dermat/o
small intestine enter/o
stomach gastr/o
testis test/o, orchid/o
ureter ureter/o
urethra urethr/o
abdomen abdomin/o, celi/o, lapar/o
cranium, skull crani/o
dorsal dors/o
pelvis pelv/i
peritoneum peritone/o
pleura pleur/o
spine spin/o
sternum stern/o
thorax thorac/o
ventral ventr/o
vertebra vertebr/o
cartilage chondr/o
front front/o
groin inguin/o
ileum (small intestinal) ile/o
ilium (pelvic) ili/o
loin lumb/o
umbilicus omphal/o, umbilic/o
Musculoskeletal system muscles - my/o, myos/o, muscul/o bones - oste/o, osse/o, oss/i joints - arthr/o, articul/o
Integumentary system skin - derm/o, dermat/o, cutane/o hair - trich/o, pil/o nails - ungu/o, onych/o
Gastrointestinal system stomach - gastr/o intestines - ile/o, enter/o
Urinary system kidneys - ren/o, nephr/o bladder - cyst/o, vesic/o ureters, urethra - ureter/o, urethr/o
Reproductive system ovaries - oophor/o, ovari/o testes - test/o, orchid/o
Blood, Lymphatic, Immune system blood cells - erythrocyt/o, leukocyt/o, thrombocyt/o
Cardiovascular system heart - cardi/o, coron/o vessels - srteri/o, ven/o, phleb/o
Respiratory system lungs - pulmon/o, pneumon/o bronchi - bronch/o trachea - trache/o
Nervous/Behavioral system brain - encephal/o, cerebr/o nerves - neur/o mind - ment/i, phren/o, psych/o
Special Senses eyes - ophthalm/o, ocul/o, opt/o ears - ot/o, aur/o
Endocrine system pancreas - pancreat/o thyroid - thyroid/o
Created by: alyseg
Popular Surgery sets




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