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Flap QA
Dense, hard type of bone Compact bone
What is sinuses Air filled cavities located in several of the bones of the skull.
What are the 4 sinuses 1. Frontal sinus 2. Maxillary sinus 3. Ethmoidal sinus 4. Sphenoidal sinus
Cranium Bony structure that protect the brain
Facial bones 14 facial bones mostly pairs but vomer and mandible.
Mandible The lower jaw bone
Clavicle Also called the collar bone. It looks like a long rod and articulates with both the sternum and the scapula.
Humerus Long bone in the upper arm
Sternum Breast bone is a daggered shaped bone located on the anterior chest.
Scapula The shoulder blade or wing bone.
Coastal cartillage The connective bone of ribs and sternum
Carpals Wrist bone that thightly bound by ligament.
Phalanges the 14 finger bones
Ribs are the long curved bones which form the rib cage. Ribs surround the chest (Latin thorax) of land vertebrates, and protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs of the thoracic cavity.
Coxal Bone Also called oscoxae is a hip bone. All coxal bone consist of 3 parts; illium, ischium and pubis.
Femur The longest and the strongest thigh bone.
Sacrum is a large, triangular bone at the base of the spine and at the upper and back part of the pelvic cavity,
Patella knee cap
Tibia is the larger of the two bones in the leg below the knee in humans and other vertebrates
Fibula calf bone is a bone placed on the lateral side of the tibia, with which it is connected above and below
Tarsals Bone that form the ankle.
Epiphysis The rounded end of a long bone in humerus.
Diaphysis The long shaft of the humerus bone.
Epiphyseal disk The enlarged ends of the long humerus bone.
Articular Cartillage The outer surface of ephiphysis of the humerus bone.
Spongy bone soft and not dense bone.
Red Marrow cavities The cavity for bone marrow
Endosteum The inside of the medullar cavity in the long bone which line with connective tissue.
Yellow bone in medullary cavity store site for fat in the bone of the adult bone.
periosteum Is a tough fribrous connective tissue membrane that covers the outside of the diaphysis.
Synarthrosis Immovable joints. sa.Sutures in the skull
Amphiarthroses Slightly movable joins. s.a. spinal column, symphysis pubis on a pregnat women.
spinal curvatures an abnormal curvature of the vertebral column
Crepitus A grating or crackling sensation or sound
Medial meniscus 132 h internal semilunar fibrocartilage)
Lateral meniscus A cresscent shape fibrocartillage (semilunar cartillage) in the knee joint.
vertebral column122h Back Bone extend from skull to pelvis.
Care for plaster cast Do not dry w/ hair dryer or heat lamp. Moister from the drying cast should be allowed to evaporate naturally.
Ephypisis 113h The enlarged beds of the long bone.
diaphypisis The long shaft of the bone.
Grow bone Ephypisial disc
Hematopoies 478w The process of blood cell production and development.
Craniatomy is a surgical operation in which part of the skull, called a bone flap, is removed in order to access the brain.
Kyposis An exaggerated thoracix curvature
Lordosis An exaggerated lumbar curvature or called sway back
scoliosis Lateral curvature
Vertebral curves Cervical curves, Thoracic curve, lumbar curve, and sacral curve.
Ilium The largest part of the oxal bone
Ischium Is the most inferior part of the oxal bone.
Pubis The most anterior of the coxal bone.
Compartment syndrome Is a form of neurovascular impairment that may lead to permanent injuryof an affected limb caused by the progressive constriction of blood vessels and nerves.
Fractures Is a break in the continuity of a bone
How pt. get infection in fractures Resulted from an open fracture in which the bone extend through the skin allowing contamination from outside.
Non invassive procedure in fractures Closed reduction;external manipulation is used to correct bone posisition.
Fat embolism 593 When a particle of fat from the marrow of a broken bone travel in the blood stream toward the heart and lungs. Embolus normally occur betwen 24 to 72 hours.
s/s of fat embolism pain, tachicardia, & dyspnia
Internal fixation -close-ORIF Is a surgical procedure to enable the surgeon to reduce (repair) the fracture under direct visualization.
ORIF O-pen R-eduction I-nternal F-ixation
How to prevent osteoporosis Diet (rich in Ca & Vitt D) Regular exercise, and eliminating tobacco use & alcohol.
Ostheoporosis Is an increase in the porosity of bone
THR Total Hip Replacement is a replacement of a severe damaged hip with an artificial joint.
How to prevent compartment syndrome Elevating limb and applying cold compress.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint desease and it is considered wear and tear desease
How to diagnose ortheoarthitis thru x-ray
What is muskeletal trauma? Injuries to muskeletal s.a. Strain, Sprain, dislocation, fractures, and compartment syndrome.
What are inflammatory disorder. Rhemtoid arthirtis, Bursitis, polymiositis, Osteomyelitis.
What are degenerative disorder. Osteporosis, osteoarthritis, and arthroplasty.
Muskeletal disorder Amputations, temporomandibular joint diseasedisorder, carpal tunnel syndrome.
Systemic disorder w/ muskeletal manifestation. Gout and lyme disease.
What is arthroplasty 603 Is the replacement of both articular surfaces w/ a joint capsule s.a. Hip, Knee, Shoulder and fingers and etc.
Created by: Marianib
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