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Aromatic/Transform Damp
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Aromatics that open the Orifices
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Zoo Card Animals

Herb Zoo Card Animals and descriptions

Aromatic/Transform Damp skunk, because they are so aromatic
Aromatics that open the Orifices Musk Ox (musk oil is one of these herbs) Bovine (ox or cow) stones are another herb in this category so musk and ox together for a Musk Ox
Calm / Anchor/Settle Spirit Elephant: the herbs are heavy in this category as is an elephant. Elephants are also considered a calm animal
Clear Heat / Cool Blood Artic Fox, an animal from a cool environment, being a carnivore is associated with blood
Clear Heat / Drain Fire walrus live in cold water, this category is amde of cold herbs
Clear Heat / Dry dampness cool cat, cool and cold herbs and cats hate dampness
Clear Heat / Relieve Toxicity Belgua whale, to match teh enormity of toxicity and tehy too live in cold water
Dipel wind-damp sea gull, which live in windy and damp areas
Downward Draining / Harsh Expellants vulture, harsh animal, like the herbs in this category
Moist Laxatives frog, oistening herbs like the skin on a frog
Purgatives snake, snakes are shaped like an interestine, and like a plumber's snake are used to clear the pipes
Dry Dampness (diuretics) pig, the pictures of a damp body type
Expel Parasites anteater, has a long, skinny nose that resembles a worm
External Applications monkey, an animal that scratches his skin a lot; just like you wouldi fyou had sores on your skin
Extinguish wind / stop tremores rhino, armored to stop the wind, an irritable animal (knd of LVery)
Hemostatic / stop bleeding black widow, a blood thirsty spider
invigorate blood road runner, fast running animal like the herb that get your blood moving quicker
Nourish Herart and Calm Spirit deer, like a dear heart, calming animal
Regulate Qi beaver, regulates water and wood, like the herbs that regulate qi
Relieve cough and wheezing puffin, like someone who's coughing and puffing air
Relieve Food Stagnation hippo, any animal that eats that much must have food stagnation
Relieve summerheat penguin, cool weater bird that couldn't take the summer heat
Spicy-cool-release exterior - polar bear, a cool weather animal with a spiky hair cut
Spicy-warm-release exterior porcupine, a spiky animal from a warmer climate
Stabilize and bind (astringements) camel, a camel knows how to gold thing in, like astringent herbs
Tonify blood vampire bat, have an affinity for blood
Tonify Qi Ferret, an animal with non-stop energy
Tonify Yang grizzly bear, the symbol of yang-type strength
Tonify Yin turtle, symbolizes the idea of yin (slow, solid) and some herbs in the category are turtle shells
Transform Phlegm Cold St. Bernard Dog - drooling dog to remind you of all the phlegm, a blue dog for cold phlegm
Transform Phlegm Heat St. Bernar Dog, a drooling dog to remind you of phlegm, RED dog for heat
Warm Interior / Expel Cold Lion, strong animal from the Savannah to match the strong hot herbs
Created by: brendancarney
Popular Acupuncture sets




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