Herb Zoo Card Animals and descriptions
show | skunk, because they are so aromatic
Aromatics that open the Orifices | show ๐
show | Elephant: the herbs are heavy in this category as is an elephant. Elephants are also considered a calm animal
Clear Heat / Cool Blood | show ๐
show | walrus live in cold water, this category is amde of cold herbs
Clear Heat / Dry dampness | show ๐
Clear Heat / Relieve Toxicity | show ๐
Dipel wind-damp | show ๐
Downward Draining / Harsh Expellants | show ๐
Moist Laxatives | show ๐
show | snake, snakes are shaped like an interestine, and like a plumber's snake are used to clear the pipes
show | pig, the pictures of a damp body type
show | anteater, has a long, skinny nose that resembles a worm
External Applications | show ๐
Extinguish wind / stop tremores | show ๐
Hemostatic / stop bleeding | show ๐
show | road runner, fast running animal like the herb that get your blood moving quicker
show | deer, like a dear heart, calming animal
Regulate Qi | show ๐
show | puffin, like someone who's coughing and puffing air
show | hippo, any animal that eats that much must have food stagnation
show | penguin, cool weater bird that couldn't take the summer heat
show | polar bear, a cool weather animal with a spiky hair cut
Spicy-warm-release exterior | show ๐
Stabilize and bind (astringements) | show ๐
show | vampire bat, have an affinity for blood
show | Ferret, an animal with non-stop energy
Tonify Yang | show ๐
show | turtle, symbolizes the idea of yin (slow, solid) and some herbs in the category are turtle shells
show | St. Bernard Dog - drooling dog to remind you of all the phlegm, a blue dog for cold phlegm
show | St. Bernar Dog, a drooling dog to remind you of phlegm, RED dog for heat
show | Lion, strong animal from the Savannah to match the strong hot herbs
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Popular Acupuncture sets