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Operative meds

cefazolin antibiotics
ancef antibiotics
atroprine anticholinergics
isoto atropine anticholinergics
scopolamin anticholinergics
transderm-scop anticholinergics
antibiotics prevents postoperative infection
anticholinergics decrease oral and respiratory secretions and prevents n/v
metoclopramid antiemetics
reglan antiemetics
ondansetron antiemetics
zofran antiemetics
antiemetics increase gastric emptying and prevents n/v
midazolam benzodiazepines
versed benzodiazepines
diazepam benzodiazepines
valium benzodiazepines
lorazepam benzodiazepines
ativan benzodiazepines
benzodiazepines reduce anxiety, induce sedation, amnesic effects
labetalol beta blockers
normodyne beta blockers
beta blockers manage htn
famotidine h2 blocker
pepcid h2 blocker
ranitidine h2 blocker
zantac h2 blocker
h2 blocker decrease HCL acid secretion, increase pH, decrease gastric volume
opiods relieve pain during preoperative procedures
morphine opioids
duramorph opioids
fentanyl opioids
sublimaze opioids
Bupivacaine numbing agent for epidurals
Ropivacaine numbing agent for epidurals
Fentanyl narcotic, can be infused in epidural for pain control
Demerol narcotic, can be infused in epidural for pain control
Morphine narcotic, can be infused in epidural for pain control
Aspirin blood thinner, pt cannot be taking prior to epidural
Coumadin blood thinner, pt cannot be taking prior to epidural
Propofol sedation med used during MAC
Versed conscious sedation med
Neostigmine negates effects of paralytic
Glycopyrrolate negates effects of paralytic
Rocuronium paralytic
Succinylcholine paralytic
Isoflurane inhalation agents
Desflurane inhalation agents
Dantrium Malignant Hyperthemia med
dantrolene malignant hyperthemia med
succinylcholine if administered with inhilation agent might triggers malignant hyperthermia
anectine if administered with inhilation agent might triggers malignant hyperthermia
Created by: rt-study
Popular Nursing sets




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