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Nursing 3 Exam 4


STD (STI) any infection that is transmitted by sexual contact
STD infections can be... bacterial or viral
STD infections can occur... vaginal, oral and anal intercourse
common characteristics of STD's most can be prevented by the use of latex condom, can be transmitted during hetero and homosexual intercourse, for tx to be effective, secual partners of the infected person must also be tx'ed, 2 or more STD's may coexist in the same person
Incidence Incidence of STDs is highest in populations w/mult sexual partners, lower socioeconomic status & drugabusers. All states must report syphillis, AIDS & gonorrhea to state & federal agencies
Nursing assessment:history pt's receiving care for STD require a focused helath hx, are you currently sexually active, w/men,women or both?, how many sexual partners have you had or currently have? Do you experience pain during intercourse?
Syphilis complex systemic STD, caused by a spirochete, Treponema Pallidum
Syphillis may affect any body tissue or organ
Syphillis is transmitted from open lesions during any sexual contact
Pregnant women w/Syphillis can also infect the fetus, T or F? True
If untreated syphillis can cause... blindness, paralysis, mental illness, cardiovascular damagae, and death
pathophysiology of syphillis spirochete enters a break in the skin>>spirochete spreads through the blood and lymphatic system
congenital syphilis is transferred to the fetus through the... placental circulation
syphilis is characterized by 3 clinical stages... primary, secondary, and tertiary
Primary Syphilis characterized by the appearance of a chancre and regional enlargement of lymph nodes, little or no pain
In primary syphilis chancre's appear where and for how long? at the site of inoculation(10-90 days after contact), and disappear in 3-6 wks, highly infectious time even if no symptoms are evident
Secondary Syphilis manifestations appear a few wks after the chancres are first seen. Rash on palms & feeet, mucous patches in oral cavity, sore throat, gerneralized lymphadenopathy, flat, broad papules on the labia,anus or mouth, flu-like symptoms
secondary syphilis symptoms usually disappear within... 2-6 wks and even if symptoms aren't evident highly infectious
Hidden stage follows secondary stage, immune system is able to suppress the infection, no s/s of syphilis during this period
tertiary syphilis if untreated two types of late stage syphilis can occur benign late syphilis and diffuse inflammatory response
benign late syphilis rapid onset, characterized by localized infiltrating tumors in the skin, bones and liver(gummas). generally respond promptly to tx
diffuse inflammatory response insidious onset, involves the CNS and cardiovascular system. can still be tx'ed but at this stage most of the damage is irreversible
Diagnostic tests for syphilis positive after 4-6wks after infection. VDRL and RPR: blood tests that measure antibody production, not specific for syphillis. FTA-abs & TP-PA:specific for T.pallidum & can be used to confirm VDRL and RPR findings.
Diagnostic tests for syphilis Immunofluorescent staining:examination of specimen from a lesion or lymph node. Darkfield microscopy:microscopic exam of specimen from a chancre
medications for syphilis penicillin G given IM, if allergic to PCN then oral doxycycline, oral erythromycin can be substituted. length of therapy depends on the estimated duration of the infection.
follow up testing should be done... 3-6 months for clients w/primary and secondary syphilis and at 6-12 months for those with late stage disease
gonorrhea aka GC or clap
gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrheae, a gram negative diplococcus
gonorrhea is transmitted by... direct sexual contact and during delivery, second most reported communicable disease in US
In women who get gonorrhea the organisms target... the female cervix and can cause, PID, endometriosis, slpingitis, pelvic peritonitis
In men who get gonorrhea the organisms target... urethra, which cause acute,painful inflammation of the prostate,epididymis, periurethral gland, and can lead to sterility
gonorrhea in the neonate can lead to... ophthalmia neonatorum, almost all states require instillation of prophylactic eye ointment/drops at birth, incidence is rare
manifestations for women w/gonorrhea dysuria, urinary freq, abnormal menses, increased vaginal discharge, somen may be asympomatic or symptoms are minor and overlooked.
manifestations for men w/gonorrhea dysuria, serous, milky or purulent discharge, regional lyphadenopathy
diagnostic tests for gonorrhea clinical manifestations combined with a positive: gram stain of the purulent d/c(allows visualization of the bacteria under the microscope)or positive culture of the d/c
medications for gonorrhea there are many pcn resistant strains of N.gonorrheae so treated w/alternative antibiotics: Rocephin IM(most common), or suprax,cipro,floxin,and levaquin
a single dose of ____________ or 7 day course of _____________is usually added if there is a coexisting chlamydial infection. Zithromax, doxycycline
Chlamydia group of syndromes, all caused by chlamydia trachomatis, a bacteria that acts like a virus
chlamydia is spread by sexual contact or to the neonate throught the birth canal
chlamydia syndromes include... acute urethral, nongonoccal urethritis, mucopurulent cervicitis and PID
Incidence of chlamydia most common reported STD in the US, 3 out of 4 cases occur in people under the age of 25, leading cause of preventable blindness, particularly in newborn
manifestations of chlamydia typically invades the same organs as gonorrhea and the symptoms & complications are similar
because chlamydia is asymptomatic in most women until it has invaded the uterus and uterine tubes, tx is delayed and can lead to... PID, which can result in infertility and ectopic pregnancy
chlamydia causes a ... build up of scarring that can block teh fallopian tube and prevent fertilization
diagnostic tests for chlamydia cell cultures from the female endocervix and urethra or the male urethra, NAAT, DFA, EIA
NAAT Nucleic acid amplification test
DFA Direct Fluorescent Antibody test
EIA Enzyme Immunoassay
Medications for chlamydia drug of choice: Zithromax(1g in single dose), or doxycycline usually prescribed for 7 days
alternative therapies for chlamydia erythromycin, floxin and levaquin
patients should abstain from sexual intercourse for 7 days after tx and until partners have completed full course of tx, T or F? True
Genital Herpes transmitted by vaginal, anal or oral genital contact
genital herpes is caused by either the herpes simplex viruses type 1 or type 2
what percentage of recurrent infections are caused by HSV-2? 85%
First outbreak of lesions in genital herpes is called first episode infection(17-20 days)
subsequent outbreaks of lesions in genital herpes is called recurrent infections(lasts about 8-12 days)
Incidence of genital herpes most common infectious genitalulceration in the US, is chronic and currently incurable
manifestations of genital herpes within 1 week after exposure painful red papules appear; men:glans or shaft of penis women:labia, vagina, and cervix
other symptoms of genital herpes regional lymphadenopathy, h/a, fever, malaise, dysuria, urinary retention, vaginal d/c, urethral d/c(men)
in rare cases herpes can spread to the brain and cause hepres encephalitis
diagnosis of genital herpes based on H&P exam, including lesions and patterns of recurrence, definitive diagnosis requires isolation of the virus in tissue culture
in pregnant women an active genital lesion at the time of delivery usually is an indication for... a cesarean birth
medications for genital herpes no cure for genital herpes; tx focuses on relief of sypmtoms. Zovirax, Valtrex and Famvir help reduce the length and severity of the 1st episode and used to suppres frequent recurrences
Zovirax may be used as suppressive therapy for upt to ______yrs for people w/frequent or severe recurrences. 5
Human papillomavirus(HPV) over 100 types, visible genital warts are caused by types 6 and 11. other HPV types are associated w/ vagina, anal, and cervical dysplasia(types 16 & 18), highly contagious
Incidence of HPV about 20 million americans are currently infected, freq seen in young sexually active adults, most common STD in the US
Created by: jbittner
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