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Life of Paul Test 1

Four Characteristics of 1st Century Judaism 1. Strong Messianic fervor 2. Extreme aesthetic fringe groups: Essenes, Qumran 3. Zealots 4. Dispersion (diaspora)
Four Powerful Institutions in Jewish Religion 1. The Synagogue 2. Herod's Temple 3. Sanhedrin 4. Jewish Sects
Synagogue means: "a gathering of people and building."
Synagogue born out of Babylonian exile
Primary function of the Synagogue education, place of prayer
How many men were the required quorum? 10 men. with Local rabbi
bar/beit mitsva son/daughter of the covenant
Herod's Temple Judaism was a temple religion; primary function to offer sacrifices.
Feasts in Herod's Temple 3 major, 3 minor.
Sanhedrin 70+ high priest. Judicial and executive powers.
Jewish Sects Pharisees Sadducees
Who called Jewish Sects "sects of Philosophy" Josephus
Pharisees Most accurate interpreters of OT Law. Origins in the Maccabean revolt Believe in angels and resurrection from the dead Numbered 6,00 (Josephus), in urban centers (Jerusalem)
Two distinct schools of the Pharisees Shammai Hillel
Shammai more conservative
Hillel more lenient, "liberal"
Sadducees This group did not believe in the resurrection, angels, etc. Mostly held political posts in the Sanhedrin.
The difference between Pharisees and Sadducees Pharisees believe in angels and the resurrection. Sadducees did not. That's sad, you see.
Age 5 Reading the Torah
Age 10 Mishnah (oral Laws, traditions of elders)
Age 13 Practice of Commandments (bar-mizvah--"son of commandments")
age 15 Talmud (Gemara+Mishnah)
Was Paul married? Not according to 1 Cor. 9:5; 1 Cor. 7:7
Was Paul a rabbi? Yes. Possibly wearing Tefilim and Tallit.
Tefilim phylacteries
Tallit prayer shawl
Greeks' Negative View of Jews 1. They were "prejudice against easterners." 2. Their religion and customs were strange. 3. Resented for privileges and attempts to secure favoritism.
6 privileges enjoyed by Jews 1. Free expression of their religion 2. Exempted from worshipping pagan deities. 3. Regulated their life by their own law 4. Exemption from military service 5. Protection of the Sabbath. 6. Protection of messengers w/ temple tax.
6 marks of Paul, the Genuine Jew 1. Circumcised on the 8th day. 2. People of Israel. 3. Tribe of Benjamin (Gen 49:27) 4. A Hebrew of Hebrews 5. A Pharisee 6. Zealous
Cyrus the Great conquered Ionia in 6th ccentury AD
Darius defeated at Marathon (490 BC)
Phillip II united Greek city-states (4th century BC)
Alexander the Great succeeds father, invades Persia. Began building and rebuilding 350 cities BC (30 in Palestine)
Two city-states important to the history of Tarsus and Palestine Seleucids (Syria) and Ptolemies (Egypt)
Hellenization adoption by non-Greeks of Greek customs and language.
The Septuagint a translation of the OT in Greek
LXX The Septuagint. Finished in C. 225. Named b/c 70 scholars were involved. It became the version of Diaspora Jews. Became the Bible of the primitive church in the 1st century.
Mattathias killed the priest attempting to comply to build an alter to Zeus. Becomes a fugitive.
Judas Maccabeus "the Hammer" drives the Greeks out of Israel. Makes Israel independent for a while.
polis city-state
Herod Agrippa I built many Theatres and baths in Palestine
Romulus and Remus 730 BC; built Rome.
Mark Antony loved Cleopatra
Cleopatra love Mark Antony
Octavian Won the battle of Actium, changed his name to Caesar Augustus
4 contributions of the Roman Empire 1. Roman Peace (Pax Romana) 2. Roads and bridges 3. Ever expanding citizenship. 4. Relative religious freedom.
3 ways to be granted Roman Citizenship 1. Birth (only from father) 2. Bought (2 years of income of a day laborer) 3. Service rendered to Roman State
6 privileges and responsibilities of citizenship 1. Could serve in regular army (not auxiliary forces) 2. Could vote, attend games and entertainment. 3. Exempted from many taxes. 4. Full protection of the govt. 5. Right to trial could not delay trial. 6. No tortue. Exempt from ignominious punishmen
Paul used his citizenship 3 times 1. To the Philippian authorities (Acts 16:36, 37) 2. Tribune in Jerusalem (Acts 22:25-28) 3. Appeal to Caesar. (Acts 25:11,12)
"The Way" One of numerous terms used to describe Christianity. Acts 19:9; 22:4; 24:14
Augustine "It was the head in heaven crying out for the members still on earth."
Conversion A change of attitude, emotion or viewpoint from one indifference, disbelief or antagonism to one of acceptance, faith or enthusiastic support.
The four things the made Saul perfect for the job. His integrity & commitment to what he believe to be right. His rabbinical training under Gameillel=deep thinker & good Bible scholar. His upbringing in Gentile Tarsus=understanding of Greek culture & thought. His Roman citizenship benefit him many times.
Created by: acpearl
Popular Religion sets




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