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Self-Concept P&P
Potter and Perry 7th Edition Chapter 27
Question | Answer |
Self-concept define. | An individual's conceptualization of himself or herself. |
Self-esteem define. | How one feels about him/herself. |
Who has higher self-esteem males or females? | Males. |
Who are primary influences of a child's self concept? | Parents and primary caregivers (teachers, aunts/uncles, grandparents) |
Young children tend to rate themselves higher than their peers, suggesting what? | Their view of themselves is positively inflated. |
Other differences in self-concept and self-esteem amongst people? | Ethnic and cultural impacts. |
Self-esteem higher in which age ranges? | Childhood and adulthood. |
Why does self-esteem drop during adolescence? | Developmental changes, hormone changes, changes in fat distribution. |
Why does self-esteem rise during adulthood? | Perceived competency at work and home. |
Why does self-esteem drop during old age? | Physically aging, less independence/autonomy, illness, loss of body parts. |
A positive self-concept gives what? | A sense of meaning, wholeness, and consistency to a person. |
Identity involves what? | Internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time and in different situations. |
Basis of true identity is? | Being oneself or living and authentic life. |
What must happen for a child to form an identity? | Bring together learned behaviors and expectations into a coherent, consistent, and unique whole. |
Gender identity define. | Person's private view of maleness or femaleness. |
Gender role define. | Masculine or feminine behavior exhibited. |
Identifying with a particular social group has a positive or negative impact on self-esteem? | Positive. |
Body image define. | Attitudes related to the body, including physical appearance, structure, or function. |
Western societies' view of aging, positive or negative? | Negative. |
Eastern societies' view on aging, positive or negative? | Positive. |
Role performance define. | Way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles. |
Behavior creation process: | Reinforcement-extinction, Inhibition, Substitution, Imitation, and Identification. |
Successful adults learn to distinguish between: | Ideal role expectations and realistic possibilities. |
Self-esteem define. | An individual's overall feeling of self-worth or the emotional appraisal of self-concept. |
A self-concept stressor is what? | Real or perceived change that threatens identity, body image, or role performance. |
An essential process in the adjustment to loss is? | The development of a new self-concept. |
Identity confusion define. | People do not maintain a clear, consistent, and continuous consciousness of personal identity. |
How are health and body image correlated? | Positive body image = better health, negative body image = negative influence on health. |
How can society increase adolescent girls' satisfaction with their bodies? | Focus more on health and fitness and less on weight. |
Situational transition examples? | Death of family/friends, Relocations, Change jobs. |
Role conflict happens when? | Person has to assume two or more roles that are inconsistent, contradictory, or mutually exclusive. |
Sick role is what? | How society expects individuals to act when sick. |
Role ambiguity involves? | Unclear role expectations such as during adolescence. |
Role strain combines? | Role conflict and role ambiguity such as while caring for a family member with Alzheimer's disease. |
Role overload involves? | Having more roles or responsibilities than one can manage. |
High self-esteem makes people more resilient which results in? | Better able to cope with demands and stressors. |
Developmental milestones introduce unique self-concept stressors, what are these milestones? | Child birth, marriage, moving out of parent's home. |
Self-awareness is critical to nursing because? | Understanding and accepting others. |
What is the best approach to nursing that will provide a model for the client and their family? | Positive and matter-of-fact. |
What are some NANDA NDs? | Disturbed body image, Caregiver role strain, Disturbed personal identity, Ineffective role performance... |
Where would a nurse have more opportunity to help a client attain a more positive self-concept? | Home care. |