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Self-Concept P&P

Potter and Perry 7th Edition Chapter 27

Self-concept define. An individual's conceptualization of himself or herself.
Self-esteem define. How one feels about him/herself.
Who has higher self-esteem males or females? Males.
Who are primary influences of a child's self concept? Parents and primary caregivers (teachers, aunts/uncles, grandparents)
Young children tend to rate themselves higher than their peers, suggesting what? Their view of themselves is positively inflated.
Other differences in self-concept and self-esteem amongst people? Ethnic and cultural impacts.
Self-esteem higher in which age ranges? Childhood and adulthood.
Why does self-esteem drop during adolescence? Developmental changes, hormone changes, changes in fat distribution.
Why does self-esteem rise during adulthood? Perceived competency at work and home.
Why does self-esteem drop during old age? Physically aging, less independence/autonomy, illness, loss of body parts.
A positive self-concept gives what? A sense of meaning, wholeness, and consistency to a person.
Identity involves what? Internal sense of individuality, wholeness, and consistency of a person over time and in different situations.
Basis of true identity is? Being oneself or living and authentic life.
What must happen for a child to form an identity? Bring together learned behaviors and expectations into a coherent, consistent, and unique whole.
Gender identity define. Person's private view of maleness or femaleness.
Gender role define. Masculine or feminine behavior exhibited.
Identifying with a particular social group has a positive or negative impact on self-esteem? Positive.
Body image define. Attitudes related to the body, including physical appearance, structure, or function.
Western societies' view of aging, positive or negative? Negative.
Eastern societies' view on aging, positive or negative? Positive.
Role performance define. Way in which individuals perceive their ability to carry out significant roles.
Behavior creation process: Reinforcement-extinction, Inhibition, Substitution, Imitation, and Identification.
Successful adults learn to distinguish between: Ideal role expectations and realistic possibilities.
Self-esteem define. An individual's overall feeling of self-worth or the emotional appraisal of self-concept.
A self-concept stressor is what? Real or perceived change that threatens identity, body image, or role performance.
An essential process in the adjustment to loss is? The development of a new self-concept.
Identity confusion define. People do not maintain a clear, consistent, and continuous consciousness of personal identity.
How are health and body image correlated? Positive body image = better health, negative body image = negative influence on health.
How can society increase adolescent girls' satisfaction with their bodies? Focus more on health and fitness and less on weight.
Situational transition examples? Death of family/friends, Relocations, Change jobs.
Role conflict happens when? Person has to assume two or more roles that are inconsistent, contradictory, or mutually exclusive.
Sick role is what? How society expects individuals to act when sick.
Role ambiguity involves? Unclear role expectations such as during adolescence.
Role strain combines? Role conflict and role ambiguity such as while caring for a family member with Alzheimer's disease.
Role overload involves? Having more roles or responsibilities than one can manage.
High self-esteem makes people more resilient which results in? Better able to cope with demands and stressors.
Developmental milestones introduce unique self-concept stressors, what are these milestones? Child birth, marriage, moving out of parent's home.
Self-awareness is critical to nursing because? Understanding and accepting others.
What is the best approach to nursing that will provide a model for the client and their family? Positive and matter-of-fact.
What are some NANDA NDs? Disturbed body image, Caregiver role strain, Disturbed personal identity, Ineffective role performance...
Where would a nurse have more opportunity to help a client attain a more positive self-concept? Home care.
Created by: Babble05
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