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Life of Paul Test 2

The second test of Life of Paul

Paul's First Missionary Journey 47-48AD
The First Missionary Journey The unparalleled expansion of the church of the decade 47-57AD
The Mission of the Church is Missions Missionary: Strictly speaking all Christians are given the commission of Matthew 28:19-20. Some provide support, as the church in Antioch did by prayer, fasting, encouragement, and no doubt money. Others go.
The First Missionary Journey Acts 13-14 Extends from Cyprus to Asia Minor. Barnabas was from Cyprus, eastern Asia Minor was Saul's home.
The Second Missionary Journey Acts 16-18 Began in Asia Minor, but extended into Greece
The Third Missionary Journey Acts 19-21 Paul retraces his steps through Asia Minor, into Europe, but ends in a rather sad procession back to Jerusalem and imprisonment.
Paul's Six Part Missionary Strategy Chose strategic centers. The synagogues first (Acts 17:2) "All things to all men" (1 Cor. 9:19-23) Used a team (did not like solo work) Picks up "understudy" (Timothy, Titus, Luke, etc) Had a dream: "...the uttermost part of the earth..." (Acts 1:8)
Cyprus (13:4-12) Barnabas is a native of Cyprus (4:36) Salmis to Paphos-moving generally from east to west across the island. (13:5) John assists. (13:6) Bar Jesus (son of Jesus)-remember that Jesus (actually, "Joshua" in Hebrew) was a common name.
Paul Acts (13:9-12) In 13:2 the text refers to "Barnabas and Saul." In 13:13 it speaks of "Paul and his companions." A transition in leadership has occurred. Paul begins to fulfill the potential the Lord had seen in him all along.
Antioch of Pisidia (13:13-41) Next the party makes its way to the mainland, eastern Asia Minor (Paul's home area). John Mark leaves, dk why. Prob b/c John might join them. He "thought it best not to take one who had w/drawn from them & had not gone with them to the work."
Response (13:42-44) Initially the response is good- practically the whole town turns up the next week to hear Paul. This very success results in jealousy, however, and Jewish leaders stir up opposition.
Iconium (Acts 14:1-7) The main route from Ephesus on the coast to Antioch of Syria ran through the cities of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. A mountain range ran along the north of these cities and mountains springs fed the plains at the foot of these mountains.
Lystra (Acts 14:8-18) People in Lystra did not speak Greek. "They lifted up their voices, and said in Lycaonian..." (14:11)
Zeus and Hermes There was a legend that 2 gods had entered this city & tried to gain shelter in many of its homes. Only a poor, elderly couple finally gave them lodging for the night. The gods then made their humble home a temple.
Zeus Considered the father of the gods.
Hermes Zeus' spokesman. Perhaps this indicates that Paul was the main spokesman for the pair.
The Sermon (14:15-17) Until now, messages for Jewish audiences. Sermon appeals to pagans. Paul considered the conscious of his audience. Reciting Jews history is not going to be meaningful. They don't even know the God of the OT.
3/4 points of the Sermon at Lystra We're just men, like you. (In worship, it's important, not just to remember who God is, but who we are.) But the God we serve is the living God who made everything. In the past he allowed nations to go their own way (implying that this has changed)
Last point of the Sermon at Lystra He has left evidence of his existence in creation (Ps. 19:13; 139:14; Romans 1:19, 20)
Paul is Stoned (Acts 14:19-20) Usually one was stoned outside the city. It may be this was the result of a flash of violent anger, not fully thought out.
Retracing their steps (Acts 14:21-23) Paul plants churches. He also grounds them. Appointed elders by vote. (Similar to the selection of the Seven in Acts 6:3, where the church "chose" and Apostles appointed.
Cheirontoneo cheir=hand teino=stretch this=rasing hands to vote.
Mission Report to Antioch Acts 14:26-28 "They gathered the church together and reported all that God had done through them..." Paul and Barnabas correctly attribute their success to God.
Culture and Gospel Paul and Barnabas entered into "sharp dispute and debate" about whether Gentiles had to be circumcised in order to become a Christian.
When did The Debate of Circumcision occur? prior to the Jerusalem Conference or soon after
FC Bauer He developed a theory that this confrontation indicated a deep division in the early church betwn Pauline followers and those of Peter.
Peter. Allowed Jewish visitors to intimidate him and he ceased eating meals with his Gentile brethren.
Peter, not Paul. He who is affected by peer pressure.
The First Missionary Journey proved what? It became clear that Gentiles would outnumber the Jews in the Church. Message being Gospel, rather than culture?
The Jerusalem Conference This conference was not the same as a church council today debating and enforcing church practice. Inspired Apostles were present & the "epistle" they wrote following the conference claims to have been from the Spirit himself: Acts 15:28
The Second Missionary Journey Acts 15:36-41: Disciplined Paul having trouble understanding someone who just "quit" on a mission. Barnabas supporting someone who has failed. Good men can disagree and still be good men.
The Spirit's Guidance Acts 16:6-10: Paul wrote scripture guided by the Spirit, but there were times when he had to puzzle through life much the same way that we have to. 16:6:: "Having been forbidden..." 16:7:: "Spirit...did not allow them..." 16:8:: "...seemingly stuck."
Macedonian Call 16:10:: Paul pray, plan, and concluded to go to Troas.
Lydia Macedonia Jews met believers by the river. (They needed 10 families to open a synagogue.) There they meet this woman, a well-to-do and talented business woman.
Paul and Silas These men sang and prayed while in prison. "The legs feel nothing in the stocks when the heart is in heaven." (Tertullian)
What must I do to be saved? Acts 16:30:: It's the dream of every sincere Christian to hear this question. We must, in turn, be ready to answer it Biblically and lovingly.
Roman Citizenship Paul used this on 3 instances, but only when it furthered the cause of Christ. (Acts 16:35-37; Philippians 3:20)
Thessalonica (17:1-9) From Philippi, Paul and his party traveled south to Thessalonica. (17:2) Paul "reasoned from the scriptures." Christianity is a reasonable religion where we can discuss its truths reasonably.
Greek word for "reasoned" dialegomai
Three things that characterized the Berean's Bible study (17:10) 1. They were eagerly receptive to the word. 2. They examined the scriptures. 3. They did so habitually (daily)
Paul and Lystra Where did this person address pagans to establish who God was, and to set him up as the unique creator and controller of all creation.
Life's Three Great Questions at Mars Hill 1. Where did I come from? -God made me. (17:24-26) 2. Why am I here? -to seek God (17:27-29) 3. Where am I going? -To face the Lord in Judgement (17:30-32)
Where did I come from? (17:24-26) Unknown God? Paul explains that God is the creator of the cosmos. God is greater than creation. When we make idols, we are honoring ourselves, by honoring what we have made. In their view was the Parthenon, Zeus' temple.
Cosmos the world and everything in it.
Who needs whom? (17:25) Psalm 50:7-15:: God doesn't need us. He doesn't need our insignificant efforts. Yet, we are dependent on God. Serving Him doesn't do Him a favor. It's a favor to us. He can get along w/o us.
Athenians These people believed they were created in a special way, not like the rest of humanity. A superior race. With their rich history and impressive academic institutions, they were proud.
Jews/Gentile; Roman citizens/Non Citizens; Greeks/Barbarians Every culture feels deep down they are superior, yet we need to remember that we were all created by the same God and in need of the same grace.
Why am I here? -To seek God (17:27-29):: "Reach out" has the idea of blindly groping in the dark. God is the source for human aspirations. We have this "genetical code" that programs us to never be fully whole until we find God.
Epimenides of Crete (600 BC) "They fashioned a tomb for you, O high and holy one- The Cretan, always liars, evil beasts, idle bellies! But you are not dead; you live and abide forever, For in you we live and move and have our being."
Why would it be absurd to create an image of God, such as an idol would be? B/c any depiction of God would be woefully inadequate. Nothing in heavens or on earth or the imagination of man that can match what God really is! B/c an idol would be man's creation, not God's. Idolatry is unnecessary, even nonsensical.
Where am I going? -To the judgement (17:30,31):: The call to repent. For the third time in this sermon Paul uses the word "ignorance" -agnosticism!
Agnostia ignorance.
Three uses of "agnostia" in Paul's Mars Hill Sermon 1. They worshipped an "unknown" (agnostia) God. (17:23) 2. They worshipped him in ignorance (agnostia) (17:23) 3. God once overlooked ignorance (agnostia), but now calls on all men to repent (17:30).
Judgement Repentence is urgent b/c of the judgement. LIfe is a journey & its destination is a reckoning with God himself
Corinth, Greece Here approx 1.5 yrs. (50-52AD) The Isthmus (Isthmian games) Great prosperity, larger population; a Roman colony Destroyed in 146 BC Rebuilt 46 BC by Julius Caesar (capital of Achaia since 27 BC) Temple of Aphrodite Acrocorinth Asclepius (Asklepeion
"Corinthiazesthai" "to play the Corinthian"
Corinthicized Ancient Corinth was known for its sexual excess. If anyone wanted to say someone was corrupt he was said to be this.
The temple of Aphrodite on the Acrocorinth This sexual obsession was cause by this on this hill where about 100 priestesses lived, and would descend into the city at dusk to ply their trade.
rugged coastline of Achaia Why did most ships unload their cargo and move it across Corinth?
The Oracle of Delphi (Acts 18:12) The book of Acts speaks of Paul seeing Gallio, whom Luke describes as "proconsul of Achaia." There was no record of such a man governing Achaia. In 1960s, inscription found the the Oracle boasted about "Gallio the Proconsul" seeing her.
Oracle of Delphi The inscription is dated around AD 52 and allows us to place Paul at Corinth at about that time, b/c Proconsuls served in a province for a period of 2 yrs.
Antioch Paul & SIlas return here completing the second missionary journey, one where the Gospel had reached Europe for the first time.
Paul as a writer Lived w/in a society that was mostly oral. 1-3 of 10 could read (depending on area) written word was NOT insignificant. Huge libraries in Pergamum (2000); Alexandria (500000) Early church possessed copies of Septuagint (most of Paul's quotes)
Paul as a writer contd Letters were meant to be read aloud. Letters: on papyrus (gluing sheets of papyrus together/avg scroll 35 ft./one sided. Papyrus: reed grown on Nile and Euphrates
Christian writers wrote on what? Papyrus and Parchment (sheep or goat skin) (vellum-calf skin for expensive works)
4th century When: Parchment Codex=book form?
Sequence of Paul's Epistles: Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans, Philippians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy,
Galatians (AD 50) Written from Antioch or Jerusalem at the time of Jerusalem "Conference" Themes covered in Gal (the basis upon which Gentiles should be admitted to Christianity) are the same as those of the conference. -Gal 5:1-6; Acts 15:1,2)
1 & 2 Thessalonians Perhaps written from Corinth. AD 51. 2 Thess. written just a few weeks later. Paul had 3 weeks, felt he didn't cover anything. The Delphi inscript mentioning "Gallio the proconsul" & the date of him in Achaia help us arrive at this date (Acts 18:14)
1 & 2 Corinthians AD 55. Perhaps written from Ephesus. Situation of man living w/ father's wife. Urges them to deal decisively. 2 Cor. to instruct them to receive the repentant man back and "reassure" their love for them.
Romans AD 57:: From Macedonia or Achaia. Paul has elaborate plans to travel to Rome, meet the church there, then go to Spain. (Rom. 15:22-29). Ironically he did indeed make it to Rome, but did so as a prisoner.
Prison Epistles Philippians, Colosians, Ephesians, Philemon AD 60:: From Rome. Col and Eph have many similarities. He wrote them together & was thinking along the same lines? Although in prison, (same time as end of Acts?), he was prob released to continue mission wk.
Pastoral Epistles 1 Timothy, Titus: AD 62:: Unknown. 2 Timothy: AD 67,68:: Written in Rome. More severe imprisonment than house arrest of Acts 28:30,31. Onesiphorus searched to find Paul (1:16-18). Aware he will die soon. Last words ever spoken by the Apostle (4:7-8)
3/Five parts to Paul's Epistles 1. Initial Greetings: Both writer and audience (e.g. Rom 1:1-7) 2. Thanksgiving. expanded it, became summary of main thoughts. (eg Rom 1:8-17) 3. Theology (eg Rom 2-11)
4 & 5 of parts to Paul's Epistles 4. Exhortation (eg Rom 12-15) at end, after doctrinal Paul would add the practical (a common thing in philosophical material). Eph 4-6; Col. 3-4; Rom 12:9-13 5. Final Greetings (eg Rom 16)
Galatians: No thanksgiving/blessing. An example of how it was important/significant when Paul departed from his format would be...?
Role of Amanuensis Secretaries were commonly used in ancient writing: 2 Thess 3:17 1 Cor. 16:12 Col 4:18 Gal 6:11 Phil 19
Created by: acpearl
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