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Med Surg Test #2

KUB (Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder) Radiographic study used to show size and position of kidneys, ureters, and bladder
IVP (intravenous pyelogram) visualizes urinary structures and radiopaque stones (Verify BUN and creatinine)
Always check for allergies of... shellfish and iodine
Retrograde Pyelogram Visualizes kidneys, ureters, and bladder (verify BUN and creatinine)
Cystogram Visualizes contour of bladder (f/c inserted prior, po fluids encouraged after)
MRI used to image vascular systems, stage renal carcinoma, identify bladder tumors. (calculi and stones)
CT scan used to diagnose renal pathology, determine kidney size, and evaluate tissue densities with or without contrast
Renal angiography provides details of arterial supply to the kidneys, location, number, and patency of renal arteries (Nsg: bleeding precautions and vs)
Cystoscopy visual exam of inside of bladder (purpose: identify cause of hematuria, incontinence, and retention.) (Nsg: monitor sedation, obtain urine culture and s/s of infection)
Biopsy samples are taken for diagnoses (purpose: cancer, prostatic enlargement, renal disease, evaluate transplant rejection) (nsg: monitor for bleeding, vs, assess voiding) (teach: s/s of infection and meds)
Urinalysis detects bacteria, blood, casts, and other abnormalities of urine
urine culture verifies uti and determines specific organism
24 hr urine collection to evaluate urine for 17 ketosteroids
urine specific gravity a measurement of kidneys ability to concentrate and excrete urine (norm: 1.005-1.030)
creatinine clearance used to determine how the kidneys excrete creatinine clearance (norm: 15-25 mg/kg body weight in 24 hrs
BUN (blood urea nitrogen) evaluates kidney function and hydration staus (norm: 10-20 mg/dl)
Urinary Incontinence urinary sphincter unable to control flow out of urine
cystitis inflammation of urinary bladder
urethritis inflammation of urethra (seen more in men than women)
pyleonephritis normal flora (ex: e coli) invades urinary tract causing inflammation of kidneys
Acute Glomerulonephritis nephritis that occurs most frequently in children and young adults and affects males more than women
Chronic Glomerulonephritis kidneys atrophy over 20-30 years decreased # of functional nephrons and eventually leads to kidney failure
Kidney and Urethral stones crystalline mass that forms in urinary system and my obstruct flow of urine
Nephrostomy tube when urine is blocked, tube is places into renal pelvis of kidney and tube will drain urine into a collection bag outside of body
Bladder stones develop in those with chronic urinary retention and urinary stasis
urethral stricture narrowing of ureter due to accumulation of scar tissue
cystostomy tube catheter inserted percutaneously through suprapubic region into bladder to provide urinary diversion. Tube will drain into collection bag.
Mastitis caused or contributed to plugged lactation duct or an infectious bacteria entering through cracked nipple
PAP test obtain sample of exfoliated cells in cervix (detects early cervical cancer and determines estrogen levels)
Cervical biopsy performed when PAP test results are positive or questionable
endometrial smear and biopsy removal of endometrial tissue
dilation and evacuation (D&E) surgical procedure in which the cervix is stretched open and endometrium is scrapped (after miscarriage)
Mammography a radiographic technique that screens for breast cancer
culdoscopy allows visualization of uterus, broad ligaments and fallopian tubes
Laparoscopy exam of interior of abdomen (detects ectopic pregnancies, perform tubal ligation, obtain ovarian tissue for biopsy, and detects for pelvic abnormalities
colposcopy to visualize cervix and vagina
hysterosalpingogram radiographic study used to visualize uterus and fallopian tubes
hysterectomy surgical removal of uterus using abdominal or vaginal approach
tubal ligation permanent form of female sterilization
pelvic organ prolapse congenital or acquired weakness in the muscles and fascia that are needed to support pelvic structures
endometriosis endometrial tissue is found outside of uterus, particularly on ovaries, rectovaginal septum. and in pelvis/abdomen
toxic shock syndrome septic shock that is a life-threatening systemic reaction to toxins produced by bacteria
vaginitis vaginal inflammation caused my mechanical or chemical irritants
cervicitis infectious agents enter the cervix
vasectomy ligation of vas deferens as a minor procedure in MD office
transrectal ultrasound lubricated probe is inserted into rectum to obtain view of prostate gland and identifies enlarged prostate
tissue biopsy prostatic biopsy of prostatic tissue for analysis by the perineal or rectal approach
hydrocele fluid accumulation
varicocele dilated veins (indicates swelling)
torsion of spermatic cord twisting of testes and spermatic cord
BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) occurs due to endocrine changes associated with aging and involves an enlargement of prostate gland
epididymitis inflammation of epidydimis and may result from an infection of the prostate
pelvic inflammatory disease refers to any inflammation in the pelvic cavity (commonly caused by gonorrhea and chlamydia)
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) infectious and eventually fatal disorder that profoundly weakens immune system
HIV 1 found in US and mutates easily and frequently
HIV 2 found in western africa and less transmittable, longer interval between infection and AIDS
pulmonary angiography radioisotope study that allows the physician to assess the arterial circulation in lungs
bronchoscopy direct visualization of larynx, trachea, and bronchi using a scope
pulmonary function study measures the functional ability of the lungs
sputum specimen examined for pathogenic microorganisms and cancer cells
arterial blood gases determines the bloods ph, oxygen carrying capacity, and CO2, and bicarbonate ion
TB skin test determines if client has been infected with tuberculosis
thrush yeast infection in mouth
thoracentesis allows aspiration if excess fluid or air from visceral and parietal pleurae
rhinitis (common cold) inflammation of nose and upper respiratory tract
sinusitis inflammation of mucosal lining of sinuses
pharyngitis inflammation of pharynx (sore throat) (inflammation may be caused by bacteria, virus, or fungus)
laryngitis inflammation and swelling of the mucus membranes that line the larynx
tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils
adenoiditis inflammation of adenoids
acute bronchitis inflammation of mucous membrane that lines the major bronchi and their branches
pneumonia inflammatory process affecting the bronchioles and alveoli classified by etiology
etiologies of pneumonia typical, atypical, radiation, chemical, aspiration, hypostatic, lobar
tuberculosis as immune activation occurs, tissue granulation occurs. lymphocytes undergo necrosis, forming a "cheesy" material that sloughs into the bronchus and can become airborne
pleurisy acute inflammation of pleura
pleural effusion collection of fluid in the pleural space
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) problems moving air in and out of lungs
emphysema alveoli lose elasticity, trapping air that normally gets expired and enables proper O2 and CO3 exchange
chronic bronchitis excessive secretion of mucus that interferes with airflow and inflammatory damage to bronchial mucosa that causes a productive cough
asthma chronic lung disease characterized by reversible airway obstructions
3 types of asthma allergic, idiopathic, and mixed
Created by: LindsayMD
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