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68WM6 P2 maternal 4
Maternal - the normal term newborn
Question | Answer |
Acrocyanosis | Bluish discoloration of the hands and feet because of reduced peripheral circulation. |
Caf-au-Lait Spots | Light brown birthmarks. |
Caput Succedaneum | Area of edema over the presenting part of the fetus or newborn resulting from pressure against the cervix; often called simply caput. |
Cephalhematoma | Bleeding between the periosteum and skull from pressure during birth; does not cross suture lines. |
Choanal Atresia | Abnormality of the nasal septum that obstructs one or both nasal passages. |
Craniosynostosis | Premature closure of the sutures of the infant's head. |
Cryptorchidism | Failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum. |
Epispadia | Abnormal placement of the urinary meatus on the dorsal side of the penis. |
Erythema Toxicum | Benign rash of unknown cause in newborns, with blotchy red areas that may have white or yellow papules or vesicles in the center. |
Hypospadia | Abnormalplacement of the urinary meatus on the dorsal side of the penis. |
Milia | White cysts, 1-2 mm in size from distended sebaceous glands. |
Molding | Shaping of the fetal head during movement through the birth canal. |
Mongolian Spots | Bruiselike marks that occur mostly in newborns with dark skin tones. |
Nevus Flammeus | Permanent purple birthmark; also called port-wine stain. |
Nevus Simplex | Flat, pink area on the nape of the neck, mid-forehead, or over the eyelids resulting from dilation of the capillaries; also called stork bites, salmon patches, or telangiectatic nevi. |
Nevus Vasculosus | Rough, red collection of capillaries with a raised surface that disappears with time; also called strawberry hemangioma. |
Periodic Breathing | Cessation of breating lasting 5-10 seconds without changes in color or heart rate. |
Point of Maximum Impulse | Area of the chest in which the heart sounds are loudest when auscultated. |
Polydactyly | More than 10 digits on the hands or feet. |
Pseudomenstruation | Vaginal bleeding in the newborn, resulting from withdrawal of placental hormones. |
Strabismus | A turning inward (crossing) or outward of the eyes because of poor muscle tone in the muscles that control eye movement. |
Syndactyly | Webbing between fingers or toes. |
Tachypnea | Respiratory rate aboce 60 breaths per minute in the newborn after the first hour of life. |
Vernix Caseosa | Thick, white substance that protects the skin of the fetus. |
Colostrum | Breast fluid secreted during pregnancy and the first week after childbirth. |
Engorgement | Swetting of the breasts resulting from enlarged lymph glands, increased blood flow, and accumulation of milk when milk starts eing produced. |
Foremilk | First breast milk received in a feeding |
Hindmilk | Breastmilk near the end of a feeding; contains higher fat content than foremilk. |
Latch-On | Attachment of the infant to the breast. |
Mastitis | Inflammation of the breast, usually caused by infection. |
Mature Milk | Breast milk that appears after the first 2 weeks of lactation. |
Milk-Ejection Reflex | Realease of milk from the alveoli into the ducts; also known as the let-down reflex. |
Nonnutritive Sucking | Sucking during which no milk flow is obtained. |
Nutritive Suckling | Steady, rhythmic suckling at the breast of sucking at a bottle to obtain milk. |
Oxytocin | Hormone produced by the posterior pituitary gland that stimulates uterine contractions and the milk-ejection relex; also prepared synthetically. |
Prolactin | Anterior pituitary hormone that promotes growth of breast tissue and stimulates production of milk. |
Suckling | Giving or taking nourishment from the breast. Sometimes used interchangeable with sucking. |
Transitional Milk | Breast milk that appears between secretion of colostrum and mature milk. |