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Stack #66214

Skills- vital signs

Vital Signs
Normal Respirations 12-20 Breaths per minute
Apical pulse location under heart below nipple line
Normal Pulse 60-100 BPM
4 Characteristics of Pulse Rate,Rhythm,Symmetry,Amplitude
Pulse Grade 0 absent
pulse grade 1+ weak and thready
pulse grade 2+ Normal pulse
pulse grade 3+ full pulse
pulse grade 4+ Full and bounding
Oral temp 96.8F-100.4F
Rectal temp 98F-100.4F (.7 +than oral)
Axillary temp 95.8F-99.4F (1 -than oral)
Systolic pressure measures pressure on arterial walls during ventricular contraction
Diastolic pressure measures Arterial pressure during ventricular relaxation
Cardiac Output (CO) amount of blood being contracted from ventricles into body
Total Peripheral Resistance (TPR) arterial wall elasticity and blood viscosity affect BP
Pulse pressure differencebetween Systolic and Diastolic usually 1/3 SBP
Mean Arterial pressure (MAP) CO x TPR
Normal BP <120/<80
Prehypertension 120-139/80-89
High BP stage 1 140-159/ 90-99
High BP stage 2 160 or >/100 or >
Hypertension high BP
Hypotension low BP
Orthostatic Hypotension <SBP>20 with change in postition
Bell side can hear low pitch
Diaphram side can hear high pitch
Bp cuff too narrow false high
BP cuff too wide False low
Korotkoff's phase 1 Systolic BP, first sound
Korotkoff's phase 2 absence /swooshing
Korotkoffs phase 3 tapping/ softer than phase 1
Korotkoff's phase 4 Diastolic BP softer blowing muffled
Korotkoff's phase 5 silence
Normal O2 saturation 925 OR >
Popular Nursing sets




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