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Rad 220


What tarsal is commonly referred to as the “heel bone”? calcaneus
Which of the following are parts of the tibia? Tibial tuberosity Medial malleolus
A normal variation in which an additional small sesamoid bone is located posterior to the knee is termed: fabella
What is a fabella? An additional sesamoid bone that can develop in the posterior portion of the knee
What is the name given to the distal end of the fibula? Lateral malleolus
Which of the following are the bones that articulate to form the ankle mortise? Talus, tibia, and fibula
The palpable portion at the distal end of the tibia is called the: medial malleolus
What is the name of the palpable, bony protuberance on the anterior aspect of the proximal tibia? Tibial tuberosity
Where is the tibial spine located? On the superior aspect of the proximal tibia
Where is the medial malleolus located? On the medial aspect of the ankle joint
Which surface of the foot should be in contact with the IR for the lateral projection of the foot? Lateral
Which of the following is true regarding the lateral projection of the foot? The ankle should be dorsiflexed so that the long axis of the foot is perpendicular to the tibia.
Which foot projection and position demonstrates the metatarsals without superimposition? AP oblique projection in 30-degree medial rotation
Where should the CR enter the patient for the AP projection of the ankle joint? Perpendicular to a point midway between the malleoli
Which of the following is true regarding the correct positioning of the ankle for a lateral projection? The CR enters perpendicular to the medial malleolus.
A tube angle of 5 degrees cephalic is used when taking a(n): lateral projection of the knee
Where should the CR enter the patient for the AP projection of the knee? 1/2 inch below the apex of the patella
What is the proper position of the lower limbs for an AP projection of the pelvis? 15-degree medial rotation
When taking an AP projection of the hip, the lower limb is: medially rotated 15 degrees
When a twisting injury occurs in the lower leg, what type of fracture usually occurs? A spiral fracture
prime factors of exposure in radiography? Milliamperage, exposure time, kilovoltage, and distance (SID) (See Ch 7)
If an image were made using 500 mA, 0.1 seconds, and 75 kVp, what would the mAs be for this exposure? 50 mAs (Use mAs triangle)
Two exposures are made using the following technical factors: Image A: 500 mA, 0.05 seconds, 72 kVp Image B: 200 mA, 0.125 seconds, 72 kVp Which image would have the greater density? Image A and B would exhibit equal density. (See Ch 7)
Which of the following will result in increased radiographic density? 1. Increased mA 2. Increased exposure time 3. Increased kVp 1, 2, and 3 (kVp will also affect image density, see ch 7 pg 81, to left paragraph)
The distance between the tube target and the IR is termed________________-image distance: (please answer with no caps, correct spelling, no spaces before or punctuation after word) source
The relationship between SID and beam intensity is expressed in the: Inverse square law
What are the four primary aspects of radiographic quality? Density, contrast, distortion, and recorded detail
The overall darkness, or blackness, within a radiographic image is referred to as: density
The mass density of the radiographic subject is referred to as the _______________________ density (please no caps, no spaces before answer, check spelling): tissue
Density is primarily controlled by varying the: mAs
Contrast is primarily controlled by altering the: kilovoltage
A variation in the size or shape of the image as compared with the subject it represents is called: distortion
Another name for size distortion is: magnification
The distance between the subject or part and the IR is referred to as: object-image distance (OID).
With a large OID, the reduction of excessive magnification is accomplished by: increasing the SID
An increase in OID will result in: increased magnification
Motion of the patient, the tube, or the IR during the exposure results in decreased: recorded detail
Which of the following minimizes shape distortion? 1. Position plane of subject parallel to plane of IR 2. Position plane of subject perpendicular to plane of IR 3. CR perpendicular to IR and subject 1 and 3 only
Which quality factor is a key to visibility of detail? contrast
A decrease in focal spot size will result in a decrease in recorded detail true
A “cassette-based” digital x-ray system is termed: computed radiography CR
The purpose of the photostimulable phosphor plate is to: store the image of the body part until processed
When using DR systems, indirect conversion of x-ray energy requires 4 steps. false - 2 steps
The system used to view and store digital x-ray images is called a ______ system. PACS
The first digital imaging in radiology was done with the introduction of the MRI scanner. false a CT scanner
Barium fluorohalide with europium is used: as the phosphor that absorbs the x-ray energy in the CR plate.
When a CR plate is inserted into the reader for processing, the phosphor is scanned with a laser light. true
How many times can the phosphor in the CR plate be used? 10,000 times
When using a DR system, the x-ray energy is absorbed by a phosphor absorber. This absorber is bonded to: a flat panel detector
The advantages of using CR and DR include: 1. low doses to the patients. 2. a wide dynamic range. 3. ability to see images very fast. 2. a wide dynamic range. 3. ability to see images very fast.
Which of the following must be used with digital-based systems to ensure that the ALARA concept is practiced? an exposure technique chart
Quantum mottle occurs in digital images if there are not enough photons reaching the IR. true
When splitting a CR cassette in half for two exposures, the half not being exposed should be covered with aluminum. false - lead
At least how many sides of the collimated x-ray beam should be shown on the IR and image? Two
A grid is important to use when using digital systems for mobile radiography? true
When performing an examination of the AP lower leg, it is important to use a 10x12 cassette Diagonally. false
The xiphoid process is the ______ of the sternum. distal tip
What term refers to the body of the sternum? gladiolus
The inferior lateral “corners” of the lungs, visible on a PA chest radiograph, are called the: costophrenic angles
In which quadrant of the abdomen is the largest portion of the liver located? right, upper quadrant
If a patient is complaining of pain in the right, lower quadrant of the abdomen, the appendix might be the cause of pain? true
When the abdomen is divided into nine parts, the upper middle portion is called the hypochondriaxc region. false
The second portion of the small bowel is called the: jejunum
The membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and surrounds the abdominal organs is called the: peritoneum
Which of the following are portions of the large intestine? 1. Ileum 2. Cecum 3. Sigmoid 2 and 3
Which of the following is located in the curve of the duodenum? The head of the pancreas
What body habitus term is applied to the person of normal size? Sthenic
Which of the following are true regarding persons with an asthenic body habitus? 1. Body build is tall and slender. 2. Organs are longer and narrower in shape. 3. Organs are located lower in the abdominal cavity. 1, 2, and 3
Which of the following describe the importance of upright position for chest radiography? 1 upright position demonstrates air-fluid levels. 2. upright position allows maximum lung expansion. 3. The upright position minimizes magnification of the he 1,2 and 3
Which of the following techniques is desirable for chest radiography? High kVp, high mA, and short exposure time
What does the acronym “KUB” represent? Kidneys, ureters, and bladder
Where does the CR enter the patient for the AP projection of the abdomen with the patient in the supine position? Midcoronal plane at the level of T7
Stop breathing after expiration are the proper patient instructions for the AP projection of the abdomen with the patient in supine position? true
An AP upright projection of the abdomen is useful for the visualization of liver size. False (air-fluid levels in the intestines.)
Where does the CR enter the patient for the left lateral decubitus position of the abdomen? Midsagittal plane about 2 inches above the iliac crests
The essential factor for demonstration of air-fluid levels in radiography is: a horizontal x-ray beam.
When performing an examination of the AP lower leg, it is important to use a 10x12 cassette Diagonally. false
When Performing an examination of the Proximal ap Femur, it is important to use a place the lower border of the cassette 2 inches below the apex of the patella. false
When performing the AP toe exam, the foot is placed in the lateral foot position and the toe will be in the AP position, this is the best way to reduce distortion. false
For the AP Knee, the patient is placed in the same position as they are for the AP Lower Leg Position. true
For the AP Proximal Femur position, the patient can be positioned on the table bucky, a 14x17 cassette is placed lengthwise, the patients leg is rotated internally so as to place the patient’s greater trochanter in profile. true
A proper AP Pelvis examination includes the entire pelvis, the hip joints and the entire femur. false
According to the guidelines set forth in the class, the lateral foot is performed with the knee rotated inward. false
When performing the ap pelvis, it is important to rotate the feet outward (duck feeet). false
The correct cassette size for the foot is 8x10. false
The correct cassette size for the toe is 8x10. true
The correct cassette size for the hip and knee is 10x12. true
The correct focal spot size for the femur exam is the small focal spot false
The correct focal spot size for the lower leg exam is the small focal spot true
When programming the CEC for the Pelvis exam, you will find pelvis in the LOWER extremities section. false
When programming the CEC for the femur exam, you will find pelvis in the LOWER extremities section. true
When positioning the patient for the AP ankle exam, the following body parts are also positioned properly for AP exams the lower leg, the knee
When the lat lower leg is performed, which of the following statements is NOT true? The leg is straight, the leg is placed so that medial surface if the foot is closest to IR
When performing the oblique big toe, which of the following statements are true? The foot is in the rotated medially position (knees in)
When performing the axial calcaneous, which of the following statements are true? The knee must be fully extended
When performing the lateral calcaneous, which of the following statements are true? an 8x10 cassette must be used
Which of the following describes optimum radiographic viewing conditions? Radiographs should be viewed in a room with low light.
What is the first step in a systematic image review? Check for accurate and complete image identification markers
What is the customary method to hang an image for viewing? 1. With the superior anatomy at the top 2. As if the patient is facing the viewer 3. As if the patient were lying down 1 and 2 only
What is the proper method to hang an AP projection of the foot? with toes pointing toward the ceiling
Radiographs made with the patient in the prone position are usually hung horizontally. false
According to Appendix C, the optimum kVp range for an ankle is? 55 to 65 kVp
According to Appendix C, the correct kVp range for the toes is what?? 50 to 60 kVp
According to Appendix C, the optimum kVp range for the AP Pelvis is 72 to 82 Kvp
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