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OLOL OB Terms Test 1


Amnioinfusion infusion of rm temp. isotonic fluid (usually NS or lac Ringer’s sol.) into the uterine cavity if the vol. of amniotic fluid is low, in an attempt to inc. the fluid around the umbilical cord & prevent compression during uterine contractions
Accelerations increase in FHR, usually seen as a reassuring sign
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) fetal antigen; elevated levels in amniotic fluid are associated with neural tube defects; blood test to identify birth defects and anomalies such as Down Syndrome or Neural Tube Defects
Amnion inner membrane of 2 fetal membranes that form the sac and contain the fetus and the fluid that surrounds it in utero.
Amniotic pertaining or relating to the amnion
Amniotic fluid formed from amniotic cells, urine, and fetal secretions, continuously produced 700-800 at birth; transparent,straw-colored liquid with white flecks; slightly alkaline
Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI) estimation of amount of amniotic fluid by means of ultrasound to determine excess or decrease
Angiomas vascular spiders on neck and thorax
Anthropometric Measurements body measurements, such as height and weight
Ballottement tapping against the uterus thru the vagina and causing the fetus to “bounce” or move around the amniotic fluid w/n the uterus and rebound quickly
Baseline Fetal Heart Rate Beats per minute of the fetal heart. Normal range is 110 to 160 beats/min
Biophysical Profile (BPP)- noninvasive asses. of fetus and its environment using u/s & uterine fetal monitoring;breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, reactive fetal heart rate, and qualitative amniotic fluid vol.
Birth Plan a tool with which parents can explore their childbirth options and choose those that are most important to them
Blastocyst stage in the development of a mammalian embryo, occurring after the morula stage, that consists of an outer layer, or trophoblast, and a hallow sphere of cells enclosing a cavity.
Body Mass Index (BMI) method of calculating appropriateness of weight for height(BMI=Weight[kilograms]/height2 [meters]
Bradycardia baseline FHR below 110 beats per minute
Braxton-Hicks uterine contractions that can be felt through the abdominal wall soon after the fourth month of pregnancy
Chloasma (mask of pregnancy; facial melasma) cheeks, nose, and forehead blotchy, brownish hyperpigmentation
Chorion fetal membranes closet to the intrauterine wall that gives rise to the placenta and continues as the outer membrane surrounding the amnion
Chorionic Villi projections of the outer fetal membrane; fetal in origin and reflect the chromosomal and genetic makeup of the fetus
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) removal of fetal tissue from the placenta for genetic diagnostic studies
Colostrum thick, creamy yellowish fluid expressed from nipples
Conception union of the sperm and a single egg (ovum) resulting in fertilization; formation of the one-celled zygote,marks the beginning of a pregnancy
Cultural PROscriptions forbidden; taboo practices; they tell women what not to do
Cultural PREscriptions practices that are expected or acceptable; they tell women what to do
Couvade pregnancy-related rituals or a cluster of symptoms experienced by some prospective fathers during pregnancy and childbirth
Contraction Stress Test (CST) test to stimulate uterine contractions for the purpose of assessing fetal response; a healthy fetus doesn't react to contractions,whereas a compromised fetus demo late decels in the fetal heart rate that are indicative of uteroplacental insufficiency
Decelerations slowing of fetal heart rate attributed to a parasympathetic response and described in relation to uterine contractions
Doppler Blood Flow Analysis device for measuring blood flow noninvasively in the fetus and placenta to detect intrauterine growth restriction
Dizygotic Twins twins that are formed from 2 zygotes; they are also called fraternal twins
Diploid a cell with 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) nutritional recommendations consisting of the recommended dietary allowances, adequate intakes, and tolerable upper intake levels, the upper limit of intake associated with low risk in almost all members of a population
Decidua mucous membrane, lining of uterus, or endometrium of pregnancy that is shed after giving birth.
Doula a professionally trained to provide labor support, including physical, emotional, and informational support to women and their partners during labor and birth
Ectoderm Upper(Outer)layer of the embryonic disk; epidermis glands, the nails and hair, central and peripheral nervous system,lens of the eye, tooth enamel and the floor of the amniotic cavity
Early Decelerations onset corresponding to onset of uterine contraction, related to fetal head compression
Ductus Venosus shunt that allows most of fetal blood to bypass the liver and pass into the inferior vena cava
Ductus Arteriosus special circulatory pathway that allows fetal blood to bypass the lungs
EDD/EDC estimated due date/confinement
Episodic Changes changes from baseline patterns in the fetal heart rate that are not associated with uterine contractions
Embryo the developing baby from the beginning of the 3rd week through the 8th week after conception
Endoderm lower layer; epithelium lining the resp. and digestive tracts and the glandular cells of assoc. organs including the oropharynx, the liver and pancreas, the urethra, the bladder,and the vagina; forms the roof of the yolk sac
Effleurage massage of the abdomen or another body part performed during labor contractions
Electronic Fetal Monitoring (EFM) electronic surveillance of fetal heart rate by external and internal methods
Edema (physiologic/dependent) swelling of ankles and feet at the end of the day
Epulis (Gingival Granuloma Gravidarum) red raised nodule on gums; bleeds after brushing teeth
Fundal height measured by MacDonald’s method; measured from top of symphysis pubis over abdominal curve to top of fundus;measured in cm beginning in 2nd trimester
Friability spotting following cervical palpation or intercourse
Foramen ovale opening between the 2 atria of the fetal heart which allows blood to flow from the left atrium to the right to bypass the lungs; closes shortly after birth
FHR-Fetal Heart Rate normal is 110-160BPM
Fetus developing baby from 9 weeks after conception until birth
Fertilization occurs when 1 spermatozoon enters the ovum and the two containing nuclei containing parents’ chromosomes merge
Funic Souffle sound of fetal blood coursing through the umbilical cord; it is synchronous with the fetal heart rate
Gamete egg and sperm. Mature male or female germ cell; the mature sperm or ovum
Gametogenesis process whereby gametes are formed and mature
Gravida a woman who is or has been pregnancy, regardless of the duration or outcome of the pregnancy
Gravidity pregnancy
Haploid a cell with 23 single chromosomes
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) present 8-10 days after conception; presence signifies + pregnancy test
Hegar’s Sign softening of the lower uterine segment that allows it to be easily compressed by the 6th week of pregnancy
Hematopoiesis formation of blood
Hemorrhoids varicosities around the anus
Home Birth planned birth of the child at home, usually done under the supervision of a midwife
Hydramnious excess volume of amniotic fluid (more than 2000 mL/2 L at term); also called polyhydramnios
Hyperemia excess blood in an area of the body
Implantation occurs 6-10 days after conception; trophoblast burrows into the edometrium until blastocyst completely covered
Intermittent Auscultation involves listening to fetal heart sounds at periodic intervals to assess the fetal heart rate
Intrauterine Pressure Catheter(IUPC) catheter inserted into uterine cavity to assess uterine activity and pressure by electronic means
IUGR(Intrauterine Growth Restriction) Fetal undergrowth of any cause, such as deficient nutrient supply or intrauterine infection,or associated with congenital malformation; birth weight below population 10th percentile corrected for gestational age
Lactose Intolerance inability to digest milk sugar (lactose) b/c of an inherited absence of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine
Late Decelerations onset after peak of contraction, continuing into interval after contraction; caused by uteroplacental insufficiency
Leukorrhea white or slightly gray mucoid vaginal discharge with faint, musty odor
Lightening descent of the fetus toward the pelvic inlet before labor
Linea Nigra a dark line or discoloration of the abdomen that may be seen in pregnant women during the latter part of term; runs from above the umbilicus to the pubes
Lithotomy position in which the patient in on their back with the hips and knees flex and the thighs apart
LMP last menstrual period
Lordosis lumbosacral curve accentuated
Low Birth Weight(LBW) a newborn birth weight less than 2500g (5lbs 8oz)
L/S Ratio(Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio) ratio of two phospholipids in amniotic fluid that is used to determine fetal lung maturity; ratio 2:2 or greater usually indicates fetal lung maturity
Meconium Dark green to black tarry substance that contains fetal waste products and accumulates in the fetal intestines
Meiosis process by which germ cells divide and decrease their chromosomal number by one half; produces gametes(eggs and sperm)
Melasma brownish pigmentation on the face during pregnancy; also called chlosma and “mask of pregnancy”
Mitosis process of somatic cell division in which a single cell divides, but both of the new cells have the same number of chromosomes as the first; body cells replicate to yield 2 cells with the same genetic makeup as the parent cell
Monozygotic Twins twins that are formed from one fertilized ovum that then divides; they are also called Identical Twins.
Montevideo Units(MVUs) a method for evaluating the adequacy of uterine activity for achieving progress in labor
Montgomery Tubercles enlarged sebaceous glands in areola on both breasts.
Multigravida a woman who has had 2 or more pregnancies
Multipara a woman who has completed 2 or more pregnancies to 20 weeks of gestation
Neural Tube Defects (NTD) improper development of tube resulting in malformation of brain or spinal cord
Nuchal Cord when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetal neck
Nulligravida a women who has never conceived a child
Nullipara a woman who has not completed a pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached 20 weeks of gestation
Oligohydramnios abnormally small quantity of amniotic fluid, less than about 500mL at term
Oogenesis process of egg (ovum) formation; begins during fetal life in the female.
Operculum plug of mucus fills endocervical canal
Ovum female germ, or reproductive cell, produced by the ovary; egg
Oxytocin Challenge Test (OCT) eval of fetal response (fetal heart rate) to contractile activity of the uterus stimulated by exogenous oxytocin (Pitocin)
Palmar Erythema palms pinkish red, mottled
Parity # pregnancies which the fetus/fetuses reached 20 wks when they are born,not the # of fetuses(e.g.twins) born. The numeric designation is not affected by whether the fetus is born alive or stillborn(showing no s/s of life at birth)
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling (PUBS) procedure during which the fetal umbilical vessel is accessed for blood sampling or for transfusions. Also called Cordocentesis
Periodic Changes changes from baseline of the fetal heart rate that occur with uterine contractions
Physiologic Anemia decrease in Hgb and Hct values caused by dilution of erythrocytes by expanded plasma volume rather than by an actual decrease in erythrocytes or Hgb; Hct decreased to 36% and Hgb to 11 g/dL
PICA nonfood cravings for the substances such as ice, clay, and laundry starch
Placenta fetal structure that provides nourishment and removes wastes from the developing baby and secretes hormones necessary for the continuation of pregnancy
Positive Signs signs that can be attributed only to the presence of a fetus; auscultation of fetal heart sounds, fetal movements felt by examiner, and visualization of embryo or fetus
Presumptive Change pregnancy-related changes felt by a woman; amenorrhea, N/V, fatigue, urinary frequency, breast/skin changes and quickening
Preterm designation given to a pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks of gestation but ends before completion of 37 weeks gestation
Primigravida a woman who is pregnant for the first time
Primipara a woman who has given birth after a pregnancy of at least 20 wks gestation; also used informally to describe a pregnancy women before the birth of her first child
Probable Changes pregnancy-related changes that can be observed by an examiner; abdominal enlargement, cervical softening,changes in uterine consistency, ballottment, Braxton hicks, palpation of fetal outline and positive result of pregnancy test
Prolonged Deceleration episode of slowing of fetal heart rate lasting longer than 2 minutes, but less than 10 minutes
Pruritus Gravidarum itching of the skin that occurs during pregnancy
Ptyalism excessive salivation
Pyrosis heartburn experienced after supper
Quickening the 1st motion of a fetus in the uterus felt by the mother usually somewhat before the middle of the period of gestation
Sperm Male sex cell. Also called spermatozoon,spermatozoa.
Spermatogenesis process by which mature spermatozoa are formed, during which the diploid chromosome number(46)is reduced by half (haploid, 23)
Spiral Electrode (also fetal scalp spiral electrode) internal signal source for electronically monitoring the fetal heart rate
Supine Hypotension occlusion of the aorta which decreases BP in lower extremities causing faintness,lightheadedness, dizziness,agitation, syncope, and sometimes brief lapse in consciousness; may result in fetal hypoxia
Surfactant combination of lipoproteins produced by the lungs of the mature fetus to reduce surface tension in the alveoli, thus promoting lung expansion after birth
Tachycardia baseline fetal heart rate above 160 beats/min
Tachysystole more than 5 uterine contractions in 10 minutes, averaged over a 30-minute window
Term designation given to a pregnancy from the completion of 37 weeks of gestation to the end of week 42 of gestation
Tocolysis relaxation of the uterus; also tocolytic therapy
Tocotransducer electronic device for measuring uterine contractions; also called a tocodynamometer
Trophoblast outer layer of cells of the developing blastodermic vesicle (blastocyst) that develops the trophoderm or feeding layer,which will establish the nutrient relationships with the uterine endometrium
Ultrasound Transducer external signal source for monitoring fetal heart rate electronically
Uterine Soufflé (aka placental soufflé) the loud blowing murmur heard along the side of the uterus caused by blood entering the dilated arteries of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy
Uteroplacental Insufficiency (UPI) decline in placental function-exchange of gases,nutrients, and wastes-leading to fetal hypoxia and acidosis; evidenced by late fetal heart rate decelerations in response to uterine contractions
Variability normal irregularity of fetal cardiac rhythm; short term-beat-to-beat changes,; long-term-rhythmic changes(waves) from the baseline value
Variable Deceleration abrupt onset at any time unrelated to contraction; caused by cord compression
Viability capability of fetus to survive outside the uterus
Vibroacoustic Stimulation one of the methods of testing antepartum FHR response. Generally performed in conjunction with the NST and uses a combo of sound and vibration to stimulate the fetus; also called the fetal acoustic stimulation test
Zygote cell formed by the union of 2 reproductive cells or gametes; the fertilized ovum resulting from the union of a sperm and an ovum(egg)
Created by: cristenlp
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