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MCA- Acid-Balance

Chapter 10 - Lemone

What are the elements measured in Arterial blood Gas? pH, PaCO2, PaO2, and bicarbonate level. It is use to evaluate acid-base balance.
What system is responsible for regulating carbonic acid in the body? Respiratory system. It eliminates or retains carbon dioxide.
What system is responsible for regulation of acid-base balance in the body? Renal system. excess acids produced during metabolism normally are eliminated by the kidney. It also regulate bicarbonate .
What is needed to restore pH level during acidosis state? the kidney excrete hydrogen ion and retain bicarbonate.
What is needed to restore pH level during alkalosis state? the kidney reain hydrogen ions and excrete bicarbonate to restore acid-base balance.
What will happen to carbon dioxide when combine with water CO2 becomes potential carbonic acid.
What will happen when carbon dioxide or hydrogen incresases? It will stimulate the respiratory center in the brain.
Waht are the 2 ways an acidotic state can exist? is from either too much pCO2 or too little HCO3.
What are the 2 ways an alkalotic state can exist? is from either too little pCO2 or too much HCO3.
What is the normal range of pH? 7.35 to 7.45
What is the normal range of PaCO2? 35 to 45 mmHg
What is the normal range of PaO2? 80 to 100 mmHg
What is the normal range of HCO3? 22 to 26 mmHg
What is the normal range of Base Excess (BE)? -3 to +3
What is the normal range of SO2 (Oxygen Saturation)? 95 to 100%
What can increase acid production? lactic acidosis, Ketoacidosis related to diabetes, starvation, or alcoholism, and salicylate toxicity
What can decrease Acid excretion? renal failure
What can increase bicarbonate loss? diarrhea, ileostomy drainage, intestinal fistula, biliary or pancreatic fistulas
What can increase chloride? Sodium chloride IV solutions, renal tubular acidosis and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
What are the causes of metabolic acidosis? increase of acid production, decrease of acid excreation, incrase bicarbonate loss, andincrease chloride.
What can increase acid loss or excretion? vomiting, and gastric suction, and hypokalemia
what can increase bicarbonate? alkali ingestion (bicarbonatae of soda) and excess bicarbonate administration.
what are the causes of metabolic alkalosis? increase acid loss or excretion and increase bicarbonate.
What are the causes of acuute respiratory acidosis? acute respiratory conditions (pulmonary edema, pneumonia, acute astthma), opiate overdose, foreign body aspiration, and chest trauma.
What are the causes of chronic respiratory acidosis? Chhronic respiratory conditions (COPD, cystic fibrosis) , Multiple sclerosis, other neuuromuscular disease and stroke
What are the causes of Respiratory acidosis (ra)? Acute ra(acute respiratory conditions (pulmonary edema, pneumonia, acute astthma), opiate overdose, foreign body aspiration, and chest trauma.) and Chronic-ra ex. COPD, cystic fibrosis), Multiple sclerosis, other neuuromuscular disease, stroke)
What are the causes of respiratory alkalosis? anxiety-induced hyperventilation (ex. anxiety), fever, early salicylate intoxication, and hyperventilation with mecanical ventilator.
What are the values of respiratory acidosis? low pH, high CO2 (critical pH< 7.2 and CO2 > 77)
What are the values of respiratory alkalosis? high pH, low CO2 (critical pH >7.6 and CO2 < 20)
What are the values of metabolic acidosis? low pH, low HCO3 (critical ph < 7.2 and HCO3 < 10)
What are the values of metabolic alkalosis? high pH, high HCO3 (Critical ph > 7.6 and HCO3 40)
What are the manifestations of Metabolic Acidosis? anorexia, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, weakness, fatigue, general malaise (feeling of being unwell physically or emotionaly), decreasing LOC, dysrhythmias, bradycardia, warm and flushed skin, and hyperventilation (Kussmaul's respirations)
What are the manifestations of metabolic alkalosis? confusion, decreasing LOC, hyperreflexia, tetany, dysrhythmias, hypotension, seizures, and respiratory failure.
what are the manifestations of acute respiratory acidosis? headache, warm flushed skin, blurred vision, irritability, altered mental status, decreasing LOC,a dn cardiac arrest.
what are the manifestations of chronic respiratory acidosis? weakness, dull headache, sleep disturbances with daytime sleepiness, impaired memory, and personality changes.
What are the respiratory alkalosis? dizziness, numbness and tingling around mouth, hands, and feet, palpitations, dyspnea, chest tightness, anxiety / panic, tremors, tetany, seizuures, loss of consciousness.
Created by: rt-study
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