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JM Respiratory Lag

Respiratory lag pg 1-7

How is O2 transported? Monitored? 3% dissolved (PO2) and 97% bound to Hgb (O2 sats, pulse oximetry).
How is CO2 transported? 70% (bicarbonate ion form: H2Co3- (carbonic acid) (dissociates into bicarb); 20 % (deoxygenated Hgb carbaminohemoglobin); 10% )dissolved PCO2 on an ABG
What factors affect the work of breathing? Airway resistance (airway radius, rate or speed of gas flow) and elastic forces (compliance).
Discuss local clinical manifestations of respiratory dysfunction. Cough (lasting longer then 2-3 wks may indicate pulmonary disease; excessive nasal secretions; expectoration of sputum; pain (pleuritic intercostals, generalized);dyspnea.
What type of main may be experienced with resp dysfunction? pleuritic, intercostal, generalized
Describe clinical manifestations of respiratory dysfunction dyspnea. Rapid, audible, labored breathing; accessory muscles; dilated nostrils (flaring); tachycardia;anxious expression; gasping; cyanosis.
Define ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch. Areas of the lung participating in ventilation that will not be perfused because of the decreased blood flow to lungs (d/t increased dead space)
Give examples of conditions with dead space. Emphysema & pulmonary embolism: because of loss of cap bed no blood flow
What is dead space? areas where ventilation is present w/o perfusion: no gas exchange can occur
Give examples of conditions with shunting. pneumonia, atelectasis, ARDS bit mp ventilation.
What is shunting? Blood flow but no ventilation
Discuss systemic manifestations of respiratory dysfunction. Hypoxemia/hypoxia. Hypoxemia is decreases PaO2 and Hypoxia is inadequate tissue oxygenation.
What are some causes of hypoxemia/hypoxia? Ventilation/perfusion mismatching is MOST COMMON cause; high altitude; inadequate O2 in inspired air; anemia; abnormal types of hgb; circulatory impairment (hypotension, low CO…)
What is the MOST reliable indicator of hypoxemia? ABGs
What are the early signs of hypoxia? tachycardia, dilated pupils(sympathetic n.s. response)tachypnea, irritability; unexplained apprehension
What might rapid shallow breaths suggest? the tidal vol may be inadequate to remove co2 from the lungs.
What may a severe morning HA indicate? that hypercapnia may have occurred during the night, increasing cerebral blood flow by vasodilation and causing a morning HA
What are later signs of hypoxia? combativeness;retraction;cyanosis,hypotension; HA, decreased loc
See pg 1804 for hypotension with hypoxia
Why is it important to give LOW FLOW o2 TO copd PTS? With long-standing CO2 retention & resultant acidosis, hypoxemia will stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors.
Discuss role of hypoxemia and acidosis. Anaerobic metabolism, lactic acidosis buildup
What is hypercapnia/hypercarbia? Increased amounts of CO2 in ARTERIAL BLOOD.
What are causes of hypercapnia/hypercarbia? Inadequate alveolar ventilation-think about it!! Alveoli not working properly!respdepression,pneumonia,pulmonary edema, obstructive lung disease.
What are s/s of hypercapnia/hypercarbia? Increased CO2 leads to increased H+ ion concentration: tachycardia, HTN,dizzy,HA, mental cloudiness, LOC if severe.
See pg 1804
What is respiratory failure? Oxygenation &/or ventilatory failure;inability to supply body with O2 (O2 failure) & rid it of CO2 (ventilatory failure)
Define ventilatory failure affects. it is the inability to get rid of the co2
Oxygenation failure? inability to SUPPLY o2
What blood gases define respiratory failure? PaO2=< 50 mm Hg or Paco2 =>50 mm Hg and pH =< 7.25
How is respiratory failure classified? acute or chronic
What are some causes of ventilatory failure? alveolar hypoventilation: upper airway obst, depress/ medulla,drug OD, anesthesia, head trauma, cva;impaired nerve impulse( to resp musc);mech abnormalities;smokers (copd)
What mechanical abnormalities my cause ventilator failure? Abnormalities of chest wall or lung pleural effusion,pneumothorax, hemothorax,flair chest;
What are some conditions of impaired transmission of nerve impulses from respiratory center to the muscles of respiration? lesion @ cervical level of spinal cord, d/o of nerves or neuromuscular junction (polio, Guillain-Barre’, myasthenia gravis)
Discuss causes of oxygenation failure. V/Q mismatch: pneumonia, ARDS, atelectasis, severe pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism
Created by: 100000255019352
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