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CH 16

Physiologic and Behavioral Adaptations of the Newborn

Acrocyanosis? Peripheral cyanosis; blue color of hands and feet in most infants at birth that may persist for 7 to 10 days
Caput succedaneum? Swelling of the tissue over the presenting part of the fetal head caused by pressure during birth
Cephalhematoma? Extravasation of blood from ruptures blood vessels between a skull bone and its external covering, the periosteum; swelling is limited by the margins of the cranial bone affected
Erythema toxicum? Innocuous pink papular neonatal rash of unknown cause, with superimposed vesicles appearing within 24 - 48 hours after birth and resolving spontaneously within a few days
Habituation? Psychologic and physiologic phenomenon whereby the response to a constant or repetitive stimulus is decreased
Milia? Small, white sebaceous glands, appearing as tiny, white, pinpoint papules on the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin of the neonate
Mongolian Spots? Bluish gray or dark nonelevated pigmented areas usually found over the lower back and buttocks that are present at birth in some infants, primarily nonwhite, usually fading by school age
Transition Period? Period from birth to 4 - 6 hours later in which the infant passes through a period of reactivity, sleep, and as second period of reactivity
Vernix Caseosa? Protective gray-white fatty substance of cheesy consistency covering the fetal skin
Created by: klsy0528
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