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Shorter Nursing C1

fundamentals of nursing chap 1

Discuss the evolution of definitions of nursing Nightingale is credited with earliest modern definition "putting individual in the best possible condition for nature to restore & perserve health. Henderson proposed that nursing is more than carrying out ouders.
Unique Nursing Skills Assessment Skills, Caring skills, Counseling Skills, Comforting Skills
Assesment Skills Acts that involve collecting data
Caring Skills nursing interventions that restore or maintains a person health
Counseling Skills intervention that include communicating with client, actively listening during exchanges of information, offering pertinent health teaching and providing emotional support.
Comforting Skills interventions that provide stability and security during a health related crisis.
Name one historical event that led to the demise of nursing in England before the time of Florence Nightingale. When religious groups were exiled to Western Europe during the schism between King Henry V11 and the Catholic Church.
Identify four reforms for which Florence Nightingal is responsible Training people for their future work. selecting only those with upstanding character as potential nurses. Significantly reducing British Soldiers Death Rate Improving Sanitary Conditions for the sick and injured Providing Classroom education
Describe at least five ways in which early U.S training school deviated from those established under the direction of Florence Nightingale Any hospital rural or urban could establish a training school. Students staffed the hospital. No formal classes were was an outcome of work. At the end of trainging school, students were discharged and new students took their place.
Name the ways that nurses used their skills in the early history of U.S. Nursing They established settlement houses in neighborhood with the sick and poor. Provided Midwifery Services. Volunteered during Wars.
Interventions that provide stability and security during a crises is called? Comforting Skills
Please Define the nursing Skill that assist with ADL's? Caring Skills
Which Nursing Skill is devoted to the action that involves collecting data? Assessment Skills
Who stated that to stand still is to go backward in essence not educate your self Florence Nightingale
Who is the theorist who believed individual self-care to take care of your life? Virginia Henderson
Identify at least five factors that influence choice of educational nursing program. Career Goals, Location, Cost, Length of Program, Reputation & Success of Grads.
List examples of current trends affecting nursing and healthcare shortage of nursing staff Growing aging population with chronic health problems
Discuss the shortage of nurses and methods to reduce crisis shortage of nurses is currently growing b/c the retirment rate exceeds replacement Government has started loan replayment programs. Career ladder programs. Loan repayment for future Nurse Teachers
List four types of Nursing Programs that prepare student career centers, vocational schools, hospitals, independent agencies, community college.
Five Guidance for Delagation (Rn's delegate client care to LPN's and UAP's when apprpriate. Right Task-matching client needs with caregiver skills Right Circumstances-ensuring the situation is apprropriate Right Direction-Providing Sufficient Information Right Supervision-being avaliable for assistance Right Person-know the nurse can do it
ADL's Activities of Daily Living- the acts that people do everyday. ex. bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting and eating
State three reasons that support the need for continuing education in nursing *no basic program provides all knowledge & skills needed for a lifetime career Renewal of state licensure is contingent on evidence of continuing education current advances in technology make previous methods of practive obsolete
Sister Callista Roy Adaptation Theory- Humans are biophychosocial...A change in one component results in adaptive changes in the other. Nurses access biological, phychological and social factors interfering with health, alter the stimuli causing the maladaption
Virginia Henderson Basic Needs Theory- temp assisting a person who lacks the necesary strength, will, and knowledge to satisfy one or more of 14 basic needs. People have basic needs that are components of health. significance &value of these needs that r unique to each 1
Dorothea Orem Self Care Theory- People learn behaviors that they perform on their own behalf to maintain life, health, and wellbeing. Nurses Assist clients with self care to improve or maintain health.
Created by: shawandashorter
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