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OLOL ~Mood Disorders

N140 OLOL Psych ~ Mood Disorders

Bipolar I Person has experienced the full range of manic of mixed symptoms
Bipolar I Manic episodes, often involving shopping sprees, acting provocatively, and lapses in judgment
Bipolar II Episodic occurrences of hypomania
Bipolar II Has not experienced an episode that meets criteria for mania or mixed symptomology
Major Depressive Disorder Depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities
Major Depressive Disorder Social and occupational functioning impaired for at least 2 weeks
Major Depressive Disorder No history of manic behavior
Major Depressive Disorder Cannot be attributed to the use of substances or a general medical condition
Dysthymic Disorder Sad or "down in the dumps"
Dysthymic Disorder No evidence of psychotic symptoms
Dysthymic Disorder Depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not, and for the last 2 years (1 year for adolescents)
Dysthymic Disorder Not as severe as depression
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder Depressed mood, anxiety, mood swings
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder Symptoms occur the week before menses starts
Bipolar II "Hulk" syndrome- episodes of violent outbursts
Dysthymic disorder A mood disorder similar to major depression, but remaining mild to moderate in severity; less severe than in major depression.
Bipolar 1 disorder characterized by a single manic episode with no past major depressive episodes.
Bipolar 2 disorder characterized by at least one major depressive episode and past hypomanic episodes but not a full manic episode.
Major Depressive disorder (unipolar disorder) A loss of interest in life & a depressed mood which moves from mild to severe & lasts at least 2 weeks.
Cyclothymic disorder A mood disorder characterized by a mood range from moderate depression to hypomania, but with briefer mood swings & less severe symptoms than Bipolar Disorder.It may or may not include periods of normal mood. This disorder lasts for at least 2 years.
Schizoaffective disorder A combination of the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia and those with mood disorders;symptoms include:delusions,hallucinations,disorganized speech&behavior,neg symptoms,communication diffuculties,& also major depressive symptoms,manic episodes, or mixed
Psychotherapy ___ & medication is considered the most effective treatment for depressive disorders.
The goals of psychotherapy are: symptom remission; psychosocial restoration; prevention of relapse; reduced secondary consequences such as marital discord or occupational difficulties; increasing treatment compliance.
Interpersonal Therapy Focuses on difficulty in relationships such as grief reactions, role disputes, & role transitions. (ex. Person who, as a child, never learned how to make & trust a friend outside of their family.)
Behavior Therapy Seeks to increase the frequency of the patient's positively reinforcing interactions with the environment & to decrease negative interactions.Also may focus on improving social skills.
Cognitive Therapy Focuses on how the person thinks about themselves, others and the future and interprets his/her experiences.This model focuses on the patient's distorted thinking that in turn influences feelings,behavior,&functional abilities.
Benzodiazepines used to treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, panic disorders, & alcohol withdrawal.
Antidepressants 4 groups: Tricyclic agents; SSRI's; SNRI's; MAOI's.
Hypomania Elevated or exaggerated mood resembling mania but less intense and lacks psychotic symptoms. (i.e. Mild mania w/out much change in behavior, but accompanied by sound associations & distractibility.
Endogenous Depression Depression occurs without any relationship to external events. (related to the person's internal conflicts or events in their personal life).
Exogenous Depression Depression occurring from a major life event. (Hurricane, loss of job, miscarriage, etc.)
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Depression that occurs in the fall and winter months, while during the spring and summer the client experiences normal mood or hypomania. There is a direct correlation with light and the production of melatonin in these clients.
Explain why persons with Major Depressive Disorders have impaired judgments. Individual does not use cognitive abilities to solve problems. This may be related to their extreme apathy or belief that it "doesn't matter anyway".
Lack of judgment & insight. _____________ often leads to substance abuse in Major Depressive patients.
List symptoms of Mood Disorders (Major Depressive Disorder 1)Over 2 weeks,client has experienced a change from previous functioning w/depressed mood or decreased interest or pleasure;2)Symptoms cause significant distress or impair functioning;3)Symptoms are not caused by a substance or medical condition.
When assessing the patient's perception that has a Mood Disorder, what should be asked? Ask patient when the symptoms started, What was happening when the symptoms began, symptom duration, & what the patient has tried to do about his or her symptoms. *Also it is important to determine any hx of depression, tx, & response to previous tx.
Depression in Children Symptoms include difficulties with schoolwork, lack of enthusiasm and energy, social withdrawal, impulsive, angry outburst. Other signs of anxiety and hyperactivity.
Depression in the Elderly Symptoms include confusion, memory loss, & agitation. It is often mistaken for Dementia (Pseudodementia).
Verbalizing emotions. Manifestations of depression vary among cultures & are more apparent in cultures that avoid ____ ____.
Asians. ____ who are depressed are more likely to have somatic complaints of headache or backache.
Latin. ____ cultures complain of "nerves" or headache.
Middle-Eastern ________ cultures complain of heart problems.
The goal of pharmacologic tx for Mood Disorders (Major Depressive Disorders, etc.) is ... to increase the efficiency of available neurotransmitters & the absorption by postsynaptic receptors.
Antidepressants ___ establish a blockage for the reuptake of norepinephrine & serotonin into their specific nerve terminals. This permits them to linger longer in synapses & to be more available to postsynaptic receptors.
Antidepressants They also increase the sensitivity of the postsynaptic receptors.
ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy Used to tx depression in pts who donot respond to antidepressants or those who experience intolerable SE's to drug therapy. ***It is occasionally used for pts who are actively suicidal&waiting for medication to become effective.
Created by: ebadger
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