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SECC RC terminology
Acronyms for respiratory care
Question | Answer |
ABG | arterial blood gas |
a.c. | before meals |
AFB | acid fast bacillus |
AIDS | aquired immunodeficiency syndrome |
Ant. | anterior |
AP | anterior posterior |
ARDS | adult respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | acute respiratory failure |
ASHD | Arteriosclerotic heart disease |
A-V | atriovenous, atrioventricular |
BE | Base excess |
BID | twice a day |
BM | bowel movement |
BP | blood pressure, bronchopleural |
bpm | beats per minute |
BSA | body surface area |
BUN | blood urea nitrogen |
c | with |
CA | cancer |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CBC | complete blood count |
CC | cheif complaint |
CHF | congestive heart failure |
CNS | central nervous system |
CO | cardiac output |
COPD | cronic obstructive pulmondary disease |
CPR | cardio pulmonary resuscitation |
CPT | chest physical therapy |
CSF | cerebrospinal fluid |
CT | computerized tomography |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident |
CXR | chest x-ray |
D5W | 5% dextrose in water |
DC | discontinue |
diff | white cell differential |
Dx | diagnosis |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ED | emergency department |
EEG | electroencephalogram |
ET | endotracheal tube |
FBS | fasting blood sugar |
Fx | fracture |
GI | gastro intestinal |
grav I | Pregnancy one |
GSW | gunshot wound |
Hgb | hemoglobin |
h.s. | at bedtime |
Hx | history |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
General Abbreviations: P | Pressure |
General Abbreviations: V | volume |
General Abbreviations: f | frequency of breathing |
General Abbreviations: t | time |
Gas Phase Symbols: V | Gas volume |
Gas Phase Symbols: F | Fractional concentration |
Gas Phase Symbols: A | Alveolar |
Gas Phase Symbols: B | barometric |
Gas Phase Symbols: E | Expired |
Gas Phase Symbols: DS | dead space |
Gas Phase Symbols: L | lung |
Gas Phase Symbols: I | Inspired |
Gas Phase Symbols: T | tidal |
Blood Phase Symbols: Q | volume of blood |
Blood Phase Symbols: C | concentration in blood phase |
Blood Phase Symbols: S | saturation in blood phase |
Blood Phase Symbols: a | arterial |
Blood Phase Symbols: c | capillary |
Blood Phase Symbols: p | pulmonary |
Blood Phase Symbols: v | venous |
Blood Phase Symbols: s | shunt |
Mechanics of breathing symbols: C | compliance |
Mechanics of breathing symbols: G | conductance |
Mechanics of breathing symbols: R | resistance |
Mechanics of breathing symbols: W | work |
Mechanics of breathing modify: A | alveolar |
Mechanics of breathing modify: ab | abdomen |
Mechanics of breathing modify: am | ambient |
Mechanics of breathing modify: ao | airway opening |
Mechanics of breathing modify: aw | airway |
Mechanics of breathing modify: B | barometric |
Mechanics of breathing modify: as (bs) | body surface |
Mechanics of breathing modify: di | diaphragm |
Mechanics of breathing modify: dyn | dynamic |
Mechanics of breathing modify: E | expiratory |
Mechanics of breathing modify: El (el) | elastic |
Mechanics of breathing modify: es | esophageal |
Mechanics of breathing modify: L | transpulmonary |
Mechanics of breathing modify: m | mouth |
Mechanics of breathing modify: max | maximum |
Mechanics of breathing modify: pl | pleural |
Mechanics of breathing modify: rs | respiratory system |
Mechanics of breathing modify: st | static |
Mechanics of breathing modify: tm | transmural |
Mechanics of breathing modify: W | chest wall |
Program abbreviations: SRT | Student respiratory therapist |
Program abbreviations: CRT | certified respiratory therapist |
Program abbreviations: RRT | registered respiratory therapist |
Program abbreviations: RRT-NPS | registered respiratory therapist neo natal specialist |
Program abbreviations: CPFT | certified pulmonary function technologist |
Program abbreviations: RPFT | registered pulmonary function technologist |
Program abbreviations: NBRC | national board of respiratory care |
Program abbreviations: AARC | american association of respiratory care |
Program abbreviations: CoARC | commission on accredation for respiratory care |
Program abbreviations: SACS | Southern association of colleges and schools |
Program abbreviations: KCTCS | Kentucky community and technical college system |
Program abbreviations: RPSGT | |
Program abbreviations: KSRC | |
Prefixes: Hypo | deficient |
Prefixes: Hyper | above |
Prefixes: Tachy | fast |
Prefixes: a | lack of |
Prefixes: Endo | within |
Prefixes: Vaso | vessel |
Prefixes: Broncho | Bronchi |
Prefixes: Pneumo | pertaining to the Lungs |
Prefixes: Cyan | dark blue |
Prefixes: Pulmo | related to the lungs |
Prefixes: Thora | pertaining to the upper chest |
Prefixes: Rhino | pertaining to the nose |
Prefixes: Hemo | blood |
Prefixes: naso | Nose |
Prefixes: Pyo | pus |
Prefixes: Myo | relating to the muscle |
Prefixes: Epi | on, upon |
Prefixes: Histo | Tissue |
Prefixes: Trache | trachea |
Prefixes: Spiro | Breath |
Prefixes: An | not, without |
Prefixes: Thyro | thyroid |
Prefixes: Supra | Above, excessive |
suffixes: centesis | surgical procedure for aspiration |
suffixes: ectomy | surgical operation to remove a bodily part, excision |
suffixes: itis | inflammation |
suffixes: osis | condition, disease |
suffixes: otomy | incision |
suffixes: scope | instrument |
suffixes: pnea | breathing |
suffixes: meter | neasurement |
suffixes: plasty | reconstruction, surgical repair |
suffixes: us | pertaining to |
suffixes: extasis | dialation, expansion |
Mechanics of breathing modify: rc | rib cage |