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MCN pharm

pain management in labor & delivery

pharmacologic analgesia- systemic drugs narcotic analgesics, analgesic potentiators
narcotic analgesics actions primary action on sites in the brain, activating neurons to descend to the spinal cord.
common labor narcotic analgesics stadol(butorphanol tartrate), nubain(nalbuphine hydrochloride), demerol(meperidine hydrochloride), fentanyl(sublimaze)
Stadol butorphanol tartrate, IM or IV 0.5-2mg q4h, peak 30-60min.
stadol side effects sedations, dizziness, fainting, hypotension, hypertension. *life threatening resp. distress*
nubain nalbuphine hydorchloride, SC,IM,IV, 10-20mg q3-6h
nubain side effects sedation, sweaty, clammy skin, N/V *life threatening resp. distress*
demerol meperidine hydrochloride, IV,IM, 2.5-20mg q4h
demerol side effects pruritus, dizziness, sedation, nausea, constipation *life threatening resp. distress, convulsions, cardiac arrest*
fentanyl sublimaze, IV,IM, 50-100mcg q2h
fentanyl side effects bradycardia, hypotension, N/V, resp. distress *life threatening muscle rigidity especially in resp muscles*
analgesic potentiators known as ataractics, decrease anxiety and increase the effectiveness of analgesic when given together. classified as tranquilizers. allows women to receive smaller dose of opioids and decrease unwanted side effects
common analgesic potentiators *zines* promethazine(phenergan), hydroxyzine(vistaril), propriomazine(largon), promazine(sparine)
opiate antagonist naloxone(narcan)- reverse mild resp. distress that follows administration of small doses of opiates. 0.4-2mg, if need readminister q2-3 min
types of regional anesthesia and analgesia epidural, spinal block, puodendal block, epidural-spinal block
regional anesthesia temp loss of sensation produces by injecting agent into direct contact with nervous tissue
regional analgesia pain relief to a body region
problems with regional anesthesia alter impulses to bladder making voiding difficult, interfere with BP and leg movement, slows fetal descent, increased risk of perineal lacerations
types of local anesthetic agents two types- esters and amides
ester novocain, nesacaine, pontocaine. rapidly metabolized, higher incidence of allergic reactions than amides, toxic levels not likely met
amide xylocaine, carbocaine, marcaine. more powerful and longer-acting agents, cross placenta and can affect fetus.
xylocaine associated with neurological toxicity , should not exceed 75mg
ropivacaine(naropin) new generation amide now being used in labor. pain relief similar to other amides. bloackade effect is slightly lower decreasing instrument-assisted births
adverse maternal reactions to anesthetic agents range from mild symptoms to cardiovascular collapse. mild-palpitations, tinnitus, apprehension, confusion, metallic taste. moderate-above+ N/V, convulsions. severe-resp. distress, coma, loss conciousness
epidural anesthetic into epidural space, most frequently used as cont. block to provide analgesia and anesthetic from active labor to episiotomy repair.
epidural incidence most commonly method used during labor, 68% get one, can be given as soon as active labor begins.
epidural space space between dura mater and the ligamentum flavum, is accessed through the lumbar area
epidural advantages relieves discomfort, woman is fully awake and a part of the birth process, less adverse fetal effects, allow rest and regain of strength before pushing, allows different blocking for each labor stage, fetus can descend and rotate,longer postop pain releif
epidural disadvantages maternal hypotension, slow labor progress, less effective pushing efforts, delay bladder sensation
epidural nursing care assess knowledge or epidural, teach, empty bladder prior, assess pain, HR, BP, RR, FHR, for nl parameters, continuous EFM, bolus IV fluids prior to epidural to decrease hypotension
continuous epidural infusion benefits reduces the use of bolus dosages, good analgesia, less N, minimal sedation, decreased anxiety, early mobilization, less risk DVT, ease of administration
continuous epidural infusion potential problems breakthrough pain, sedation, N,V, pruritis and hypotension
epidural narcotic analgesia after birth 24h after birth may inject morphine(duramorph) or fentanyl (sublimaze) into epidural space right after birth. begins working 30-60m
spinal block local anesthetic agent injected into spinal fluid in the spinal canal for c-section and occasionally vaginal birth
spinal block advantages immediate onset, relative ease administration, a need for smaller med volume, maternal compartmentalization of the med.
spinal block disadvantages blockade of sympathetic nervous system, high incidence low BP=alterations in FHT and fetal hypoxia
spinal block nursing care bolus 500-1000mL fluids, assess maternal VS, pain, FHR baselines, reasses after injection of spinal block
combined spinal-epidural bloack CSE, used for cesarean and for labor, when first inserted goes into CSF then needle pulled back into epidural space and left there. faster onset, epidural actived when labor begins
pudendal block transvaginal method, inserted into pudendal nerve, anesthesia for 1st and 2nd stage, birth and episiotomy repair, relives pain in perineal area
local infiltration anesthesia inject anesthetic in intracutaneous, SQ,and IM areas of perineum, generally used at time of birth,prep for an episiotomy and repair of one if done.
general anesthesia may be needed for cesarean birth, combo of inhaled and IV agents
maternal comp. of general anesthesia difficulty in maternal intubation resulting in increased V and aspiration, increased blood loss, difficulty remembering events
fetal comp. of general anesthesia fetal depression, lower 1min apgar scores, not advocated when fetus is high risk
nursing care of general anesthesia document last meal because of decreased gastric motility, administer prophaylactic antacid therapy,place wedge under R hip, preoxygenate, start IV fluids, counsel prior, apply cricoid pressure
reason for cricoid pressure to occlude esophagus and prevent possible aspiration, pressure maintained until endotracheal tube in place
Created by: gudknecht
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