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OLOL OB Terms Test 2

Endometritis infection of the endometrium of the uterus
Embolus a mass which may be composed of a thrombus (blood clot) or amniotic fluid released into the bloodstream to cause obstruction of pulmonary vessels
Mastitis inflammation of the breast usually caused by infection
Direct Coombs’ test performed on infants blood to determine if Rh sensitization has occurred
Eclampsia form of HTN of pregnancy complicated by generalized (grand mal)seizures
Ectopic Pregnancy implantation of a fertilized ovum in any area other than the uterus; the most common site is the fallopian tube
Erythroblastosis Fetalis agglutination and hemolysis of fetal erythrocytes resulting from incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood.In most cases,the fetus is Rh-positive and the mother is Rh-negative
Gestational Diabetes any degree of glucose intolerance with onset occurring during pregnancy
Gestational Hypertension BP elevation w/o proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease spectrum of diseases that includes both benign hydatidiform mole and gestational trophoblastic tumors, such as invasive moles and choriocarcinoma
HELLP Syndrome A laboratory syndrome that defines a variant of severe preeclampsia: Hemolysis Elvated Liver enzymes Low Platelets
Hydatidiform Mole abnormal pregnancy resulting from proliferation of chorionic villi that give rise to multiple cysts and rapid growth of the uterus
Hyperemesis Gravidarum excessive vomiting during pregnancy
Incompetent Cervix inability of the cervix to remain closed long enough during pregnancy for the fetus to reach a maturity sufficient to survive
Indirect Coombs’ test performed on maternal serum to determine if Rh sensitization has occurred.
Placenta Accrete a placenta that is abnormally adherent to the uterus if the condition is more advanced it is called placenta increta (placenta extends into uterine muscle) or placenta percreta (placenta extends through uterine muscle)
Placenta Previa abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower uterus located at or very near the cervical os
Preeclampsia a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy characterized by HTN and proteinuria
Amniotomy artificial rupture of the amniotic sac(fetal membrane)
Amniotic Fluid Embolism an embolism in which amniotic fluid with its particulate matter is drawn into the pregnant woman’s circulation,lodging in her lungs
Augmentation of Labor artificial stimulation of uterine contractions that have become ineffective
Cephalopelvic Disproportion fetal head size that is too large to fit through the maternal pelvis at birth(also called fetopelvic disproportion)
Chorioamnionitis inflammation of the amniotic sac (fetal membranes);usually caused by bacterial and viral infections (also called amnionitis)
Dystocia difficult or prolonged labor; often associated with abnormal uterine activity and cephalopelvic disproportion
External Cephalic Version attempt to turn fetus from breech or shoulder presentation to vertex ; may be attempted after 37 weeks gestation
Forceps curved, metal instruments with two curved blades that can be locked in the center; the blades are used to grasp the fetal head
HYPERtonic Labor Dysfunction ineffective labor characterized by erratic and poorly coordinated contractions;uterine resting tone is higher than usual
HYPOtonic Labor Dysfunction ineffective labor characterized by weak,infrequent,and brief but coordinated uterine contractions; uterine resting tone is normal
Internal Version unexpected, urgent procedure in which the physician reaches into the uterus with one hand and, with the other hand on the maternal abdomen, moves the fetus into a longitudinal lie to allow delivery
McRobert’s Maneuver flex the mother's legs toward her shoulders as she lays on her back, thus expanding the pelvic outlet in the case of shoulder dystocia
Placenta Accrete a placenta that is abnormally adherent to the uterus if the condition is more advanced it is called placenta increta
Placenta Increta placenta extends into uterine muscle
Placenta Percreta placenta extends through uterine muscle
Precipitate Birth a birth that occurs without a trained attendant present
Precipitate Labor an intense, unusually short labor (less than 3 hrs)
Premature Rupture of Membranes spontaneous rupture of the membranes before the onset of labor(term, preterm, or postterm gestation)
Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes spontaneous rupture of the membranes before the onset of labor before the fetus is at term gestation
Uterine Rupture a tear in the wall of the uterus
Vacuum Extractor uses suction to grasp the fetal head while traction is applied
Threatened Abortion pt experiences vaginal bleeding but the cervix remains CLOSED; will have mild cramping and backache
Inevitable Abortion moderate to severe bleeding; cramping that feel like contractions and cervix is DILATED
Complete Abortion products of conception completely pass
Incomplete Abortion some but not all products of conception have been expelled
Missed Abortion fetus has died but is contained in the uterus
Lochia Rubra red, lasting 3 days; Stinks but shouldn’t be too foul.Blood with small particles of decidua & mucus.Amount should decrease by 4th day.Abnormal if contains large clots or has foul odor.
Lochia Serosa pinkish to pinkish brown,lasting from days 4 to 11;Leukocytes begin to invade area;composed of serous exudates,RBCs,WBCs, & cervical mucus.By day 11,RBCs are dec. Abnorm if continued or recurrent red d/c,excessive amount,or foul odor.
Lochia Alba clear,yellow to white,lasting until the third week following childbirth, may persist for 6+ weeks;Contains WBCs,decidual cells,epithelial cells,fat, cervical mucus & bacteria.Abnorm if persistent serosa, return to rubra, foul odor or if it never ends.
Scant Amount of Lochia less than a 1-inch (2.5 cm) stain on the peripad (~10 ml)
Small (Light)Amount of Lochia less than a 4-inch (10 cm) stain (~10-25 ml)- after 1st day
Moderate Amount of Lochia smaller than a 6-inch (15cm) stain (25-50 ml)- right after delivery
Large(Heavy)Amount of Lochia larger than a 6-inch stain (50 to 80 ml)
Excessive Amount of Lochia saturated peri pad within 15 minutes.Hemorrhage should be a concern for categories Large & Excessive.
S/S of PTL UCs(painful/not)> than q 10 min for 1 hr or >;Low ab cramping like gas pains;Dull intermittent low back pain; Pain,menstrual-like cramps;Pelvic press.,heaviness, urinaryfrequency; Vag. d/c,change chara & amount of d/c;Thicker/ thinner,bloody(mucus plug),
Ritodrine & Terbutaline should be withheld if: P > 120 bpm,FHR > 180 bpm R > 24,BP < 90/60 Breath sounds exhibit crackles
Ritodrine & Terbutaline Relax uterine smooth muscle through stimulation of beta2 receptors on the muscle
Tocolysis Use of medications to suppress uterine activity
Magnesium Sulfate Most commonly used tocolytic; Adverse reactions are less common (ie. RR<12, BP really low is toxic, watching levels and DTR);Promotes relaxation of smooth muscle – mechanism unclear
Indomethacin NSAID;Blocks production of prostaglandins, suppressing UCs. ;Increases risk of PP hemorrhage in mom and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in fetus;Used only when other methods fail and gestation is < 32 weeks.
HYPERtonic Labor Characterized by frequent, excessively painful UCs that are uncoordinated & erratic;Usually occurs in the latent phase;Client becomes very tired, anxious, & frustrated;Therapeutic rest and relief of pain are the primary interventions
HYPOtonic Labor Characterized by coordinated, but weak UCs that become shorter & less frequent;Usually occurs in the active phase;More common;Interventions: ambulation, enema, ROM, oxytocin infusion
Precipitate Labor Labor that lasts < 3 hours from onset of UCs to the time of birth;High rate of maternal/fetal complications:Uterine rupture,Perineal & cervical lacerations,PP hemorrhage,Fetal hypoxia, birth injury
Created by: cristenlp
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