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Stack #22
Ch.22 "The Ordeal of Reconstruction"
Front | Back | Quotes |
Treason | The crime of betrayal of one's country, involving some overt act violating an oath of allegiance or providing illegal aid to a foreign state. In the US, treason is the only crim specified in the Constitution. | "What should be done with the captured Confederate ringleaders, all of whom wer liable to charges of treason?"(p.477) |
Civil Disabilities | Legally imposed restrictions of a person's civil rights or liberties. | "But Congress did not remove all remaining civil disabilities until thirty years later..."(p.478) |
Legalistically | In accord with the exact letter of the law, sometimes with the intention of thwarting its broad intent. | "Some planters resisted emancipation more legalistically..."(p.478) |
Mutual Aid Societies | Nonprofit organizations designed to provide their members with financial and social benefits, often including medical aid, life insurance, funeral costs, and disaster relief. | "These churches...gave rise toother benevolent, fraternal, and mutual aid societies."(p.480) |
Confiscation (confiscated) | Legal fovernment seizure of private property without compensation. | "...the bureau was authorized to settle former slaves on forty-acre tracts confiscated from the Confederates..."(p.481) |
Pocket Veto | The presidential act of blocking a Congressionally passed law not by direct veto but by simply refusing to sign it at the end of a session. (A president can pocket-veto a bill within ten days of a session's end or after.) | "Lincoln 'pocket vetoed' this bill by refusing to sign it after Congress had adjourned."(p.483) |
Lease | To enter into a contract by which one party gives another use of land, buildings, or other property for a fixed time and fee. | "...some [codes] even barred blacks from renting or leasing land."(p.484) |
Chain Gang | A group of prisoners chained together while engaged in forced labor. | "A black could be punished for 'idleness' by being sentenced to work on a chain gang."(p.484) |
Sharecrop | An agricultural system in which a tenanat receives land, tools, and seed on credit and pledges in return a share of the crop to the creditor. | "...former slaves slipped into the status of sharecropper farmers..."(p.484) |
Peonage | A system in which debtors are held in servitude, to labor for their creditors. | "Luckless sharecroppers gradually sank into a morass of virtual peonage..."(p.484) |
Scalawag | A white Southerner who supported Republican Reconstruction after the Civil War. | "The so-called scalawags were Southerners, often former Unionists and Whigs." (p.492) |
Carpetbagger | A Northern politician who came south to exploit the unsettled conditions after the Civil War; hence , any politician who relocates for political advantage. | "The carpet-baggers, on the other hand, were supposedly sleazy Northerners..."(p.492) |
Felony | A major crime for which severe penalties are exacted under the law. | "These crimes of the Reconstruction governments were no more outrageous than the scams and felonies being perpetrated in teh North at the same time..."(p.493) |
Terror(terrorist) | Using violence or the threat of violence in order to create intense fear in the attempt to promote some political policy or objectives. | "Such tomfoolery and terror proved partially effective."(p.493) |
President Pro Tempore | In the United States Senate, the officer who presides in the absence of the vice president. | "Under existing law, the president pro tempore of teh Senate...would then become president."(p.495) |