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Nursing 2 Test 1

Normal Lab Values, Electolyte/Fluid Balance,Med-Surg

Normal ABG : Ph 7.35 - 7.45
Normal ABG : PaCO2(acid) 35 - 45 mm/Hg
Normal ABG : O2 sat. 95 - 99%
Normal ABG : HCO-3 (AKA/base) 22 - 26 mEq/L (Bicarbonate)
pH < 7.35 PaCO2 > 42-45 Respiratory Acidosis (Carbonic Acid Excess)
pH > 7.45 PaCO2 < 35-38 Respiratory Alkalosis (Carbonic Acid Defecit)
pH < 7.35 ^H HCO3 < 22 Metabolic Acidosis
pH > 7.45 vH HCO3 > 24-26 Metabolic Alkalosis
Na+ (Extracellular) (Intracellular) more E or I Sodium: ECF(135 - 154) ICF(15 - 20) E
K+ (Extracellular) (Intracellular) more E or I Potassium: ECF(3.5 - 5) ICF(150 - 155) I
Ca2+ (Extracellular)(Intracellular) more E or I Calcium: ECF(4.5 - 5.5)/(8.0 - 10.2) ICF(1 - 2) E
Mg2+ (Extracellular)(Intracellular) more E or I Magnesium: ECF(1.7 - 1.8)/(4.5 - 5.5) ICF(27 - 29) I
Causes and Symptoms of Respiratory Acidosis Causes of RA : Respiratory depression, Inadequate Chest Expansion, Airway Obstruction, Alveolar-Capillary block. Symptoms of Resp.Acid: Tachycardia, Hypotension, THready PP, Mental lethargy, ^ICP, VFibb, Muscle weakness
Causes and Symptoms of Respiratory Alkalosis Causes of Resp.Alk: Hyperventilation, Anxiety, Mechanical Ventilation, Early Salicylate poisoning, Hypoxemia, Fever Symptoms of RAlk: Tachypnea, Anxiety, Tetany, Numbness, Muscle Cramping, Tinnitus, LOC, Tachycardia
Causes and Symptoms of Metabolic Acidosis Causes of Met.Acid: Overproduction of H+ ions(Diabetic Ketoacidosis) Underelim of H(Renal Failure), Low Bicarb(Dehydration)/(Diarrhea) Symptoms of MetA: ^RR and depth, N&V, Acetone odor, Cold clammy(mild)skin, Warm Dry(Severe)skin, low BP&CO, dysrhythmia
Causes and Symptoms of Metabolic Alkalosis Causes of Met.Alk: Decrease of Acid Components(VOMITING), Increase of Base(Antacid abuse)
Fluid Volume Defecit Occurs when body losses water Isotonically, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Ascites, BURNS. Elevated: BUN, Serum osmolarity, Hgb and Hct Treat with Isotonic fluids and strict I&O
Fluid Volume Excess When body retains water and electrolytes isotonically. CHF, Renal failure etc. ^Edema, ^Pulses & BP, altered LOC. Decreased: BUN, Hgb & Hct, Serum osmolarity, Urine osmolarity and specific gravity. Diuretics, Fluid Restrict, Strict I&O, monitor K+ ser
Hyponatremia (Value?)- Caused? S/S? Treatment? Na<135 mEq/L Caused:Diuretics, GI fluid loss, Hypotonic tube feeding or IV. S/S:Anorexia, weakness, lethargy, cramps, seizures. Treat: Restrict fluids(Safe), IV saline solution very slowly
Hypernatremia(Value?)- Caused? S/S? Treatment? Na>145 mEq/L Causes:Water deprivation, diabetes insipidus,Renal Failure. S/S:Thirst, Hyperpyrexia, Sicky mucous, Dry Mouth, Hallucinations, Seizures. Treat:Resrict Sodium in Diet, Beware hidden Sodium in foods/meds, Increase water intake.
Hypokalemia (Value?) - Caused? S/S? Treatment? K<3.5 mEq/L Causes:Diuretics, Diarrhea, Vomiting, GI Suction,Steroids. S/S: Anorexia, N&V, Musle Weak, vGI Motility, Dysrhythmia, FLAT T WAves. Treat:Admin K supplement, NEVER give empty stomach or IV Bolus!, Assess urinary output, Encourage foods with K
Created by: rtwing87a
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