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When do you count a patient's pulse or respiration for a full minute?
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What is one breath cycle?
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Vital Signs Lab Test

Flash Cards for Vital Signs Competency

When do you count a patient's pulse or respiration for a full minute? When irregularities are present
What is one breath cycle? one inspiration, one expiration
How much mmHg above a patient's usual readings do you pump? 30
If you let too much air out, what do you do? DO NOT attempt to pump it back up, let the air out and switch to other arm to repeat
What happens if you let air out too slowly? Your pressures may be false and/or your patient's circulation may be cut off (fingers and arm will hurt)
What speed should you let air out? Maintain a slow but steady pace, which will enable you to hear the first beat
While performing blood pressure maneuver, what should you be doing? Listening for the sound AND watching the monometer
Four helpful items from medical record Recent diagnostic tests, past medical history, patient's culture, education level, CHECK PREVIOUS VITAL SIGNS
Normal Heart Rate for adults 60 bpm to 100 bpm
Bradycardia A heart rate <60
Tachycardia A heart rate >100
If the HR of a patient changes by ___, we need to determine the underlying issue +/- 20 beats
Everyday situations that increase HR stress, anxiety, pain, exercise, caffeine
What is first clinical sign of hypoxemia in an adult > heart rate
What your patient develops tachycardia, assess for signs of... hypoxemia, postop pain, stress, hypoxemia
Pulse Rhythm Regular or Irregular
Pulse Quality weak, thready, bounding, strong (how it feels to the touch)
Two reasons why you may not be allowed toa ccess brachial or radial pulses on one side of the patient Mastectomy, Shunt for dialysis
Pulsus Paradoxus Pulse changes btw inspiration and experation
What kind of patients have pulsus paradoxus COPD
What is Pulsus Alternans strong then weak pulse
What kind of patients may experience Pulsus Alternans left ventricular heart failure
What is the normal RR for an adult btw 8 and 20
bradypnea RR <8
tachypnea RR > 20
What is the muscle of respiration called? diaphragm
Five Accessory Muscles Sternocleidomastoid, Scalene, Trapezius, Intercostals, Pectoralis Major
Orthopnea when laying down and can't breathe
Orthopnea may be a symptom of what disease? Left ventricular heart failure
What is Platypnea sitting up and can't breathe
Platynea may be a symptom of what disease COPD
What is Pleurodynia Pain in pleural cavity
Pleaurodynia may be a symptom of what disease pleuracy
Describe pursed lip breathing Short inspiration, long expiration thru pursed lips
What kind of patients develop pursed lip breathing involuntary and may be taught in pulmonary rehab COPD
How does pursed lip breathing help these patients pursing lips on expiration creates back pressure which may help open the obstructed lung
What are sternal retractions "sinking in" or "caving in" of the sternum
Describe what you see when a healthy patient takes a deep breath Chest (sternum) moves outward, abdomen moves inward
Abdominal paradox Chest/sternum retracts and abdomen protrudes when patient attempts a deep breath
Name one traumatic event that can cause this paradoxical breathing pattern Broken ribs with collapsed lung (pneumothorax"
What is a sign of respiratory distress in infants nasal flaring, grunting (babies breathe through nose at birth)
What is correct term for a blood pressure cuff? sphygmomanometer
Top number systole
bottom number diastole
What can't you put aneroid manometer on the table to make it easier to see? must be level with heart
Created by: kcrone0005
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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