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Abuse and Violence


Intentional injury of a child Child Abuse
Verbal assaults, constant family discord, and emtional deprivation Emtional Abuse
Maltreatment of old adults by family members or caretakers Elder Abuse
Rape committed by someone know to the victum or someone she is dating Date Rape
Distruption in the usually integrated functions of consiousness, memory, identity, or perception of the enviroment Dissociative Disorders
Malicious or ignorant withholding of necessities for a child's wellbeing Neglect
sex acts made by an adult to a child under the age of 18 Sexual Abuse
Abuser is regretful, promises the abuse won't happen again, buys presents and flowers Honeymoonperiod
Reminding a client that he is in the present of an adult and is safe Grounding Techniques
Signs of malnutrition or dehydration, sores on the body, odor, failure to keep medical appointments Indicators of Self Neglect
Order of protection Restraning Order
Physical, Emtional, and Sexual abuse of childern, child neglect, spouse battering, material rape, and elder abuse Family Violence
Subconscious defense mechanism that helps a person protect themself from recongnizing the full inpact of some horrific event by allowing the mind to forget or remove itself from the situation or memory Dissociation
Wrongful use and maltreatment of another person Abuse
Tension building leads to violent behavior, which leads to period of remorse and the Honeymoon period Cycle of Violence
Mistreatment of one person by another in the context of an intimate relationship Partner Abuse
Postraumatic stress disorder; disturbing pattern of behavior demostrated by somone who has experienced a traumatic event PTSD
Intergenerational transmission process; patterns of violent behavior are passed down from one genteration to the next ITP
Sexual intercourse with a female against her will and without her consent Rape
Created by: tmitchell0019
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