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PNN153 Test #2


Types of (Law) Public and Civil
Source of Public Law U.S. Constitution, Statutory Law, Administrative Law, Jurisprudence/Common Law
Type of Public Law Criminal Law, Felony, Misdemeanor
Criminal Law-Public acts against the welfare or safety of the public Exp. a set law vs. the public
Felony-Public serious crime
Misdemeanor-Public less serious crime
U.S. Constitution-Public define and limit the powers of government
Statutory Law-Public laws enacted by legislatures--Nurse Practice Act, each state has differences
Administrative Law-Public developed by governmental sdministrative agencies who are appointed to enforce the statutory laws passed by state legislatures. - State Boards of Nursing
Jurisprudence/Common Law-Public judge-made or through court action: interpretation of a state law as it applies to a particular situation.
Sources of Civil Law Contract and Tort Law
Civil Law People against People
Contract Law-Civil agreement between 2 organizations 1.Formal: written 2. Implied-understood 3. Oral-handshake
Tort Law-Civil A civil wrong-Defines/ enforces the duties and rights among people.
Unintentional Tort Does not require intent but does require harm. Exp. Legal Liability in Nursing
Liability: Unitentional Tort The quality or state of being legally responsible for one's obligations and actions and to make financial restitution for wrongful acts.
Negligence:Unintentional Tort the unintentional tort of acting or failing to act as an ordinary, reasonable, prudent person would do, with resulting harm being done
Malpractice: Unintentional Tort Negligence by a professional. Both RN and LPN.
Proof of Malpractice: Six Elements: Each must be present for a case of nursing malpractice to be proven Duty, Breach of duty, Foreseeability, Causation, Harm/Injury, Damages
Duty: Do we have a relationship between the patient and nurse?
Breach of Duty: Did not follow the standard of care.
Foreseeability: Link between what nurse did or didn't do and what happened, was act and the injury suffered.
Causation: Must be proved that the harm occurred as a direct result of the nurse's failure to follow the standard of care.
Harm/Injury: Patient must have had some injury. No damage- can't sue.
Damages: If damages the nurse would have to pay or there insurance
Expert Witness: They have to have creditability and knowledge to the subject to what is being sued.
Intentional Tort: Nurse intends to do the act. No harm need to be caused by the act for liability to exist.
Assault: a threat to touch another person without permission
Battery: to touch another person without permission
False Imprisonment: Unjustifiable detention of a person w/o Legal warrant to confine the person. EX. Pysical restraints, Seclusion in a room w/o cause or dr. order, Verbal threats of physical harm, Chemical restrant
Invasion of Privacy: Client's right to privacy (No Pub), Law of Privilege Doctrine: no one will reveal confidential information with client's permission: personal,photo client,perform procedures, thru personal belongings
Defamation: communication that is false: Libel: by means of print, writing, or pictures. Slander: by the spoken word, gossip.
Fraud: saying something we are not: Illegal billing, Deceit in obtaining a nurse's license, using false credentials, falsifying medical records
Unprofessional Conduct: Incomptence or gross negligence: renewal of license or possession of controlled substance
Controlled Substances: (the impaired nurse) can't do job because of impairment
Incident Reports: variance/occurrence reports Purpose- make all facts avail. to the staff, contribute to the data, help future incidents Legal/ Ethical Consideration-not part of chart
Key Elements of Incident Reports: date,exact time,place,persons involved,exact occurrence,exact details in time,time and name of dr.notified,do not record opinions,keep accurate description at home incase you are called to court
Ethics Practices or beliefs of a certain group or expected standards of moral behavior of a group as defined by the group's Code of Ethics
Morality Private, personal standards of right and wrong
Bioethics Ethics applied to human life/Health care
Values Personal beliefs or attitudes about the worth of a person, object idea or action, Influence decisions and actions, are freely chosen"& can change over time.
Choosing Beliefs are freely chosen without outside pressure
Prizing Chosen beliefs are prized and cherished
Acting Chosen beliefs are affirmed to others and incorporated into one's behavior
Altruism Concern for the welfare of others
Autonomy Right of self determination, Freedom to choose
Human Dignity Protects client privacy
Integrity The nurse is honest
Social Justice Equal treatment under the law
Essential Values of Nursing Practices Altruism, Autonomy, Human Dignity, Integrity, Social Justice
Values Clarification: Choosing, Prizing, Acting
Nonmaleficence Do no harm
Benefience Do good, put the patient first
Justice Equitable distribution of benefits and risks
Veracity Tell the truth
Fidelity Be true to acting in the client's best interest
Confidentiality Don't talk about the patient
Created by: sacotton
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