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5 functions of the skeletal system 1. support 2. protection 3. movement 4. storage 5. hemopoiesis
red bone marrow red bone marrow produces red and white bloodcells in the bloodstream
5 types of bones 1. long bones 2. short bones 3. flat bones 4. irregular bones 5 sesamoid bones
Logn bones. def and ex longer than it is wide. femur
short bones. def and ex thin and curved. carpal
irregular bones if doesnt fit in other categories. vertebra
sesamoid bones small round bones that develop inside tendons. patella
3 major components of Long Bones Diaphysis-shaft of the bone(compact) epiphysis- tip of the bone epiphyseal
Epiphyseal Plate. where? in who? turns into? bone formation? between the epiphysis and diaphysis. it is hyaline cartilage in young people. the growth of the bone's length come storm the epiphyseal plate (growth plate)once fully grown, the cartilage turns into bone- called the Epiphyseal Line. Ossification
2 types of bones compact bone- dense bone matrix enclosing only a few small spaces. spongy bone- cancellous bone
cancellous bone? Bones with small spaces or cavities surrounding the bone matrix.
red bone marrow found where? in cancellous bone
Articular Cartilage. def? found?(5)? child vs adult? Articular Cartilage is hyaline cartilage that covers the ends of a bone in a a joint. Hyaline cartilage is also found in the trachea, bronchi, larynx, nose and end of ribs. The articular cartilage on the bones of adults is thicker than in children.
medullary cavity. child vs adult? (the center cavity that runs down the diaphysis) in children contains red bone marrow, but is later replaced by yellow bone marrow
Peiosteum. 2 layers? The Periosteum cover the entire outside of the bone. it is composed of 2 layers. Inner layer = single layer of bone cells
flat bones Inner layer of cancellous bone surround by compact bone Dense matrix The cancellous bone in flat bones contain red bone marrow
how many bones in the avg human? 206
2 sections of skeletal system? axial and appendicular
Axial system Supports and protects the head neck and trunk Bones: vertebrae column, ribs, neck and skull
Appendicular system? attaches to the axial skeleton and has the limbs attached to it. Bones: upper limbs and lower limbs (Wrist, hands, ankles, and feet also make it up) These make up over half the bones in our body.
wrists. # of bones. name? 8. carpals
hand. # and type 5 metacarpals and 5 digits
what are the digits consisted of? 3 phalanges, except for the thumb
Phalanx singular of phalanges
proximal and distal P=nearest D=distant
what is the ankle made up of? tarsals
foot. # and kind? 5 metacarpals and 5 digits
digit exception? thumb and big toe
thumbs and big toe? proximal and distal only. no phalanges
Girdles. def? 2 types? attach each the limbs to the axial skeleton. pelviic and pectoral
PECTORAL GIRDLE. DEF? 2 BONES? attaches lower limbs to axial skel. clavicle(collar bone) and scapula(shoulder)
what attaches the arm to the pectoral girdle? humerus
THUMB SIDE BONE? PINKY SIDE? t= radius, p= ulna(slightly longer)
pelvic girdle. def. made up of? attaches lower limbs to axial skel. 2 coxae and the sacrum
each coaxae is made up of 3 fused bones.... what? 1. The ilium 2. The pubis (the 2 coxae join together ate the symphysis pubis) 3. Ischium
skull how many bones? 28
easily sperated from the rest of the skull? manible
Function of the skull? protects brain, supports eyes, ears, and nose
posterior? 3 bones that can be seen? viewing something from behind. 1. parietal 2. occipital 3. temporal 4. maxilla
Sutures lines between bones; a junction between flat bones and the skull
process projection of a bone (the mastoid process at the bottom of the temporal bone)
superior; inferior s= above another structure. i= below another structure
lateral view. bones seen? A lateral view mean to look away from the middle of a structure on the body. The parietal, occipital, and temporal bones are also seen here. Also, the frontal, sphenoid, nasal, and other lacrimal bones are seen.
cheek bone? zygomatic bone
zygomatic arch Zygomatic Arch= a process from the zygomatic bone joined with a process from the temporal bone. Forms a bridge across the side of the skull
maxilla contains upper teeth
ethmoid bone looked between eyes
meatus passageway within a bone
foramen hole within a bone
what o the vomer bone + wthmoid bone form? the bony part of the nasal septum, which divides the nasal cavity in 2
sinus hollowed out space in a bone
paranasal sinuses sinuses associated with the bones of the nasal cavity
orbit eye sockets
5 sections of the vertebral column 1. 7 cervical 2. 12 thoracic 3. 5 lumbar 4. the sacrum 5. the coccyx
Cervical Vertebra supports the head and neck
lumbar vertebra supports upper body, torso and lower back
thoratic cage rib cage. protects hear and lungs
thoracic cavity cavity enclosed by the thoracic cage
how many true ribs? def? 7. attach to the sternum with costal cartilage in between
false ribs. def? how many? 5 pairs. don't directly connect to sternum
floating ribs last 2 pairs. don't attach to sternum at all
Created by: Ktfic
Popular Biology sets




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