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Nurs 102.

Nurs 102 Exam 02 Prep Part 2.

Sustain Talk. Talk that supports the status quo/no change.
Rolling with resistance involves... reflecting sustain talk. Shows you understand how difficult it is to give up/change.
OARS. Open ended questions. Affirmations. Reflections. Summary.
Open Ended ?s. 15%. Can't be answered yes or no.
Goal with Open Ended ?s. No more than two ?s w/o a reflection. 2 x as many open questions as closed.
Open Ended ? & voice inflection. Raised at the end of the sentence.
Closed ? & voice inflection. Raised at the end of the question.
Affirmations. 5%. Statements that recognize patient's strengths & acknowledge behaviors that lead in the direction of positive change. Keep the I out of it- use you.
Reflective Listening. 75%. Simply putting into words what you are hearing/seeing/sensing. Voice inflection goes down, not up.
Two types of Reflective Listening. 1. Simple. 2. Complex.
Double Sided Reflection. Giving both sides or the ambivalence. On one hand...
Summary. 5%. Special form of reflection which can be used to link themes, transition to a new topic, signal end of session.
Express empathy. Explore patient perspective. Accept ambivalence.
Support Self Efficacy. Praise the positive! Encourage patient choices.
Developing Discrepancy. Assist patient to identify where they are and where they want to be.
Roll with Resistance. Do not argue with patient. Explore barriers.
Question-Answer Trap. Concern relates to the nurse being in charge and patient is passively answering the ?s. Avoid: Use more open than closed ?s.
Confrontation-Denial Trap. Nurse presents the case or reasons for making changes- puts the patient in the position of defending for the status quo. Avoid: Work with patients, not against them.
Expert Trap "The righting reflect". The provider advises the patient w/o having any info from the patient about he/she needs, wants, or is ambivalent about. Avoid: ask permission to share info, accept that the patient may know best how to fix the problem.
Labeling Trap. "Alcoholic, Loser" A person is more than just a label. Avoid: confront other staff as you hear them labeling patients.
Premature Focus Trap. Occurs when the provider focuses on a topic before listening to what the patient would like to discuss. Avoid: Don't jump to focusing on action when the patient is still ambivalent.
Barriers. Resistance- patient build a wall. Ambivalence- two contradictory perspectives. Personal Values- unconscious attitude a nurse may develop towards patients. Lack of commitment.
MI Traffic Light. Red- Resistance. Yellow- Ambivalence. Green- Change Talk.
Stage where MI tools can begin to benefit patient. Maslow- Love & Belonging.
Stage where building rapport is crucial. Maslow- Safety
Motivating the child. Positive reinforcement of behaviors you want to see repeated.
Created by: 847890018
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