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Praxis II 0049 II
Nonfiction & Poetry
Question | Answer |
expository writing | nonfiction prose; |
Poetry | writing that is not prose; purpose= enjoyment; |
Stanza | group of lines w/ metrical order and rhyme |
Rhyme | correspondign sounds to rhyme sounds &/or metrical order; types end, internal, slant |
rhyme masculine/feminine | M-1-syllabe(strength/impact); F - 2 or more syllalbes |
rhyme unrhymed | free verse; |
unrhymed blank verse | unrhymed in iambic pentameter; Shakespeares palys & Milton's Paradise Lost |
rhyme foot | basic measuring unit in poetry |
meter IAMBIC PENTAMETER | each line containes 5 measures of 1 unstressed & 1 srtressed syllable; EX: To BE comMENCED in STRONDS aFAR reMOTE |
meter ANAPEST | three syllables first 2 unstressed 3rd stressed; EX: Twas the NIGHT before CHRISTMAS when all THROUGH the HOUSE... |
meter TROCHEE | 2-syllables, first stressed, 2nd unstressed: EX: DOUble, DOUUble, TOIL and TROUble |
meter DACTYL | 3-syllables 1st stressed, 2nd 2 unstressed; EX: TAKE her up TENderly |
open-form poetry | words seem to spill on page, informal; WWI; Emily Dickennson |
Closed-form poetry | adheres to from, # of lines, ryme scheme, meter, &/or shape |
Sonnet | 14-lines; 14th C Petrarch; unrequited love |
Petrachean Sonnet | 8 lines(problem) then 6 lines 9answer): abbaabba-cdecde |
Shakesperean Sonnet | 3 groups of 4 lines and couplet; abab-cdcd-efef-gg twist at end maybe |
Epic | long narrative poem detailing hero's deeds; repetition, oral tradition; Beowolf, Don Quixote |
Ballad | short poem of short verses intended to be recited; Literary ballad - written; Rime of the Ancient Mariner |
Lyric | short poem that moves reader from story to emotion : Coleride and Wordsworth |
Elegy | mournful lament for the dead |
Haiku | 5-7-5 |
Limerick | humorous; aabbaa; anapest |