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Macule texture & size PRIMARY- solely a color change, flat, and circumscribed of less than 1 cm
Patch size PRIMARY- Macules larger than 1 cm in size
Papule caused by PRIMARY- Something you can feel caused by superficial hardening of the skin
Plaque size PRIMARY- Papules that grow together to form surface elevation wider than 1 cm
Vesicle contains & size & examples PRIMARY- Elevated cavity containing free fluid, up to 1 cm (Ex: small blister, herpes)
Bulla size; thin or think? PRIMARY- Vesicle larger than 1 cm in diameter; thin walled so it ruptures easily (Ex: blister, burn)
Wheal superficial or deep; raised or fat; color; shape; example PRIMARY- Superficial, raised, transient and red; slightly irregular shaped due to edema Ex: mosquito bites and allergic reactions
Tumor suferficial or deep? size? PRIMARY- firm or soft, deeper into dermis, larger than a few cm in diameter; benign or malignant
Nodule consistency, flat or elevated, size PRIMARY- hard or soft, solid, elevated, larger than 1 cm
Pustule type of fluid, shape, flat or elevated, example PRIMARY- turbid fluid (pus) in the cavity; circumscribed and elevated (ex: acne)
Cyst filled with?, located in which skin layers? PRIMARY- encapsulated fluid filled cavity in dermis or subcutaneous layer
Telangiectasia Caused by? Visable at..? PRIMARY- Caused by vascular dilation; permantely dilated and enlarged blood vessels that are visable on the skin surface
Scale SECONDARY- Flakes of skin from shedding dead excess keratin cells
Lichenification due to? SECONDARY- tightly packed set of papules produced by prolonged, intense scratching that eventually thickens the skin
Keloid elevated or flat? rough or smooth? SECONDARY- hypertrophic (excessive growth) scar; resulting skin level is elevated by excess scar tissue; looks smooth and rubbery
Scar due to? made of? SECONDARY- Occurs when a skin lesion is repaired because normal tissue is lost and replaced with connective tissue (collagen)
Excoriation SECONDARY- Self inflicted abrasion
Fissure SECONDARY- Linear crack with abrupt edges, extends into dermis, dry or moist
Erosion deep or superficial? SECONDARY- Scooped out but shallow depression, superficial
Ulcer Deep or superficial? In what skin layer? Shape? Ex? SECONDARY- deep depression extending into the dermis, irregular shape, may bleed (ex: pressure sore)
Atrophy skin appearance? SECONDARY- thinning of skin with loss of normal skin furrow; skin appears shinny and translucent
Dermatome Type of? DISTRIBUTION- rash that follows the path of a nerve
Annular Type of? DISTRIBUTION- circular, begins in the center and spread to periphery (Ex: Ring worm)
Confluent Type of? DISTRIBUTION- lesions run together (Ex: hives)
Discrete Type of? DISTRIBUTION- distinct individual lesions that remain separate (Ex: skin tag)
Gyrate Type of? DISTRIBUTION- twisted, coiled spiral, snake-like
Grouped Type of? DISTRIBUTION- cluster of lesions
Linear Type of? DISTRIBUTION- a scratch, streak, line or stripe
Target Type of? DISTRIBUTION- "iris" resembles iris of the eye; concentric ring of color in the lesions
Polycyclic Type of? DISTRIBUTION- annular lesions grow together
Zosteriform Type of? DISTRIBUTION- linear arrangment along unilateral nerve route
Anemia Color? Why? Dark people? Pallor; decreased hemotocrit; yellow-brown/dull-grey in black skin
Shock Color? Vasoconstriction or dilation? Why? Dark people? Pallor; decreased perfusions/vasoconstriction; yellow-brown/dull-grey in black skin
Local arterial insufficiency Color? Dark people? Pallor; ashen grey in dark skin
Albinism Color? Why? Dark skin? Pallor (white/pink) Total absence of pigment melanin throughout skin; tan/cream or white in dark skin
Vitiligo Color? Why? Dark skin? Pallor; patchy depigmentation from destruction of melanocytes; patchy milky white spots in light and dark skin
Cyanosis Blue; increased amount of unoxygentated hemoglobin; only severe cyanosis is apparent in dark skin
Erythema Red, bright pink color
Secondary Lesions Resulting from later formation or trauma to primary lesion
Texture Accessed by..? Using what part of the hand? Skin should be..? SKIN PALPATION; using fingerstips; Normal skin should feel smooth and firm with an even surface
Temperature Use what part of hand when palpating? 2 types of temperature? Use back of hand to palpate because the skin is thinner; Hypothermia (cool feeling) and hyperthermia (occurs with increased metabolic rate, such as fever or exercise)
Moisture Common where? Moisture (prespiration) is common on hands, face, axilla, and skin folds
Diaphoresis profuse sweating; accompanies increased metabolic weight (just as in exercise or fever)
Turgor Whats turgor? How to check turgor? Elasticity of skin; check by pinching skin of back of hand and see if the skin "tents"
Mobility the skin's ease of rising
Tenting What could it be caused by? How is it documented? Decreased elasticity or dehydration; documented by saying the turgor is quick (GOOD) or slow (TENTING)
Created by: karadicarlo
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