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final in medterm

med term2 final for Hamilton

rhinitis inflammation of the nose
laryngotomy cutting into the larynx
tracheotomy surgically removing the larynx
bronchoscopy looking into the bronchi
tachypnea accelerated breathing
dyspnea difficult breathing
hemoptysis spitting or coughing up blood
apnea without breathing
tracheostomy temporary or permanent opening in trachea
laryngectomy surgically removing of larynx
rhinorrhea runny nose
rhinoplasty repair of nose surgically
pneumoconiosis an abnormal condition of dust in the lungs
epistaxis nose bleed
cystic fibrosis inheritable disease that affects systems that produce mucous
emphysema chronic obstructive pulmonary disease progressive destruction of the air sacs in the lungs
atelectasis a collapse lung
pulmonologist specialist of the lungs
respiratory therapist technician who administers among other treatments inhalation therapy to patients with lung disease
pulmonary angiography x-ray of the vessels of the lungs
laryngoscopy visual of the larynx
endotracheal intubation tube in the trachea for oxygen to pass through
nephritis inflammation of kidney
hydronephrosis back up of urine in the kidney
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
cystectomy removal of bladder
pyelogram x-ray of collection ducts in the renal
polyuria excessive urine
nephropexy surgically reattaching of the kidney into anatomical position
urethritis inflammation of the urethra
nocturia frequent going to bathroom at night
enuresis bed wetting
nephrologist specialist in the kidney diseases
urologist specialist in the urinary tract
cystoscopy viewing of the bladder
intravenous pyelogram x-ray showing the drainage pattern of the kidneys
retrograde pyelogram viewing of urethra and bladder by flushing dye backwards
voiding cystourethrogram viewing of bladder as urinating occurs
dialysis cleaning of the blood of its waste products
orchiditis inflammation of the testes
orchidectomy removal of testes
testosterone male sex hormone
balanitis inflammation of the head of penis
androgenic stimulation maleness
androgynous characteristics of male and female appearance
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate
vas deferens duct carrying semen
herniorrhaphy surgical correction of inguinal hernia
hypospadias opening on the underside of penis for urethra
hydrocele sac of fluid around the testis
varicocele dilated and twisted veins of the testis
cryptorchidism abnormal condition in which testes do not drop
benign prostatic hypertrophy swelling of the prostate gland which surrounds the base of the male badder and urethra causing difficulty urinating
transurethral resection of the prostate surgical cure for obstruction of the urinary tract
prostate specific antigen a marker test for protein in prostate cell secretion which can be detected with a lab test
hysterectomy removal of uterus
endometritis inflammation of the lining of uterus
salpingitis inflammation of the uterine tube
hematosalpinx blood in the uterine tube
colporrhaphy suturing a teas in the vagina
colpoplasty surgical repair of vagina
colposcopy viewing of interior of vagina
oophorectomy surgical removal of ovaries
oophoropexy surgical fixation of the overies
menarche menstrual cycle
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
precoital painful intercourse
postcoita painful before and after intercourse
endometriosis condition in which the lining of the endometrial tissue flushes up the uterine tube causes pain
pelvic inflammatory disease inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavity via reproductive tract
prolapsed uterus when uterus is dropping into the vagina area
obstetrician physician specializing in the management of pregnancy and delivering babies
episiotomy surgical procedure of cutting into the perineal area to prevent tearing of tissue when the barbies head transverses the vaginal opening
hysterosalpingogram x-ray of uterus and uterine tubes
colposcopy visual of the interior of the vagina and cervix
dilatation and curettage dilation the cervix scrapping of superficial layers of the endometrium
mammoplasty surgical reconstruction of the breast
nulligravidia never pregnant
multipara many live births
nullipara never had live birth
prepartum before labor or birth
postpartum after birth or dilvery
dystocia difficult delivery
oncologist cancer specialist
oncology study of cancer
benign good news not cancerous
radio sensitive cancer degenerates in response to radiation
no metastases no new growth
negative nodes have no matastasized
in remission not active
malignant cancerous
metastases new forming cancer cells
positive node have new metastasized invaded into surrounding tissue
relapse sick again recurrence
inoperable can not operate
malignant cancerous
metastasize new growth
carcinoma most common form of cancer
sarcoma cancer of bone and bone marrow,muscle ,lyphatics
biopsies tissue sample
prognosis type of treatments that may most likely succeed
carcinogens are cancer causing agents
radiation an aget to destroy cancer
radioresistance some resistance to radiation therapy
fractionation The division of a total therapeutic dose of radiation into small doses to be administered over a period of days or weeks.
chemotharapeutic agents medications for treating cancer
myelosuppression reduction of bone marrow blood cell replacement
chemotherapy chemo that may cause the cancer to disappear
angiogenesis blood vessel growing
inhibitor medication used to starve the growth of a tumor
adjuvant therapy surgery followed by additional treatments chemo
cryosurgery use freezing to remove
fulguration malignant tissue destroyed with an electrocautery instrument
excisional biopsy removal of tumor and safe margin of normal tissue
en bloc resection removal of tumor and large amount of surrounding tissue including positive lymph nodes
palliative gives relief to symptoms but do not cure it
tonsillitis inflammation of tonsils
appendicitis inflammation of the appendix
cyanosis bluish color
appendectomy removal of appendix
tonsillectomy (blank)
tracheotomy cut into wind pipe
colostomy permanet opening in the colon
anemia low blood count
microstomia abnormally small mouth
macrostomia abnormally large mouth
megacolon abnormally large colon
colonoscopy viewing of the colon
mammography imaging of the breast
mammogram x-ray of the breast
cardiologist specialist in the study of heart related diseases
nephrologist study of the kidney a specialist
stomatitis inflammation of the mouth
dentist specialist in the teeth care
glossitis inflammation of the tongue
lingual nerve a branch of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve supplying the anterior two thirds of the tongue and responding to stimuli of pressure, touch, and temperature
ginginvitis inflammation of the gums
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
gastritis inflammation in the stomach
gastroenteritis inflammation in the stomach
colitis inflammation of the colon
megacoln large colon
proctitis iflammation of the but
proctologist specialist in the but
hepatitis inflammation of liver
hepatomegaly enlarged liver
nephrosis (condition of kidney
orchiditis inflammation of testies
orchidectomy removal of testies
osteoporosis bones become brittle
electrocardiogram graphic record of the heart
phlebitis inflammation of vein
phlebotomy surgical removal of vein
pneumonitis inflammation of the lung caused by a virus or exposure to irritating substances.
hematologist the study of the nature, function, and diseases of the blood and of blood-forming organs.
anemia a deficiency of red blood cells
leukemia cancers of the bone marrow that prevent the normal manufacture of red and white blood cells and platelets,
melanoma skin tumors characterized by the malignant growth of melanocytes.
adenoma A benign epithelial tumor having a glandular origin and structure.
lipoma a benign tumor consisting of fat tissue.
carcinoma cancerous tumor
osteoma bone tumor
endoscopy an examination by means of an endoscope.
perianal around the anus
circumcise cut the skin over the clitoris cut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys;
retrosternal situated or occurring behind the sternum
epidermis top layer of skin
transurethral Performed through or by way of the urethra:
intravenous within a vein.
subclavian situated or extending beneath the clavicle, as certain arteries or veins.
oliguria reduced urine formmation
Created by: rose phillips
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