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7A Cells @ AJHS

Cells, tissues, organs, level 4 to 6

adapted When something has certain features to help it do a particular job. When the features of a cell help it do its job, the cell is said to be ‘adapted’ to its job.
adipose tissue type of connective tissue: insulates body, stores energy; cells contain droplet of stored oil which takes up most volume; form ring with nuclei pushed to one side
Anabolism – the building up process, the conversion of ingested substances into the constituents of protoplasm
anther Part of the stamen. It produces pollen grains.
areolar tissue type of connective tissue: helps to hold internal organs together and in proper positions: has a semifluid matrix and contains all types of fibers, forming a loose network
body system Each body system consists of groups of organs related to each other and functions together in the performance of certain functions
bone osseous tissue; contains calcium salts, protect and support other body organs
brain Organ that controls what the body does.
breathing system Takes in oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide from our bodies.
cardiac muscle type of muscle tissue: has striations and branching cells that fit tightly together
Cardiac smooth muscle tissue Makes up the heart and muscle—under involuntary control—allows for heart contractions
carpel Female reproductive organ found in flowers. It is made of a stigma, style and ovary.
Catabolism- the tearing down process, the breakdown of substances, the end products usually being excreted.
cell the unit of structure and function of which all plants and animals are composed.
cell division When a cell splits in two. Cells are made using cell division.
Cell membrane this structure separates the cell from the outside environment and retains internal structure. It regulates what substances enter and leave the cell.
Cell Wall Only in Plants!It is like a “skeleton”. It is made of a non-living material called cellulose.It supports and protects.
Centriole rise to spindles used by migrating chromatids during cell division.
chlorophyll Green substance found inside chloroplasts. Captures sunlight energy and uses it to make carbohydrates (food) for the cell.
chloroplast Green disc containing chlorophyll. Found in plant cells. Where the plant makes food using photosynthesis.
Chromatin Material in cells that contains DNA and carries genetic information. It directs the functions of a cell.
cilia Small hairs on some cells.
ciliated Having cilia.
ciliated epithelial cell Cell with cilia found in the lungs and filopian tubes.
Circulatory the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
circulatory system Carries oxygen and food around the body.
Collagen fibers allow for great strength(bone or cartilage) and also retain water(skin)
Connective connects, binds and supports body structures. Fat, bone, cartilage, ligament, tendon, blood and lymph are examples.
coverslip Thin piece of glass used to hold a specimen in place on a slide.
cuboidal or columnar cells of the base layer of transitional epithelium are usually....
Cutaneous membrane covers the outside of the body—secretes sebum—prevents moisture loss form the skin
Cytology. The study of cells is called Cytology
cytoplasm Jelly inside a cell where the cell’s activities happen.
daughter cell The two new cells made by cell division are called daughter cells.
dense fibrous tissue type of connective tissue: forms strong ropelike structures (tendons, ligaments)
Dialysis: If the transfer of a substance through a membrane is solid is called Dialysis.
Digestive the nourishment of the body
digestive system Breaks down our food.
egg cell The female sex cell in plants.
Elastin(elastic fibers): Allow for extensibility and elasticity(cartilage)
embryo Tiny plant, found inside a seed, with a very small shoot and a very small root.
Endocrine the hormone producing glands
endocrine glands usually called ductless glands, no connection to surface; examples are thyroid, adrenals, pituitary
Endoplasmic Reticulum Passageways that carry proteins and other materials from one part of the cell to another.
Epithelial It forms a shield to protect body. And if forms the body’s surface (skin), the surfaces of the body’s cavities and their contained viscera, glands, and all tubular organs, e.g. ducts and vessels. So Protects, absorbs, filters, secretes
Excretory the organs that eliminate the body’s wastes
exocrine glands include sweat/oil glands, liver, pancreas
eyepiece lens Part of the microscope you look down.
fertilisation Joining of a male sex cell with a female sex cell.
fertilised egg cell What is produced when a male sex cell fuses with an egg cell.
filament Part of the stamen. It supports the anther.
flower Organ system containing reproductive organs – carpel (female), stamen (male).
focusing wheel Wheel on a microscope that moves parts of the microscope to get the image into focus.
fruit Something used to carry seeds. Can be fleshy or dry.
Glandular epithelium Groups of glandular cells Glandular cells produce and secrete/excrete materials of Varying composition Sweat, milk sebum, hormones
goblet cells type of cells which produce a lubricating mucus, found in simple columnar epithelium
Golgi body The cell’s “mailroom”. They receive proteins and package them and distribute them to other parts of the cell or outside.
heart Organ that pumps blood.
hemopoietic tissue type of connective tissue: forms blood, found in bone cavities
histology The study of tissues
hyaline cartilage type of connective tissue: attaches ribs to breastbone and covers ends of bones where they form joints; rubbery and smooth with a somewhat hard matrix: found in larynx/voicebox
Ingestion, digestion, assimilation of nutrients and excretion of residue.
Integumentary the skin and its appendages (hair, nails, and glands)
intercalated disks junctions where cardiac muscle fits together
intestine The small intestine is an organ used to digest and absorb food.
kidneys Organs used to clean the blood and make urine.
leaf Plant organ used to make food using photosynthesis.
ligaments connect bones to bones at joints
List the ten body Systems? (Remember CRIME NERDS) Circulatory-Respiratory-Integumentary-Muscular-Endocrine-Nervous-Excretory-Reproductive-Digestive-Skeletal
liver Organ used to make and destroy substances in our bodies.
lungs Organs used to take oxygen out of the air and put waste carbon dioxide into the air.
Lysosome Small round structures that contain chemicals to break down food & waste.The recycling centers of the cell. They “clean” the cell.
magnification How much bigger a microscope makes something appear.
Meiosis; the results, where do they occurs 4 daughter cells with ½ chromosomes as parent—sex cells (ova/sperm)—requires 2 sets of steps IPMAT*2
Metabolism The sum of all p0hysical and chemical changes that take place within an organism.
Mitochondria Energy suppliers of the cell. They release energy stored in food. Cells that need more energy have more mitochondria eg muscle cells.
Mitosis; the results, where do they occurs 2 daughter cells identical to parent with the same numbers of chromosomes—human body cells (skin, hair, nails)—requires a series of steps called IPMAT
Mucous Membrane Lines cavities open to the exterior of the body. Secretes mucous for moisture, e.g. oral cavity, nasal cavity
muscle cell
Muscle: consists of cells that contract to produce movement due to nervous stimulation/ Cell can change its length and so help us to move.. Muscle tissue is classified according to its location.
nerve cell Cell that carries messages around the body.
Nervous It takes the massage to the brain for feeling of pain and so on. Makes up the nervous system consisting of the brain, spinal cord, sense organs, and all nerves.
nervous system Carries messages around the body.
nervous tissue two major functional characteristics are irritablilty and conductivity
neurone Another name for a nerve cell.
Non striated or smooth muscle tissue Found in the walls of internal organs—under involuntary control—uterus, digestive tract
Nuclear membrane It surrounds & protects the nucleus.
Nucleolus Found inside the nucleus. It makes ribosomes.
Nucleus The control center - directs all of the cell's activities including reproduction. Contains the chromatin.
objective lens Part of the microscope that is closest to what you are looking at.
organ A large part of a plant or animal that does a very important job.
organ system Collection of organs working together to do a very important job.
Organelles: A specialized part of a cell that performs a specific function.
Osmosis: If the transfer of a substance through a membrane is liquid is called Osmosis
ovary Part of the carpel. It contains ovules, each of which contains an egg cell.
ovule Contains egg cells. Is found in the ovary.
palisade cell Cell found in leaves which contains many chloroplasts.
peristalsis a wavelike motion that keeps food moving through intestine
photosynthesis Process that plants use to make their own food. It needs light to work. Carbon dioxide and water are used up. Food and oxygen are produced.
pollen grain The male sex cell in plants.
pollen tube Tube that grows from a pollen grain down through the stigma and style and into the ovary.
pollination Transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma.
Protoplasm The substance contained within the cell membrane
Reproduction- production of new cells.
Reproductive the organs involved in reproduction
reproductive organ Organ that produces sex cells.
Respiration – the use of oxygen by the cell resulting in a release of energy.
Respiratory the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
Response to stimuli- adapting to limited changes in their external and internal environment.
Reticular fibers form a very fine meshwork of support for delicate structures such as capillaries
Ribosomes Works as a factory to produce proteins.
root Plant organ used to take water out of the soil.
root hair cell Cell found in roots. It has a large surface area to help the cell absorb water quickly.
Rough ER transports protein synthesized at the ribosome.
seed Contains a plant embryo and a store of food.
seed coat Hard outer covering of a seed.
Semi-permeable: Cell membrane is selective of what it allows in and out.
Serous membrane prevents friction between internal organs. Lines closed body cavities—secretes serous fluid
sex cell A cell used for sexual reproduction.
sexual reproduction Producing new organisms by combining a male and a female sex cell from two different parents.
simple columnar type of epithethial: lines digestive tract
simple cuboidal type of epithelial: found in salivary glands and pancreas: forms walls of kidney tubules; covers surface of ovaries
Simple epithelium: One cell thick-Functions in filtration, diffusion, secretion and absorption-Found in the capillaries, in the air cells in the lungs or in theFiltration capsules in the kidneys.
simple squamous type of epithelium: forms where exchanges occur (air sacs of lungs)
Skeletal Bones
skeletal muscle type of muscle tissue: long, cylindrical, multinucleate, obvious striations: controlled voluntarily
skin Organ used for protection and feeling.
slide Glass sheet that a specimen is put on.
Smooth ER synthesizes complex molecules called steroids in some cells; stores calcium ions in muscle; breaks down toxins in the liver.
smooth muscle type of muscle tissue: no striations visible : only one nucleus and spindle shaped; found in the walls of hollow organs: stomach, bladder, uterus, blood vessels: contracts the slowest of the muscle types
specimen What you look at down a microscope.
stage Part of the microscope. You put slides on it.
stain Dye used to colour parts of a cell to make them easier to see.
stamen Male reproductive organ found in flowers. It is made of an anther and a filament.
stem Plant organ used to take water to the leaves and to support the leaves.
stigma Part of the carpel. It is where pollen lands.
stomach Organ used to store and break up food.
Stratified epithelium Many cells thick -Resistant to wear and tear due to a ready replacement of cells Found lining the cavities (oral cavity) of the body as well as Covering the body (epidermis)
stratified squamous type of epithelial: found in mouth & esophagus
Striated attached to bone and allows for skeletal movement— under voluntary control—biceps, triceps
style Part of the carpel connecting the stigma to the ovary.
Synovial membrane lubricates joints—Lines joint cavities—secretes Synovial fluid
tendons attach skeletal muscles to bone
tendons, ligaments and cartilages are avascular examples of connective tissue with poor blood supply
the four types of body tissues A) EpithelialB) ConnectiveC) Muscle D) Nervous
large intestine is an organ which removes water from unwanted food.
three types of connective tissue fibers found in the skin A) CollagenB) Elastin(elastic fibers) C)Reticular fibers
three types of epithelial tissue A) Simple epitheliumB) Stratified epitheliumC) Glandular epithelium
three types of muscle tissue A)StriatedB)Non striated or smoothC)Cardiac
tissue A group of the same cells all doing the same job. Tissues together make organs
transitional epithelium type of epithelial: found in bladder, ureters, part of urethra
Vacuoles The storage rooms of the cell.Mostly contain water and food. Very large in plants.
functions of cell membrane? This structure separates the cell from the outside environment and retains internal structure. It also permits exportation and importation of materials. The cell membrane is a semi-permeable in that it is selective of what it allows in and out.
What are the main cell structures? A) Cell membrane b) protoplasm c) nucleus d) organelles
What are the three types of cell reproduction Amitosis-Mitosis-Meiosis
What are the two parts of the protoplasm? a) Cytoplasm-b) Nucleoplasm
What are the two processes that involves metabolism? a) Catabolism-b) Anabolism –
What is Diffusion? Transfer of a substance through a membrane is called diffusion
What is Nucleus and what does it contain? The vital body in the protoplasm, responsible in the growth, metabolism and reproduction of the cell. The nucleus contains the genetic material (deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA) of the cell.
What is the difference between osmosis and dialysis? Transfer of a substance through a membrane is called diffusion. If it is a liquid it may be called osmosis or if it is a solid it may be called dialysis.
What is the division of Labor in higher organisms? Cell, Tissue, Organ, System and body
What is the function of the nervous tissue and do they reproduce? The function of the nervous tissue is reception and response to stimuli, the functional cells (neurons) do not reproduce therefore injuries to nervous tissue may result in permanent damage
xylem tissue Found in roots, stems and leaves. Transports water up a plant.
Created by: johncl
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