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Mechanical Vent tes3
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation
Question | Answer |
Initiating mechanical vent: What mode do you choose? | doesnt matter as long as you can set RR |
Name 2 Full Support Modes in which you can set RR | Controlled Mandatory Ventilation(CMV), Assist control (A/C) |
Name 2 Partial Support modes in which you can set RR | Intermitetnt Mandatory Ventilation(IMV), Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation(SIMV) |
Name 1 little to no support mode | CPAP |
What 2 options on the vent allow you to manage CO2? | RR and Vt |
What is the initial setting of RR for a new mechanical vent patient? | 8-12 breaths per minute |
What is the initial setting for VT for a new mechanical vent patient? | 8-12 ml/kg IBW |
Spontaneous Vt is driven by ___ ____ and not considered on initiation of mechanical vent | pressure support |
What 2 options on the vent allow you to manage O2 (SaO2)? | FiO2 and PEEP |
What is the initial FiO2 setting for mechanical vent? | 40% or 100% |
Which patients FiO2 should be set at 40% on initiation? | non-cardiopulmonary issues |
Which patients should be started at 100% on initiation? | patients with cardiopulmonary issues |
What is the FiO2 exception rule? | pt with a known FiO2 on different device (i.e. CPAP or BiPap) should be kept on that FiO2 when put on mechanical vent |
What is the initial PEEP setting on mechanical vent? | 5-10 cmH2o |
All patients being set up on mechanical ventilation must have what done? | ABG within 30 minutes of being placed on vent |
What should the VT alarm be set at? | +/- 100ml exhaled Vt or +/- 10% exhaled Vt |
What should the RR alarm be set at? | 10-15 bpm above observed |
What should the minute ventilation alarm be set at? | >10LPM or +/- 1L exhaled VE |
What should PIP alarmn be set at? | +/- 10-15cwp, but never greater than 50cmH2o |
What should Plat alarm be set at? | + 10, but never greater than 35cmH2o |
If PIP and/or Plat are extrememly low, what could be the cause? | leak |
High PIP indicates what? | Increased Raw |
High Plat indicates what? | increased Cs |
Indications for Mechanical Ventilation includE: | Apnea, Acute ventilatory failure, Impending respiratory failure, severe hypoxemia, surgery, prophylactic support for pulm complications |
What constitutes acute ventilatory failure? | pt contain sustain spontaneous ventilation to provide adequate oxygenation and ventilation, pH<7.25, PaCO2 >50; COPD(decomp resp acidosis with PaCO2 above pt norm) |
NIF or MIP < __ cmH2o, intubate | 20cmH2o |
Criteria for impending Respiratory failure: | Vt< 5cc/kg IBW, VC< 10cc/kg IBW, RR>35 or <10, VE> 10LPM, NIF<-20cwp,RSBI>105 |
What is an absolute contraindication for mechanical vent | untreated tension pneumo |
What is %Ti | Percentage inspiratory time (ex- 1:2=3, 1/3=33%) |
What mode of ventilation is used in patients with ARDS? | pressure controlled ventilation |
Indications for PCV are: | PIP>50, Plat>35, PEEP>15,FiO2 100%, Assist control rate 16/min |
What are the initial settings for PCV? | FiO2 100%, pressure set at or above Pplat, Vt 6-10ml/kg IBW, I:E 1:2 |
Why would you initially set tidal volumes lower than 8-12ml/kg IBW? | low compliance(ARDS 6-8ml/kg), Increased compliance, air trapping; or need for reduced lung volumes (pneumonectomy) |
What can cause Exhaled Vt to be higher that delivered Vt? | circuit compressible volume loss |
Greater circuit compliance = | greater volume lost per unit pressure |
Volume lost is not delivered to patient but is what | recorded in exhaled volume measurement (some measure vol at AO, some automatically compensate for compressible vol loss) |
Volume lost = | compression factor x PIP |
Corrected Vt = | Set Vt- Vt lost |
Compressible volume loss is usually only significant in which patients? | neonatal and pediatric d/t low volumes used |
What type of ventilation only supports spontaneous breathing and is not needed during initial setting of vent? | Pressure support ventilation |
PSV pressure is set to deliver how much volume? | 5-7ml/kg IBW of spontaneous Vt |
Estimated VE formula | male 4 x BSA; female 3.5 x BSA |
BSA formula | [(4 x kg) + 7]/(kg + 90) |
desired RR= | estimated VE/ desired Vt |
What 2 things must you monitor when using PEEP? | BP and ABG |
Why would you increase PEEP? | refractory hypoxemia, FiO2 > 60% |
What is the most common method of I:E change? | changing the flowrate |
Increasing flow rate= | decrease Ti, increase Te, increase I:E |
Decreasing flow rate= | increase Ti, decrease Te, decrease I:E |
Normal flow rate = | 40-60LPM |
Ti x Flowrate= | Vt |
Why is Longer I time 1:1, IRV is used | correct refractory hypoxemia, create auto-PEEP, decrease in compliance |
Changes in RR affect the length of what? | exhalation |
What type of flow pattern would you see with IPPB? | square |
This type of flow pattern enhances gas distribution for patients with airway obstruction but may cause asynchrony? | Accelerating |
This type of flow pattern creates high PIP and satisfies patient flow demand? | Decelerating |
This is the most natural type pf flow pattern similar to spontaneous breathing? | Sine |
Apnea alarm setting is | 15-20 second delay |
FiO2 alarm set at | +/- 5% set FiO2 |
Complications of mechanical vent include | Barotrauma/Volutrauma, decrease in CO, BP; pulmonary infection, Tracheal damage, decreasedUO, resp muscle fatigue, poor nutrition |
PIP>50, MAP>30, Pplat>35, PEEP>10 can all cause | barotrauma/volutrauma |