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Ch 4

Ch 4 Abdomen A&P

3 important muscles associated with the abdominopelvic cavity diaphragm, right psoas major, left psoas major
accessory organs of the digestive system liver, gallbladder, pancreas
6 main organs of the digestive system oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
three parts of the small intestine duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Which portion of the small intestine is considered to be the longest? ileum
Where is the pancreas located in relation to the stomach? posteriorly
the double walled membrane lining the abdominopelvic cavity is called the... peritoneum
Why is the right kidney found in a more inferior position than the left kidney? presence of liver on right
Which topographic landmark corresponds to the inferior margin of the abdomen and is formed by the anterior junction of the two pelvic bones? symphysis pubis
Which topographic landmark is found at the level of L2-L3? inferior costal margin
At what level vertebra is the iliac crest found? Between L4-L5
True or False: The correct term for the radiographic study of the urinary system is the intravenous pyelogram (IVP) FALSE (intravenous urogram [IVU])
Name 4 important terms that describe anatomy of the abdominal cavity. Peritoneum, Mesentery, Omentum, Mesocolon
What is the double fold of peritoneum that loosely connects the small intestine to the posterior abdominal wall? mesentery
What is the term for the specific type of double folded peritoneum that extends superiorly form the lesser curvature of the stomach to portions of the liver? lesser omentum
Double folded peritoneum that connects the transverse colon to the greater curvature of the stomach inferiorly? greater omentum
Peritonium that attaches the colon to the posterior abdominal wall? mesocolon
Name the 9 abdominal regions from left to right superiorly to inferiorly Right hypochondriac, epigastric, left hypochondriac, right lateral(lumbar), umbilical, left lateral (lumbar), right inguinal (iliac), pubic (hypogastric), left inguinal (iliac).
Topographic landmark of abdomen that is located at level of T9-T10 xiphoid process
Topographic landmark of the abdomen that is located at the level of L2-L3 inferior costal margin
The large intestine begins in the ________ quadrant with a saclike area called the ______. right lower; cecum
The sigmoid colon is located between the ___________ and _________ of the large intestine. Descending colon; rectum
Which endocrine glands are supromedial to each kidney? Suprarenal (adrenal)
The organ located posteriorly to the serous membrane lining of the abdominopelvic cavity are referred to as _______. retroperitoneal
What are the two causes of voluntary motion in an abdomen xray? patient breathing and patient movement during exposure
Voluntary motion can be best prevented by ______________ to the patient. careful breathing instructions
What is the primary cause for involuntary motion in the abdomen? peristaltic action of the bowel
What is the best mechanism to control involuntary motion? use shortest exposure time possible
True or False: is the liver margin is visible in the RUQ of the abdomen, it is not necessary to place a right or left anatomical marker on the cassette before exposure. False
Gonadal shielding should NOT be used during abdomen radiography if... it obscures essential anatomy
True or False: for an adult abdomen, a collimation margin must be visible on all four sides of the raiograph False
Gonadal shielding for females involves placing the top of the shield at or slightly above the level of the _____ with the bottom at the _________. ASIS; symphysis pubis
Most ideal exposure factor for an adult small-avg sized for an AP abdomen 75kV, 600 mA, 1/30 second, grid, 40-inch SID (70-80 kV range)
All of these technical factors are essential when performing abdomen studies on a young pediatric patient short exposure times, high speed image receptor, high milliamperage
True or False: a rediolucent pad should be placed underneath geriatric patients for added comfort True
The CR is centered at the level of the _______ for a supine AP projection of the abdomen. iliac crest
Which type of body habitus may require two crosswise images to be taken if the entire abdomen is to be included? hypersthenic
Which type of body habitus may require two lengthwise IRs if entire ab is to be included? tall asthenic
What is the gonadal dose range for an average size female patient with an AP projection of the abdomen? 35 to 75 mrad
The xiphoid process is at which vertebral level? T9-T10
Created by: roberts-5691
Popular Radiology sets




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