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cpne mnemonic

Skin assessment mnemonic TWICE
skin assessment areas mnemonic A SHEETS
comfort management - mnemonic AI MCBMRACARO R
musculoskeletal management mnemonic A PALP I HATS R
heat/cold mnemonic PART
traction - mnemonic COW PACT
pain management mnemonic AI MRBIRD R
O2 management mnemonic FANSHOP
mobility mnemonic NEST WABLER
PVA mnemonic GET P PMS
abdominal assessment - mnemonic PPPPSODAPOP
safety mnemonic CABS SWIM
fluid management mnemonic COW PTSD
1ST thing mnemonic HIPPI COW PTSD
neuro mnemonic COPS
respiratory assessment mnemonic BREATHE
suction mnemonic SIRP
Respiratory management mnemonic GRAPES AIRR
wound management - mnemonic A TALL IR
Drainage and specimen collection mnemonic DACT SOLD
enteral feeding mnemonic FLOW STOMACH R & R
irrigation mnemonic STOP FLOW
med mnemonic WATCH MARS
IM/SQ station mnemonic ICIGIAAIR
teaching mnemonic AIR
wound station mnemonic IGGSPTTR
IV med station mnemonic IGICIGICNLASVR
HIPPI handwash intro PT ID with Kardex put on gloves IV site
COW check site off gloves wash
PTSD pinch tubing solution drip rate
MRBIRD medicate - or ask RN to reassess after 20-30 min back rub instill heat/cold if ordered reposition distract
IGICIGICNLASVR ID glove iv site, gloves off calculate, check 5 rights Id gloves iv site, gloves off, new gloves close new lower air in tubing set rate verify record
STOPFLOW solution - temp - other equip (chux, recept), position to facil drain - flow rate - look at return - observe tolerance - write it down
BREATHE breathing pattern - rate - equip (steth, pillow) - auscultate - tell to breathe deep and slow - hear in 4 spots - evaluate
IGGSPTTR ID - gather supplies - glove - sterile gloves - pack and cover - tape - three things (init, date, time) - record
DACT SOLD drainage - assess amt, color - cleanse surround area - tube, attach to container - spec collection - obtain - label - disignated container and place
IGICIGIAAFIF id - GLOVE - IV site - calculate, check 5 rights, draw up - ID - glove - IV site - alcohol - aspirate - flush, alchohol - inject, alcohol - flush
COPS check font - orient PPT - PERL - strength bilaterally
CABS SWIM call light - apply brakes - bed low - side rails - safety (CABS) - wash - inscribe - must tell RN
PPPPSODAPOP privacy - pee - position - pain? - suct off - observe for distention and countour - don gloves - auscultate all 4 - palpate - on suction - poop?
GET P PMS gloves if needed - edema - temp - pulses - perfusion (color/cap refill/clubbing) - motor - sensation
NEST WABLER non skids - equipment (foley, IV pole, NG, etc) - supportive devices (walker, cane, braces - tolerate? - what I did - assistive devices used - balance/gait while walking - level of mobility (how indep?) - extraneous movements - response
FAN SHOP flow rate - activity - nose - safety - humidity - o2 status or CCC - position
COW PACT correct weight - obstruction free ropes - weights hang free - position for - alignment and - counter - traction
PART protect skin - apply to - right part and temp for right - time (20 min if not spec)
PALP HATS presence or - absence abnormalities - level of mobility - pain with movement - heat/cold if assigned - active or passive ROM - traction - supportive devices
MDBMWACARO medicate - distract - backrub - mouth care - wash hands/face - adjust environment - change or adjust linens - apply heat/cold if assigned - reposition - other approp
A SHEETS anal - skin folds - head - heels - elbows - ears - trochanters - sacral/coccyx
TWICE temp - wet/moist - integrity - color - edema
ICIGIAAIR ID - check 5 rights, calc, draw up - ID - gloves - injection site - alcohol - aspirate (IM ONLY) - inject, gloves off - record
WATCH MARS wash - acquire - take MAR and meds to room - clean hands - have gloves if needed - match MAR to ID band - apical, B/P? - recheck MARS, meds - sign
FLOW STOMACH R & R feed type - low fowlers - orient pt - warmth - select device - total amt drops/min - on time - measuer placement - aspirate/air - check residual - have baby burp - reassess and record
TALL type - appearance - location - look for drainage
GRAPES AIR gloves - recept - arrange tissue - position pt (high fowlers) - elevate HOB - splint with pillow - assess (BREATHE) - intervene (DB, IS, etc) - reassess - response
SIRP suction setting - insert - rotate - patency and pressure
Created by: 738315414
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