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Tissues Biomed

Biomed Tissues lab practical flashcards

Epithelium covers and lines body surfaces an cavities, organs lined and covered with it, not a lot of blood vessels, closely packed, not much intercellular material, protective or secretory, grown on basement membrane which provides structure for epithelium to grow
elastic cartilage lots of elastin,bendy,outer ear,trachea,not alot of blood supply so it takes a long time to heal
red blood cells erythrocytes, carry oxygen, no nucleus, bags of hemoglobin that carry oxygen to tissues, formed in bone marrow
cuboidal epithelium boxy, secreting or absorbing, found in glands and tubules of kidneys
astrocyte looks like stars,support cells that are responsibe to stimulat nerve cells to stimu stimulate and comunicate,found in brain
cartilage support,cushioning,elasticity around the body, reduces friction,classified by what's around it(its matrix)
Stratified Squamous epithelium layered,skin,deepest layers are cuboidal,as they are replaced by new younger tissues they get flat an dfilled with keratin. the top layer is dead
liquid connective tissue blood,carries food, nutrients, gases , an doxygen to your cells and carries wastes away.
platelets thrombocytes, fragment of a megakaryocite- found in bone marrow,fragments and then sends them out into your blood stream to clot with the white blood cells.
Neurons irritable- respond to a stimulus, conducive- being able to pass on stimuli, large contral body consisting of a large nucleus, dendrites bring in infor and an axon takes info away
columnar epithelium taller than it is broad,secretory,found in stomach and intestines,absorbes and secretes digestive material
Smooth Muscle no striations,involuntary control,hair raising on the back of your neck or on arms(evolutionary throwback),moves food through digestive system and blood through veins,lines walls of organs and blood vessels
Nervous system tissue sensory input goes in and motor goes out
ciliated columnar epithelium layer of cilia on top,moves debris,in bronchi and fallopian tubes,smokers- tar covers the layer of cillia which makes them cough
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue involved in movement,1.smooth,2.caridac,3.skeletal
cardiac muscle only in heart,striated,intercalated discs which causes your heart to beat as a unit,involuntary
plasma liquid portion of blood
Fibrous connective tissue made of bundles of collagen which are study but not stretchy,makes up tendons and ligaments,L-bone to bone,T-muscle to bone,ligaments bend but they don't stretch
Fibrocartilage full of fibers,in big joints,shoulder, hip, knees, vertebrate in back
bones mostly minerals,-crow in concentric layers,-calcium phosphorous and magnesium,haversion canal system carries blood vessels, fat, etc.,most cells are dead
osteoblasts laydown new bone
osteoclasts shape th enew bone
connective tissue connects one tissue to another,most widely distributed,supportive,most varied, provides strength,connects and hold you together
corpuscles solid part of the blood, cells
white blood cells leukocytes, helps immune system,large and elaborate nucleus,long lived
loose connective tissue areolar,thick and thin fibers,thick-collagen ,a protein, bendy and flexable.,thin- elastin, stretchy,areolar connective tissue supports the structure of your nervous system and i,packed around your organs,fills spaces and is the packing peanut of the body
Simple Squamous Epithelium flat,big nucleus, sheet,secretory-mucusresponsible for decreasing like between moving organs or food in cheeks,found in endothelium- innermost layer of tissue in blood vessels,provides a surface for diffusion
hyaline cartilage few fibers,found in small bone joints,cushions bones fromrubbing against other bones,nose and windpipe
skeletal muscle runs next to bones,voluntary,striated,bundled,held together with connective tissue
adipose tissue fat,insulation, padding,cell with just a huge vacuole filled with lipid,don't lose the cell , just the liped,most efficient way to store energy,accumulate around midline of body
Matrix nonliving intracellular material that surrounds cells
Holds tissues together desmosomes and other intercellular junctions
Histology biology of tissues
Blastocyte hollow ball of cells, what a zygote turns into
Primary germ layers endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm
Gastrulation blastocyte differentiates into the three primary germ layers
Histogenesis primary germ layers differentiate into the tissues
Ectoderm skin, linings, glands, nervous system
Mesoderm muscles, skeleton, blood, organs, connective tissue
Endoderm lining of digestive system, secretory, bladder, thyroid and parathyroid
Membranous epithelial tissues cover body, line cavity, lines blood and lymphatic vessels
Glandular epithelial tissue solid cords of follicles that form secreting in endocrine and exocrine glands
Functions of epithelial protection, sensory functions (special cells in skin, eyes, nose, ears), secretion, absorption (digestive tract), excretion (kidneys)
Characteristics of epithelial tissue limited intercellular matrix, densely packed, basement membrane, avascular, no blood vessels, must diffuse through capillaries, held by desmosomes and junctions
Membranous epithelial cells squamous, cuboidal, columnar, and pseudostratified
Simple single layer
Stratified layered one on another
Transitional differing cell shapes in layers
Simple squamous 1 layer, diffusion and filtration, makes up endotherm (vessel linings) and mesothelium (lining of organs), decrease friction, provide place for diffusion
Simple cuboidal 1layer of cuboidal, in kidneys
Simple columnar stomach, intestines, uterus, uterine tubes, contains goblet cilia and microvili
Goblet secretory vessel, mucus
Microvilli in intestines, increase surface area in digestive tract for increased nutrient absorption
Basal lamina glycoprotein excreted by epithelial cells, part of basement membrane
Reticular lamina made of fibers produced by connective tissue
Integrins connect epithelial cells to basement membrane
Pseudostratified columnar air passages and male reproductive systems, ciliated
Stratified squamous keratinized multiple layers of protection, skin
Non keratinized stratified squamous vag. Mouth, esophagus, moist for protection
Stratified cuboidal protection, in ducts and epiglottis
Stratified columnar rare, anus, only top layers are columnar
Stratified transitional bladder, meant to stretch, layers of cuboidal that turn stratified when stretched out
Glandular epithelium secretory
Unicellular glandular epithelium single cell
Multicellular glandular epithelium clusters, cords of specialized follicles, classified by shape, tubular, alveolar (saclike) simple, (1 duct) or compound (2 or more ducts)
Apocrine secretes products near top then releases it by pinching off distended end, destroys cell by a loss of cytoplasm, mammary glands
Holocrine sebaceous glands, collects insides then ruptures, self destruction
Merocrine glands discharge through cell or plasma membrane, no injury, most are this type, salivary glands
Connective tissue most widely spread, supports, connects, transports and defends, made of collogenous, elastic or reticular fibers
Collagen fibers tough, gelatin when hydrated ¼ of our protein, white
Reticular fibers delicate, support capillaries, made of reticulin
Proteoglycons glucosamine polysaccharide chains, defense, found in matrix
Areolar not specialized, “like a small space” because bubbles during dissection. Sift this gen, hyaluronidase turns to liquid
Fibroblasts synthesize ground substance and fibers
Macrophages phagocytes, derived from white blood cells
Adipose fewer mast, fibro and macrophages
Reticular tissue 3-D web, spleen, lymphocyte and marrow, defense
Dense fibrous few fibroblasts regular (parallel rows, tendons and ligaments, collagen fibers) irregular (dermis, intertwine)
Ligaments made of elastic fibers
Tendons made of collagen fibers
Irregular dense fibrous forms a mat and make sup dermis=inner skin
Bone also called osseous tissue, highly specialized, 65% salts=hardness
Osteon haversion system
Lacunae where bone cells are located in the concentric circles
Lamellae bone matrix
Conaliculi canals that connect each lacuna and osteocyte with blood vessels in haversion canals
Membrane bones skull, formed within a membrane
Endochondral ossification replacement of cartilage with bone
Cartilage made of chondrocyte, have lacunae, avascular
Perichondrium where blood is received from, in cartilage, causes it to heal slowly
Hyaline cartilage “glass” shiny, low collagen, trachea bands and joints
Fibro cartilage strongest, vertebrae and large joints, shock absorbers, lots of collage fibers
Elastic cartilage few collagen fibers, lots of elastin, high flexibility, voice box and ears
Blood transport nutrients and waste products; maintain pH, formed in red marrow
Hematopoietic tissue formation of blood tissue
Smooth muscle is also called visceral
Tissue repair phagocitic cells remove dead or injured ones, collage fibers fill l in gap after cut, leaving a scar if too deep
Keloid unusually thick scar in lower layer of skin
When muscle is injured damaged muscle is replaced by fibrous tissue
Exocrine glandular epithelium discharge secretions into ducts
Endocrine glandular epithelium ductless, secreted into blood
Membrane sheet like structure that performs an important function
Epithelial membrane epithelial tissue + specialized connective
Cutaneous membrane skin
Serous membrane lines cavities not open to external environment like organs
Mucous membrane open to exterior, respiratory, digestive and reproductive tract
Connective membrane made of various types of connective tissue
Synovial membrane spaces between bones and joints, excretes synovial fluid which is a lubrication and reduces friction, bursae
mast cell filled with granules, histamine, allergic reactions
endothelium simple squamous cells capable of changing permeability
keratinized stratified squamous aid in preventing the loss of bodily fluid
cuboidal is found.... covering the ovaries and in kidney tubules
connective tissue has many... blood vessels, which aids in the distribution of nutrients
nongranular leukocytes monocyte (blob with three humps) and lymphocyte (giant blob)
granular leukocytes basophil(mickey mouse ears), neutrophil (three blobs connected by thin strands) and eosinophil (headphones, 2 blobs 1 strand)
fibrous connective tissue is found parallel to bone, giving it its strength, called white fibrous, cover muscles
most common cartilage hyaline, prone to wear and tear, fetal skeleton
dendrites recieve and conduct impulses towards teh cell
axon conducts impulses away fromt eh cell body and are generally called nerve fibers
collaterals branches of axon
neuroglial cells astrocytes, bind neurons together and suport neural structures, connective tissue of nervous system
two types of epithelium membranous and glandular
glandular epithelium consists of... columnar and cuboidal
epithelium of ovaries columnar and goblet
epithelium of mouth stratified squamous
epithelium of lungs simple squamous
two basic components of connective tissue cells and extra cellular fibers
connective tissue is the ....... most diverse
epithelium in stomach columnar
actual formation fo duct invagination
tendons and ligaments are made of fibrous connective tissue
minerals in the bones calcium, magnesium, phosphorus
hyelin cartilage's makeup gelatenous, no fibers
bone is also called osseus tissue
connective tissue (cartilage) has.... chondrocytes
specialized connective tissue cartilage, bone, blood
cartilage specialized cells in a matrix of extracellular fibers
bone is made of... osteocytes and calcified cartilage
two types of bone tissue spongy (spongiform) and compact (cancellous)
striations are... the overlap of actin adn myosin fibers
nerve cells are irritable and conducive
if it is mylinated... it can move faster
in between schwann cells are node of ranvier
covered in myelin in nerve cell... schwann's cell
Created by: reidabook
Popular Biology sets




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