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Facial Bone Anatomy
Question | Answer |
What are the 14 facial bones? | Vomer, Mandible, Lt & Rt Maxillae, Lt & Rt Zygoma (Malar), Lt & Rt Lacrimal, Lt & Rt Nasal bones, Lt & Rt Inferior Nasal Conchae, Lt & Rt Palatine bones. |
What are the 3 cavities of the face? | Mouth (oral), Nasal, Orbit |
What are the processes on the Maxillae? | Frontal process, Zygomatic process, Alveolar process, Palatine process. |
What is a Cleft Palate? | An opening between the Rt & Lt Palatine process of the Maxillae, or an incomplete joinning of the maxillae. |
What constitutes the hard palate? | Lt & Rt Palatine processes of the Maxillae & the horizontal portion of the Lt & Rt Palatine bones. |
What is another name for the Zygoma? | The Malar bones |
Where is the Zygoma located? | The Zygoma is located laterall to the Zygomatic process of the Maxillae. |
What forms the Zygomatic Arch? Is the Zygomatic process of the Maxillae part of the Zygomatic arch? | The Zygomatic arch is formed by the Zygoma & the Zygomatic process of the Temporal bone. No the Zygomatic process of the Maxillae is not part of the Zygomatic Arch. |
What do the Zygoma (Malar) bones articulate with? | Fontal bone superiorly, Temporal bone posteriorly, Maxillae anteriorly. |
WHich facial bones are the most delicate? | The Lacrimal bones & Nasal bones. |
Where are the Lacrimal bones located? | Lacrimal bones lie anteriorly on the medial side of each orbit & just posterior to the frontal process of the Maxilla. |
What does the Lacrimal bone articulate with? | Lacrimal bones articulate with Frontal bone, Ethmoid bone, Maxillae, Inferior Nasal Conchae. |
What is the Nasion? | The point of junction of the 2 Nasal bones with the 2 Frontal bones. |
What do the Nasal bones articulate with? | Frontal bone, Ethmoid bone, Lt & Rt Maxillae, the adjacent Nasal bone. |
Are the Superior & Middle Nasal Conchae part of the Facial bones? | The Superior & Middle Nasal Conchae are part of the Ethmoid bone which is a skull bone. |
Which part of the Ethmoid bone separates the cranium from the facial bone mass? | The Cribiform plate & the Crista Galli. |
Where are the Palatine bones located? Where is the vertical portion of the Palatine bones located? | The palatine boners are located internally. The vertical portion extends upward between the Maxillae & Pterygoid plate of the Sphenoid bone. |
What do the Palatine bones articulate with? | Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Maxillae, Inferior Nasal Conchae, Vomer & the adjacent Palatine bone. |
How many degrees do the orbits lie from the midsagittal plane & the horizontal plane? | 37 degrees from the mid sagittal plane & 30 degrees caudad from the horizontal plane. |
What bones is each orbit composed of (Medial Superior to Medial to Lateral)? | Frontal bone (orbital plate), Maxillae, Lacrimal, Ethmoid, Palatine, SPhenoid (Greater Wing), Zygoma/Malar |
What is the Sphenoid Strut? What would happen to the Sphenoid Strut with any abnormal enlargement of the optic nerve? | The portion of the Sphenoid that separates the Superior Orbital Fissure & the Optic Foramen. ABnormal enlargment of the Optic nerve could cause erosion of the Sphenoid Strut. |
From superior to inferior medially to laterally what are the foramen & fissures on the Sphenoid in the Orbits? | The Optic Foramen, Superior Orbital Fissure, Inferior Orbital Fissure. |
What is a Blowout fracture? What is it caused by? What happens & why? | A fracture of the floor of the orbit caused by an object striking the eyes straight on. The floor of the orbit ruptures the inferior portion of the orbit into little pieces because there's no room in the orbital cavity for the extra force. |
Where will the CR be directed to demonstrate all the pieces of a blowout fracture? | The Cr will be directed tangentially to the pieces. |
What is a Tripod fracture caused by? What does it result in? | Tripod fracture is the result of a blow to the cheek. Results in fracture to the Zygoma in 3 pieces. Resulting in free floating Zygoma which broke off from the sutures. |